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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    Why am i seeing messages from this thread lol
  2. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    @Blue_marlin98 Millions of American kids transfer schools yearly, and military children do it more regularly than most any kids. I'm sure the child of the President of the United States of America, leader of the Armed Forces, wouldn't have a hard time finding a good school to go to closer to the white house. She just doesn't want to be First Lady and the "my kids school" is just a lame excuse to stay in her lavish worry free. In a sense shouldn't a mother want her family to stay together?
  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Actually she is moving into the White House over summer, she clearly wants to be the First Lady and although other children have been moved to the White House and military children but the entire media hasn't bullied them like they have Barron, names like "handicap, stupid, or hey maybe the play they are making about him "Barron after bedtime" ARE YOU FORREAL? Seriously, typical Liberals and Dems!
  4. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Yes, that is why she's done nothing that a first lady is supposed to do. As of Jan 20th you cant even get a tour of the White House because it's her job to be the director of the interior.

    If Barron is already being bullied, why not have him with a whole family, in a school that doesn't cost millions to the tax payers? You seriously think changing schools will result in more bullying?

    She never wanted to be first lady, and I don't blame her one bit. But making excuses isnt helping out the cause.

    You've also not touched on a single other thing I've said. What about his wall street cabinet picks, rolling back dodd-frank, killing an 8yo American girl, not reading executive orders, getting fatigued by 5pm, not pushing pharmacy companies to lower prices, having Americans pay for his wall.. etc etc
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    She will be at the White House after school is out, the school year is halfway over, why change? The school it's self doesn't cost millions of dollars but I do understand security, which she wouldn't need that much security if the crazy people wouldn't STAND OUTSIDE TRUMP TOWERS trying to harm them.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 6, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 6, 2017 ---
    Having Americans pay for the wall? He's setting up meetings for Mexico, there is only so much he can do at one time, he has done so much, can't just flick his fingers and poof magic it's done! Doesn't work like that. He didn't kill an 8 year old girl? MY LORD TIRED BY 5 PM?? Wow that's totally a reason as to why he's a bad president lol your a joke.
  6. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Except she's gone on record saying she "might stay at trump towers during Trumps presidency, she has to evaluate what's best for Barron"

    Also, you do realize that only Congress has the power to send out money right? No president can control that, it's something voted and approved by Congress. It's a power given solely to them by the US Constitution, have you ever read it.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 6, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 6, 2017 ---
    Except that is Trumps own reason he used against hillary as to why she would be a bad president. Is he a joke too?? Or is it a double standard. "She's not mentally fit to be president, she will be fatigued all the time and not stable to deal with world leaders. I will work harder then you've ever seen at all times". I would not blame him if he hadn't made the statement in the he first place.

    He plans to tax Mexican imports for the wall, guess what that means?? Americans will pay higher prices for Mexican goods, therefore indirectly paying for his wall.

    An 8 year old American girl was shot in Trumps first ordered raid in Yemen. She bled to death. The president wasn't even in the Situation Room to watch over the attack. If Hillary killed the ambassador to Benghazi like Trump said, then he killed an 8yo American girl. Along with a US Navy Seal.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
  7. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    That's why Trump caught a check going out for 221 million dollars, okay sir, as far as the constitution goes, I've read it, thank you.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 6, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 6, 2017 ---
    Okay enough for today, bedtime, goodnight! No hard feelings towards anyone political views are to stay to each other and forums, have a good day!
  8. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Then you'd know congress wrote the check lol. Obama literally couldnt even do that. You might want to read it again.

    Nighty night.

    Also fyi I've edited my previous post for you, with some useful links.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
  9. Liz

    Liz Celebrity Meeper

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    Natsu, whoisnate and Deljikho like this.
  10. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I will defiantly look into it,
    Deljikho likes this.
  11. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    oh my god i did not mean the people im so sorry that was worded wrong. I mean to say the protests were worthless.
    WeAreNumberUno likes this.
  12. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    to sum up the election
  13. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I wouldn't say the protests are worthless, people are standing up for what they believe in, I however disagree with many of the people protesting and of course the damaging of property and the way they are doing it, I think more people (such as Trump) would listen in on more people if they did it appropriately and didn't target his family. For instance there was a thing about Trumps daughter in law who her and her kids were bowling in the White House and she had heels on and the media said "she was going to ruin the White House / etc etc" I mean come on.
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Can you cite one thing he's done to make this country safer?

    Not really, because Estate tax doesn't trigger unless the amount is over 5,490,000. So if you're leaving less than 5.5M when you die - It didn't get taxed in the first place.

    I'm not sure which person here is leaving 5.5M when they die. :)
  15. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I truly believe him temp closing the boarders will help make us safer, he is in the works to start the wall which will help ALOT he is also securing the boarders and having more boarder control.
  16. CasualNuker

    CasualNuker Celebrity Meeper

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    The sound of free speech
  17. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Can you explain how the current EO stopping migration from 7 countries made us safer in anyway? Ignoring the fact it was intended to target lawful residents as well, those 7 countries have never had an incident of one of their citizens commit an act of terrorism in America.

    Countries that have had citizens commit acts of terrorism, for example Saudi Arabia, was not included.

    How does this make us safer?
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Well Obama made the list, Trump enforced the list, Obama banned ALL iraqi refugees in 2011 for 6 months and not a damn word was said Trump bans them for 4 months and now he's the Devil, when you have people coming to America and KILLING or HARMING American people, there is a problem that needs fixing.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  19. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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  20. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Ok, so your assertion is wildly inaccurate.

    Obama stopped processing visas for a period of 6 months for a specific country, Iraq. During this time this was not a ban, but a timeout period to increase the vetting process for visa entries from this country. This order did not affect refugees (who do not travel on visa), and during the entire 6 months, Iraqi refugees were being let in, not a single month went by with 0 Iraqi refugees were admitted.

    Additionally, Obama implemented his order in a calm and orderly way - Not barring legal residents from coming home, and then lying and saying only 100 people were affected when the Justice dept admitted in court it was closer to 60,000+ people.

    Back to the people coming to America and killing or harming them, can you cite a specific example of when this has happened, what country they originated from, and how they got into this country?
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 7, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 7, 2017 ---
    Can you name a single law he's passed? (Hint: None)

    Aside from this can you name one action which has had a net positive benefit to society?

    If Clinton was elected and you decided to lawfully protest, I'd back your protest with my life because that is an inherent part of being an American, the right to free speech. Being against a lawful protest is simply not patriotic and it's downright un-American.
    Deljikho likes this.

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