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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    I am in IT and using a phone that isn't secure creates so many threats. Also, Android may be secure enough for the average consumer but it is not secure enough for a very high ranking political official who deals with classified information.
    BlackJack and CluelessKlutz like this.
  2. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Again, he is not using an unsecured phone for his presidential job, but only his personal use. There is no information on his personal phone dealing with politics besides his twitter account.
  3. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    If it is on him it is a threat. They can be used to listen in on people and to take pictures. It can also be used to trace him.
    BlackJack and Deljikho like this.
  4. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    its really not that big of a deal,
  5. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hackers and enemies possibly being able to listen in and track the president is not that big of a deal?
    BlackJack and Deljikho like this.
  6. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    it is concerning but there is no proof that he has that phone in on his meetings, people are having him switch to a new secured phone.
  7. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    He carries 2 phones. One isn't secured, one is. He is the president, both should be secured so people don't get onto the microphone and webcam on his unsecured phone and record his calls on the secured phone.
    SuperDyl and Erebus45 like this.
  8. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Trump orders an intelligence report on regarding his temporary ban on 7 countries. Department of Homeland Security comes back and says our intelligence finds no evidence that those 7 countries put our country at risk, 50% of the 80 something terrorist attacks originate from U.S Citizens.

    Trump rejects this report, an official aide says -

    "“The president asked for an intelligence assessment,” the official said. “This is not the intelligence assessment the president asked for.”"

    Trump rejects DHS intelligence report on travel ban
    SuperDyl and Erebus45 like this.
  9. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    We need strong border control on those 7 countries. We need to know who is coming into our country. Do you understand that the 7 countries he temp banned don't have a "true" government so there is no way of getting a background check or anything done on the people from those countries, really. and ISIS controls territories in some of those countries.
  10. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Please tell me you at least read Deinen's post.
    Our own citizens are more of a threat than immigrants. Yet I don't fully comprehend how people could want stronger border control and weaker gun registration laws.
    Natsu and Erebus45 like this.
  11. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I read everything y'all post. So yes, I did read his post. You say 50% of the 80 something attacks were by Americans (so roughly 40 of them), so that means the other 50% was by an immigrant, NOW what you fail to realize and many people do is the immigrants that applied for citizenship, were supposed to be denied, by got it anyways. Under the Obama administration in 2016 there were over 800 people that were supposed to be deported that gained citizenship. So within the 50% of Americans that held an attack how many were truly born in America. As I stated earlier the Orlando shooting, he was born in America but his family was born outside, and he also had ties to Syria, Libya, and somewhere else. SO, again, what is the problem with knowing who is coming into the country?
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 25, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 25, 2017 ---
    ALSO! One more point I forgot to mention, Trump is attempting to set up safe zones in Syria, so the people can stay safe until they can LEGALLY come over here. Many immigrants in my town have come here LEGALLY and they said they love this country so much they wouldn't even think about coming over here illegally. That's coming from immigrants!
  12. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    They already had this, and the government bombed them. What about what donald trump is doing is going to make them succeed?
  13. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Alright I have no clue what your not understanding. Illegal aliens come to America illegally, they work under the table and don't have to pay taxes, or they work at a low rate, taking jobs away from citizens. Within getting a cheap labor job they also receive government housing, education, food stamps, and more. (NOT ALL OF THEM BUT MOST OF THEM) when they get that, it's averaged to be around $30,000 a year to around 75% of them. With around 12 million of them here that's roughly 8 million, do you understand how many BILLIONS of dollars that is? With America in debt by the TRILLIONS we have NO room to help ILLEGAL people. We have veterans that are homeless, Americans that are jobless, and illegals getting a free ride. At my school alone (I can't speak for all states and what not but this is simply my school) immigrants are receiving free scholarships just for being an immigrant, do you understand how many I've received for just being an American? NONE! I have to take a test to pass school and get my diploma, if you don't speak English or you are here via green card you get help and extra time on it. NOW! Let's talk about how easy it is to come over here, you apply for a green card, that takes 6 months to a year, if you can't wait that long you can file for an advance that is normally accepted after 3 months. Or you can file for a "nonmigrant" visa, which is a limited stay but you can work and apply for green card after your here. You can come here via work visa. Once you are here you can apply to become a citizen (also this makes you an actual citizen no longer an immigrant and you can't be deported, such as Melania Trump, she can't ever be deported) then when you come here legally everyone is happy.
  14. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    poverty is a choice, the veterans need to work harder. :)
    Erebus45 likes this.
  15. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    The veterans need to work harder? I come from a military family and they worked their ass off to protect your freedom. so don't tell me they need to work harder. you sir are a joke and I no longer want to argue with you! highly inappropriate.
  16. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    ??? I don't understand you at all.

