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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    1 - "Iranian entities sanctioned by the Trump Administration."
    - Iran entities sanctioned - This is not singular of the Trump White House, this is run of the mill policy from our government

    2 - "Presidential Actions to ensure the safety of the American people."
    - Which actions would this be, outside the unlawful executive order - which does nothing to make us any more secure.

    3 - "Speeches outlining his national security plans."
    - Can you cite any examples from these speeches, as they are often full of rambling and contradictory information / statements.

    4 - "Meeting with First Responders and Law Enforcement Officials who helped make the President’s Inauguration a success."
    - .... ? Ok, he met with his security at his inauguration, how does this benefit the American people?

    5 - "Meeting convened with cybersecurity experts to discuss the threats to our nation."
    - Yes, he met with them and then postponed his executive order directing the Office of Management and Budget to lead an investigation into the cyber security risks of the executive branch, while agency heads dictated practices within their agency. -- I'm not sure what was accomplished here, other than not much.

    6 - "Cabinet or Cabinet-Level nominees confirmed in roles vital to the nation’s security."
    - Yes, here he is literally just doing his job, badly I might add. Do you know who any of these cabinet members are and their background are?

    7 - "Diplomatic conversations with foreign leaders to promote an America first foreign policy."
    - If you want I'll run down the list of public meetings with foreign leaders, spoiler; most of them haven't gone that well. Actually MPs from almost every party in the UK just debating barring Trump from meeting with them. You know the UK, United Kingdom, one of our oldest and most important allies.

    Firing a single secret service agent is absolutely meaningless. Let's examine his cabinet thus far:

    State Department: Rex Tillerson

    - CEO of Exxon
    - No government experience
    - Ties to Vladimir Putin who awarded him "Order of Friendship"

    Treasury Department: Steve Mnuchin

    - Former senior exec at Goldman Sachs, one of the banks taxpayers had to bail out.
    - No government experience
    - Known as the "foreclosure King" while CEO of OneWest banks.

    Department of Defense: General James Mattis

    - I actually have no bad things to say about this man, he's a good guy.

    Department of Justice: Jeff Sessions

    - Failed to acquire a judgeship due to racial comments and actions as Alabama AG.
    - Voted against an amendment banning "cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment" of prisoners.
    - Climate Change skeptic - Cannot be trusted to accept basic science and fact.

    Department of Homeland Security: John Kelly

    - Not much bad to say about this guy

    Department of Health and Human Services: Tom Price

    - Wants to do away with the ACA, while a failure, isn't something to be scrapped without some working replacement.

    Department of Housing and Urban Development: Ben Carson

    - Absolutely no government experience, and no experience in this field.
    - His qualifications were cited as "Being poor in detroit" and "lived in HUD housing" - Turns out he never lived in hud housing.
    - At 14, he was an attempted murderer (Most likely a lie)

    Department of Energy: Rick Perry

    - The dude had literally no idea what the department of energy did, stating several times he wanted to eliminate the agency

    Department of Labor: Alexander Acosta

    - Nothing horrible stands out from him, some political issues at his last tenure in Bush's Justice department, screening hires for their political views, probably fairly standard.

    Department of Transportation: Elaine Chao

    - Actually a great pick

    Department of Education: Betsy Devos

    - Being from Michigan, I know the Devos' well. Like her, I support Charter schools - However, she has always pushed for public money to help fund charter, and religious schools. She has also argued against regulation of these schools that would receive public money. She also supported Common Core, which has been a blight on our schools at this point.
    - No government experience

    Department of the Interior: Ryan Zinke

    - Climate change denial

    Department of Commerce: Wilbur Ross

    - Made his name cutting costs at businesses, laying off countless employees.
    - Owner of the mine, Sago Mine, that exploded in 2006, the previous year 2005, the mine was cited 208 for violating regulations, 96 of them were considered significant/serious and substantial

    Department of Agriculture: Sonny Perdue

    - I honestly don't know much about him, nothing horrible pops up. Two term Governer of Georgia

    Department of VA: David Shulkin

    - Holdover from Obama

    Quite a few billionaires and elite that Trump railed against in his entire campaign.

    Ok, first, you know Alex Jones is a f**cking nutter right? The dude is outright delusional, his infowars is just as insane? He literally claimed Clinton and Obama were actual real demons that smelt like sulfur. He claims 9/11 was an inside job. If you put any clout into anything he says, then you're clearly an idiot and there is no helping that, I'm sorry.

    Now, onto the main part: A Judge, who is elected, said CNN is fake news.

    The snopes article you linked is literally saying it's false. This is the actual decision by the judge

    Davide M. Carbone v. Cable New Network

    He denied CNN's motion to strike down the lawsuit, a defamation suit. He simply denied to dismiss the lawsuit immediately, he never once claimed or insinuated CNN was "fake news"

    As for your standard: "Fake News is when a news source doesn't give the full truth, gives their opinion and turns it into fact so people believe it"

    So what you are saying is every media outlet is fake news, every single one? I can list examples of this coming from almost every outlet there is, including CNN and Fox News.

