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Gay Rights

Discussion in 'Debates' started by scoowby, May 7, 2014.

  1. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    Gays have rights just as straights have rights. The thing the gays don't entirely have is the same social normality of straights. I don't think that people forcing their newfound beliefs *cough* sjw's *cough*, but just time for society to absorb the new way of thinking. Personally, I used to look at my gay friends as different because of their sexuality. I changed in the sense that I see no difference now. Sexuality doesn't determine who they are as a person, just who they are solely physically attracted to.

    Additionally, gay marriage law has been passed. This thread was created in 2014, prior to its legalization. What is there exactly to debate?
  2. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    Keep the debate section dead, it was terrible.
  3. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    I liked it..
    Oh w8 I'm terrible
    Ranger0203 likes this.
  4. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    When it was big the only arguments that were ever made were so old and stale and had been destroyed many times.
  5. scoowby

    scoowby Celebrity Meeper

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    Excuse me but this is one of the biggest threads on this website.
  6. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    That still doesn't answer my question, what is there to debate in this topic?
  7. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Some people believe that gay marriage is morally/religiously/scientifically wrong while others believe that gay people should be able to choose who they marry and pursue their interests.
  8. x_bigheart_x

    x_bigheart_x Celebrity Meeper

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    i don't know, maybe the fact that i can barely go to starbucks with my girlfriend without being harassed?
    we still don't have the rights that every other couple has, and still don't get the representation we deserve, considering we take up a large part of the population.
    (i say we because i am part of the lgbt+ community)
  9. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    Fair enough!
    Describe this harassment. It isn't an uncommon thing for two girls to go to Starbucks together which leads me to believe that a) you are showing pda (which is frowned upon when it's straight couples as well), or b) you are making it up for the sake of your argument. If the latter is the case, just say so now and save us both some time.

    (read bold to skip statistic calculations)

    Your profile says you are from cali. In cali, 61.5% are democrat, 31.5% are republican, 7% are other. Of the democrats, 70% agree with gay marriage. Republicans 33% and other 61%. Taking an average based on both stats, I conclude that 57.715% of people in California are in favor of gay marriage. Additionally, a quick study shows that the majority of Starbucks customers are democrat, drastically swaying the acceptance statistic in your hypothetical situation even further towards your not being harassed. A study from 2013 shows that 73% of LGBT people have experienced harassment. According to The Washington Post, 4.5% of people identify as gay or transgender. Using these two statistics, we find that 3.285% of people are LGBT AND have been harassed at one point in their lives. Assuming these occurrences are from unique antagonists (further bloating the statistic in your favor), 3.285% of people harass LGBT.As for Starbucks patrons, an estimated 750 people visit each store, each day. Starbucks is open 16.5 hours of the day, averaging 45.45 people per hour. Saying that the average stay is 15 minutes, the normal amount of people to see in a Starbucks store is 11.36.

    Factoring in that the majority of California (57.715%) is in favor of LGBT rights, democrats, who are more favoring of LGBT rights, are more likely to use the Starbucks franchise, there are 11.36 people, on average, in a Starbucks store (11.36 people), that only a small percentage of the population (3.285%) harass the LGBT community, that the average lifespan is 79 years, and assuming that you spend an average of 15 mins in a Starbucks each visit, I conclude that you have a <0.00001348%*n factor chance of being harassed each visit to Starbucks. Now plug in the amount of times you have been harassed as variable "n" and that is the percent chance you will be harassed in Starbucks. (ie, you have been harassed 16 times at Starbucks (0.00001348%*16= 0.000216% chance)

    God bless anyone who follows my math :p that took me half an hour to check my work. If anyone finds an error, point it out and I will be happy to take a look!

    Also, 4.5% is a
    Not to slander your argument, this just made me giggle a little bit.

    The point of this post tho isn't to give a statistic. My point is that you aren't likely to be harassed when you go out.