    First of all, Trump rejected entrance of 60000 legal immigrants with legal documentation, not illegal immigrants.
    Second, illegal immigrants do not get scholarships or any proper education. They are mistreated and overworked in conditions that they never get enough money to apply for legal citizenship. Yes, there are some public schools that educate illegal immigrants, but their standards are very low. You talk about immigrants not being able to speak English. How are they to learn a language if they are rejected education?
    Third, Legal immigrants do get scholarships. So do Americans. However, they are assessed very unequally compared to natives. For example, college tuitions, especially for public schools, are higher for those with student visas than those with citizenships and green cards. Maybe the reason you haven't earned a scholarship is because you haven't shown signs that make you worthy of a scholarship. Being an American does not make you worthy, or else everyone would get free money.
    Fourth, it is difficult to migrate to America legally. Many who want to are people that cannot live in a safe, healthy, humane environment. When one is forced to leave their own country due to warfare, lack of safety, etc, they often do not have the money for a visa or any other type of documentation. What are they supposed to do? Come in illegally? Kill themselves??
    Fifth, immigrants do contribute a whole lot to America. Yes they pay taxes. My parents pay taxes to the IRS and we have Japanese citizenships. Immigrants were the ones who've built America. Remember Carnegie? America is rejecting its ideals under Trump.
    Sixth, veterans being homeless and the immigrants issue are two different topics that have nothing to do with each other. Both natives and immigrants can be in poverty. This is a capitalist nation after all and anyone can make money, anyone can lose money. If you want to guve aids to your veterans then you can fund that separately.

    Overall I don't think you have a good understanding of what the problem is.
    Erebus45 and SuperDyl like this.
  17. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Alrighty, so, At my school they are literally giving scholarships to kids that were not born in America. We have a texting system in our county (remind 101) where our college and career counselor and the teacher etc can text their students for tips, ideas, and to just remind them about important dates. My college and career counselor literally sent us a text saying "if you are an immigrant and do not have citizenship then please come to my office for a $1,000 scholarship" this has happened many times. I did not say I needed a hand out of free college because I'm an American citizen but I have never been able to get a scholarship just for being an American as others at my school have gotten just for being an immigrant. Second, I NEVER said the issue was immigrant so PLEASE do NOT put words in my mouth and that is what a lot of people do to Trump supporters, they take what they said, turn it around and make it seem bad. I said "illegal aliens" do not pay taxes, work under the table, the free housing, food stamps, education and I literally see it with my own eyes. I have noting against an immigrant I do have a lot against illegal immigrants. Third! Knowing who is coming into our country is a MUST to keep us safe, he banned those 7 countries because they don't have a "true government" so we cant just get a background check on them, and find out their background and if they have ever done something bad. Fourth, Veterans and immigration are not two totally different things, in fact they are much alike. We shouldn't be taking in anyone until Americans are taken care of first. If you cant feed your family do you feed your neighbor because they cant support themselves? No, you take care of yourself first then help your neighbor. We need to make sure atleast our Veterans are 100% taken care of before helping other countries. I am 100% fine with helping others as long as we are taken care of first. Last! How many is too much? Ann Coulter said "when is enough enough?" how do we help every person? I wish we could, I truly do. but we literally cant. I don't see any person trying to help the immigrants get here? house them? feed them? give them health care? If yall want them to be able to come over here then take them in! Would you let an illegal immigrant stay in your home?
  18. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    With your school: that is messed up and that is a issue with the local administration, not the federal administration. The issue is not nationwide. Most of us legal immigrants do pay taxes like I said. Illegal immigrants are constantly being deported. If they are giving out aids to illegal immigrants them they are committing a crime for inappropriately using tax money.

    With your second and third: the issue IS the immigration and how you deal with it. You talk about how Trump banning legal residents are justified because of background checks. They already have done background checks on these people. They are not illegal. It doesn't matter if the government is proper. Those people were confirmed that they possess no threat to the country.

    Next: they don't have any federal budgets supporting illegal immigrants, so there is nothing cut off from the budget that supports veterans. If you think you need more veterans cared for, then call your congressman not the Department of Homeland Security.

    And yes if I know that an illegal immigrant needs help and that he/she does no harm then I would let him/her in my house.

    PS: what I say is a general fact that applies to most of the nation, not just my experiences in one county.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2017
  19. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I can't vouch for what goes on in you specific county because I don't live there, but the issues Trump talks about I do see for my own eyes in my state/county. For the one hundredth time, my problem is not immigration my problem is illegal immigration. As for the Veterans I believe every single Vet should be taken care of before any immigrant is taken care of. They served our country they should have the greatest of respect from everyone. Under the Obama administration up close to 2,000 individuals were granted citizenship that were supposed to be deported for either illegal immigration, or some bad crime. 2,000 people! After Trumps TEMPORARY ban, after they froze it within 24 hours over 1,000 people were let in ILLEGALLY! Let me stress this again, I AM NOT AGAINST IMMIGRATION, I AM AGAINST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! I do understand we have people that help our country everyday that are immigrants, I greatly applaud them. And wether you would actually let one of them in your home to stay or your just saying that, you may let them but many won't. There's a petition going around that J.K. Rawling let's them stay in her mansion, she has now shut her mouth! If someone illegally migrated to another country such as Syria, Libya, and many many others they would be instantly put in prison, tortured, held hostage, and or killed. So why can't we deport the ones who do that to us? We're not asking for a death sentence we're asking them to follow the law.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 26, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 26, 2017 ---
    Please excuse some of my grammar issues, I am typing on my phone.
  20. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Your parents worked there asses off and there not poor right? any and all homeless people/veterans on the street could fix there situation if they did something about it. Poverty is like homosexuality a choice.
    Erebus45 likes this.

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