    Can you cite me a specific example of fake news?

    BlackJack, LR_Davius and Erebus45 like this.
  2. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Your opinion on the cabinet members, to some I can agree, to a very small amount. Searching for "fake news" I came acrossed 16 false news articles that someone else has picked apart and put together so that was easy for me, full credit to this guy who made this

    16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

    I never said every single news article is fake but MANY people only watch the news and what the news says is what they believe. News can influence people, that's fine, but to hide the truth and make everything Trump does seem bad is not fair. You'll never hear about what Trump did for Jennifer Hudson, a black woman, oh wait Trump is apparently against woman and a "racist".

    I'm going to ask you a question, as you have asked me many, over and over.

    How is Trump's temp ban unlawful?
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 21, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 21, 2017 ---
    Oh and with Ben Carson, he came out and told the truth about something that happened in middle school. He grew up in a different time, were all young and dumb at some point. That shouldn't effect the man he is today. Which is a pretty successful one.
  3. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    I know you said it takes a business man, I also know you stated that you NEVER SAID THAT AMERICA NEEDED A business MAN. I was pointing out a contradiction mate ;D

    He doesn't care about cyber security, he uses a unsecured phone. Response?

    Dude, infowars is literally the worst place to get news from. It turns the frogs gay.
  4. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    It does not contradict, please put your head on your shoulders and let it sink in. Again, "we need business man to clear up and national debt and we need an American to run the country" Trump is both. I don't mean American as in born in the United States, but American as in, a hard working, god loving, giving, AMERICAN. Someone who loves this country, and tbh TRUMP HAS MORE THEN SHOWN HIS LOVE FOR AMERICA! In MANY way!
  5. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    I didn't think you thought cleaning up the national debt wasn't running the country, thanks for the clarification. ;)

    Ok, this behavior is getting annoying, its fine to like a candidate, but this is a debates section, for debating. Please, only bring up points you actually want to see debated, also THE FLASH IS THE BEST TV SHOW IT HAS MORE THAN SHOWN ITS BESTNESS AS A TV SHOW! in MANY way!
    Muunkee and Erebus45 like this.
  6. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    lol okay I'm sorry for hurting your feelings.
  7. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Did you read the post?
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I ment with the caps, silly goose.
  9. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    So every time you write a sentence in all caps, are your feelings hurt? silly goose ;P
  10. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Maybe just a little :p
  11. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

    Likes Received:
    Not to mention all the offices he's yet to fill. Most presidents have their full staff team decided between Election and Inauguration. Trump still has many many open seats. (Also please note these are not senate approved seats, there is no partisan obstruction).

    White House Office - Wikipedia

    If you go to the "Organization" section, you can see how many offices currently do not have anyone operating them. The white house does not even have an "IT Guy" as you can see in subsection 8: Office of Information Technology. There are just so many places without any names next to them it's ridiculous.

    Full Text (open)