    Overall, gays have equal rights in the law. What needs to change is people's thoughts about gays. Unlike the law, you can't change a population's ideology ever so quickly. It takes time. The way I see it, rather than rubbing it in people's faces, antagonizing them with gay marches and things like that, we just give them time with the new law to see that gays really aren't bad people rather than forcing an ideology on. When something is forced, it puts up resistance. Sometimes, it snaps. Let's not try to do that, shall we?
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
  10. Maximum Trump

    Maximum Trump Meeper

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    I love the gays!

    USA! USA!
    Enron and Natsu like this.
  11. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Not if you if you factor out the 12 year olds screaming "White cis scum" and calling people libtards.
    Please support one of the arguments you mentioned or else there still isn't anything to debate about.
    You have the right to capitalize your I's, please take advantage ;)
    You can't deny someones experience, they very well could have been harassed, I don't agree with what they said (its globalization) but this is inherently wrong.
    I honestly could never understand why someone would get upset about a bunch of adult men and women (And helicopters) making a fool of themselves.
  12. x_bigheart_x

    x_bigheart_x Celebrity Meeper

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    ah, sorry! i was using going to starbucks as an example, i hoped no one who take that literally. i probably should've been more specific in my example.
    but usually the harassment we receive is from middle/high schoolers who will follow us around the school area and yell slurs at us that i can't post on the forums. i'm sure you can guess which ones.
    teachers have done everything they can to stop it, but they're teenagers so they're not gonna listen.
    we've also received harassment from a lot of mentally ill people who live on the streets. but those have been easy to solve, due to the fact we've been in public areas while receiving said hate.
    i appreciate that you went through all the math, that's actually super impressive. also, i hope i explained myself, but if i didn't, please let me know! :)
    Aarett likes this.
  13. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    That is way better than how you made it sound the 1st time christ. Huge difference being bullied at school and going to public places being harassed all the time, where as outside of school majority of the time people will be sticking up for you if it happened. If you do anything that is relativity considered out of the norm to some people you will cop it at school, where as when you are older a lot of people couldn't care less what others are doing.
    Aarett and Cherrykit like this.
  14. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    I see, kids will do that because they grew up seeing it as different from the norm. The way I see it, their views are how they are because of things such as gay marches. I see it in line to how a little kid would look at someone with a disability weird just because they are different (not to equate being gay with a disability before someone points that out, just an example lol). As they mature into adulthood, they look past it to see others's actual characters rather than just appearance, or in your case, sexuality. It's a maturity thing. As far as the mentally ill go, I'm not very... experienced, I believe the word is as far as that goes. I'm really not sure what to say except that as culture changes, that will change as well.

    Overall, however, the topic with the possibility of debate would just be the approach to make people more comfortable. The problem that I see with current laws and ideas is that people want policy to push acceptance. I believe that falls under the ideology of Marxism, but I'm not 100% sure. :shy:
    What I see being fit is letting homosexuality become socially acceptable by allowing it time rather than pressuring society. What I find with most people who are, so to speak, "against" homosexuality are simply fed up with how often they hear about it as being an issue, rather than seeing it as morally wrong. People will definitely come around tho!

    Also, I blew the Starbucks thing out of proportion just because why not lol. I never took it 100% seriously, don't worry! ;P
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 9, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 9, 2017 ---
    Don't crucify me for doubting, I wasn't denying experience. Anyways, it was simply a misunderstanding that has been clarified. Thanks for the concern tho
  15. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    How is this thread still alive?

    Anyways, I have a boyfriend now. That's all I had to say.

    -goes back into hibernation-
    x_bigheart_x, Erebus45 and Cherrykit like this.
  16. LR_Davius

    LR_Davius Celebrity Meeper

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    help can some1 give advice

    i think i might have the gay, what do i do ?
  17. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Say you're trans demi forklift purple nurple man boy dude bro, then scream when anyone talks to you about how there sexists
  18. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Ur nineteen. You know by now.
  19. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    WeAreNumberUno likes this.
  20. LR_Davius

    LR_Davius Celebrity Meeper

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    i was homescooled so i lerned about the good stuff not the gay stuff

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