    Office of the Chief of Staff
    • Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff: Reince Priebus
      • Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff: Katie Walsh
      • Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations: Joe Hagin
      • Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative, Intergovernmental Affairs, and Implementation: Rick Dearborn
    • Assistant to the President, Senior Counselor and Chief Strategist: Stephen Bannon
    • Assistant to the President and Counselor: Kellyanne Conway
    • Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor: Jared Kushner
    • Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor for Policy: Stephen Miller
    Domestic Policy Council
    • Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council: Andrew Bremberg
      • Office of National AIDS Policy: None
      • Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships: None
      • Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation: None
      • White House Rural Council: None
    National Economic Council
    • Assistant to the President and Director of the National Economic Council: Gary Cohn
    Office of Cabinet Affairs
    • Deputy Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary: Bill McGinley
    Office of Communications
    • Assistant to the President and White House Communications Director: Michael Dubke
      • Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Communications: Jessica Ditto
      • Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Communications for Research: Raj Shah
    • Assistant to the President and Director of Strategic Communications: Hope Hicks
    • Assistant to the President and Director of Social Media: Dan Scavino
    • Office of the Press Secretary
      • Assistant to the President and Press Secretary: Sean Spicer
    • Office of Speechwriting
      • Assistant to the President and Director of Speechwriting: None
    Office of Digital Strategy
    • Deputy Assistant to the President and Chief Digital Officer: Gerrit Lansing
    Office of the First Lady
    Office of Information Technology
    • Special Assistant to the President and Director of White House Information Technology: None
    Office of Legislative Affairs
    • Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs: Marc Short
      • Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs: None
        • Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs and House Liaison: None
        • Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs and Senate Liaison: None
    Office of Management and Administration
    • Assistant to the President for Management and Administration: None
      • Deputy Assistant to the President for Management and Administration: None
        • White House Operations: None
        • White House Personnel: None
        • White House Photo Office: None
        • White House Switchboard: None
        • White House Visitors Office: None
      • Office of Administration: None
    Office of the National Security Advisor
    • Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor: H. R. McMaster
      • Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor: K. T. McFarland
      • Assistant to the President for Homeland Security And Counterterrorism and Deputy National Security Advisor: Thomas Bossert
      • Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting: None
    Office of Political Affairs
    • Assistant to the President and Director of Political Affairs: Bill Stepien
    Office of Presidential Personnel
    • Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Personnel: John DeStefano
    Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs
    • Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement: Anthony Scaramucci
      • Office of Public Engagement
        • Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison: Omarosa Manigault
      • Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
        • Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs: Justin Clark
      • Council on Women and Girls
        • Chair of the Council on Women and Girls: None
      • Office of Urban Affairs, Justice and Opportunity
        • Deputy Assistant to the President for the Office of Urban Affairs, Justice and Opportunity: None
    Office of Scheduling and Advance
    • Assistant to the President and Director of Scheduling and Advance:
      • Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Advance: George Gigicos
      • Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Scheduling: None
    Office of the Staff Secretary
    • Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary: Rob Porter
      • Office of Presidential Correspondence: None
      • Office of the Executive Clerk: None
      • Office of Records Management: None
    Office of the White House Counsel
    • Assistant to the President and Counsel to the President: Donald McGahn
      • Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Counsel to the President: None
    Oval Office Operations
    • Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Oval Office Operations: Keith Schiller
    • Special Assistant to the President and Executive Assistant to the President: Madeleine Westerhout
    • Special Assistant to the President and Personal Aide to the President: John McEntee
    White House Fellows
    • Director, President's Commission on White House Fellowships: None
    White House Military Office
    • Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Military Office: Emmett Beliveau
      • Deputy Director of the White House Military Office for Operations: None
      • White House Communications Agency (Joint Services Unit)
      • Presidential Airlift Group (United States Air Force)
      • White House Medical Unit (United States Navy)
      • Deputy Assistant and Physician to the President:
      • Camp David (United States Navy)
      • Marine Helicopter Squadron One (United States Marine Corps)
      • White House Mess or Presidential Food Service (United States Navy)
      • White House Transportation Agency (United States Army)
      • General Counsel
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
  12. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Not really ridiculous but call it what you want.
  13. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

    Likes Received:
    Ridiculous: deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.

    The fact that Trump hasn't appointed anyone to IT for the White House, or anyone at all for the entire Department of Management and Administration is quite frankly absurd.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  14. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Not really, yes he is taking his time but no one has really ever had their entire cabinet picked out by this time besides George W Bush. Obama didn't, Clinton didn't and many others. Trump has 7 of his 14 confirmed. It isn't as easy as you think to pick the people you want in your cabinet and he's only been in office for a month. That shouldn't be a problem and I'm not sure why your so concerned about it, now if he had been in office for 6 months to a year then yes I could see your point on this, but not this early in his presidency.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 23, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 23, 2017 ---
    On top of the fact that Obamas cabinet is temporarily doing the job within those empty positions until Trump picks the rest of his so it's not like no one is doing that particluar job.
  15. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Its not even his cabinet. It's general daily jobs crucial to operating the White House. And nobody has ever taken this long to appoint people to these "mundane" jobs, most Presidents have them decided before they're inaugurated. I agree with you on the cabinet positions, but these jobs are not the same.

    Assistant to the President for Management and Administration: None
    • Deputy Assistant to the President for Management and Administration: None
      • White House Operations: None
      • White House Personnel: None
      • White House Photo Office: None
      • White House Switchboard: None
      • White House Visitors Office: None
    • Office of Administration: None

    This means that, as of January 20th, the white house has been closed to the public. If you were to visit the white house today you could not get a tour of the famous historic building that has basically been open to the public throughout all of American History.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    As Melania stated, as of March 7, she will be reopening the tours. Again, if them not operating a tour is your top concern you should really open your eyes there buddy. lol again, doesn't make much sense.
  17. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Myself, and Deinen, have given you an extensive list of concerns. Except you either flat out ignore the postulations or give a half-hearted answer. It's quite funny that this is one of the many concerns that you chose to respond to. Also, there are a lot more critical roles in the White House that do not have positions filled. The tour example was just to show you it's not even cabinet members, or partisan obstruction. Buddy.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I'm sorry, did I not respond to something? I believe I did but if you would like to know my response on a topic that I may have missed please let me know and I will gladly tell you :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 23, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 23, 2017 ---
    FYI - Obama only had 42 nominations submitted and 28 confirmed at this point during his presidency to Trumps 34 with 14 confirmed. He can not help the fact that 20 of them have not been confirmed so again it's not just him.
  19. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Why reply to an argument you can lose? That would just make you look bad.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 24, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 24, 2017 ---
    @Blue_marlin98 You will respond to this right? ;0
    Deljikho likes this.
  20. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    lol Donald Trump may be using an "unsecured" phone for personal use such as his twitter account (even tho android is pretty secure for consumer use) but if you actually paid attention and didn't just read the titles of a Forbes magazine or CNN news you would know he is not using it for business and presidential work. And I don't feel I am losing an argument I just don't know what I haven't answered already?

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