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Helper Application from RedstoneMC

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Sp00kyP00tis, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. Sp00kyP00tis

    Sp00kyP00tis Popular Meeper

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    Member Name RedstoneMC

    Additional In Game Names: Sp00kyP00tis (currently), VapidRedstone (formerly), redstoneking2012 (formerly)

    How old are you? 13

    Location: California, USA

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1-4

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3+

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's

    When did you join Meepcraft? February-March 2014 (I forget the exact date, that is my best guess)

    Introduction: Hello. I am Sp00kyP00tis (In-game)/ RedstoneMC (On Forums.) I like to ski (If my family ever visits a place where I can ski) and play air hockey (whenever I get the chance.) A few video games I like to play are Minecraft (Only meep or singleplayer), Geometry Dash, and, once my computer gets fixed, Astroneer. I play the trombone, euphonium, and drums (drums are a work in progress.) I am currently in 8th grade. I like the arts, video games, a few sports and the MeepCraft community. When I came back to meep for the first time in a long while, I was completely oblivious to what updates have happened. Approximately a month and a half later, I know this community very well and play a lot of meep.

    Why should you be Helper? Strength in numbers.
    Although this server already has a good size staff team for the size of the playerbase, the reset is attracting players who quit previously and want to rejoin. If a very large amount of players who quit rejoin once the server is open, the staff team could use some extra helping hands either way, and I am good for the job.

    I have been in a school government for 5 years. All 3 in middle school, and 2 out of 3 possibilities in my elementary school. I have enjoyed being in these student government meetings as well. Although not everything directly translates well into a Minecraft server staff team, it still equipped me with some administrative/moderating experience.

    When I am presented with a task I would like to do, I try my best to make it the best I can make it. I prioritize the task above all else, and I work on it with the eyes on the prize (In this case, completion.) I have a bunch of stuff I would love to work on if I become staff. I would love to help the players that need to be helped. I would love to help the staff team with minor things. I would love to help the server in general, and I would love to make even more friends on this server.

    I am an honest, simple guy. I try to help others if I can, and I embrace doing it. Although I have never done anything extremely remarkable in the month and a half I have been active on this server again, I would like to try making something revolutionary.

    What are your weaknesses? Communication.
    I am not very extroverted, and I am very insecure about my voice. I don't chat in global a lot and I rarely use my voice to chat. My parents also frequently monitor my online activity and don't trust people I chat to, even anonymously. Therefore I can't use voice chat or chat in a chat room often (I still have discord though.)

    When I am presented with a task I would not want to do, I try avoiding it as much as possible. This means I prioritize MeepCraft over homework, and that gets me in trouble with my parents. They usually take my computer away for the night if I don't do my homework, therefore not enabling me to play.

    I can sometimes be immature, ignorant, and forgetful. Yes, I love to be dedicated to some things, but I can forget that I am supposed to be doing those things at times. I can sometimes rant in local chat when pushed too far. I can ignore rules (albeit very rarely) at times.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I appreciate every single one of you for taking the time to read this application. If you have any questions or comments regarding this application, feel free to ask about, support, or criticize this application.
    Natsu likes this.
  2. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey Spooky,

    Honestly I wasn't expecting this, so please give me more time to think about this application but I will stay neutral for now.
  3. FatBrownMan

    FatBrownMan Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello redstonemc!
    From the app I will give you a +1. I never see you ingame though *probably time zones*
    Good Luck! =)
  4. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    I don't know you personally, so I can't be too good of a judge, but I do have a few points to make.
    1) Your app itself is quite good, your introduction maybe needs a little more work, but your Why and Weakness sections are done fairly well.
    2) References are a big part of your application, you need people to testify that you would be a good influence on the staff team and server.
    3) I live in your timezone, and while I do see you in chat sometimes, I don't remember seeing you help people much.
    I do wish you luck and would prefer to remain neutral.
  5. buttfly29

    buttfly29 Popular Meeper

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    Nice Application for sure, I like your personality, but I don't recall seeing you online the past month until a few days ago, I'm neutral because I'm not exactly sure.
  6. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    i have never really seen you online (i would have to agree, maybe timezones?) i would go with a +0.5.
  7. Sp00kyP00tis

    Sp00kyP00tis Popular Meeper

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    Thanks for your thoughts.
    For point 1, thanks! I know that the introduction wasn't the best. I just don't know how to really present myself to others.

    For point 2, it was sorta due to shyness and timing that I didn't have references. The server is down and I'm too shy to ask people what they think of me.

    For point 3, you are right. I try to help others when it comes to fetching supplies, or other stuff that is labor-related and not answers via chat.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  8. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    hey sp00ky so first your app could be better (look in the accepted section for examples) but you do have the right idea, very well written just needs more length.
    - Never see you helping or in global that often
    - I haven't see you on discord
    + Seems nice, no negative interactions
    - /+ you may want get some references
    I see you as a staff someday, but for now i suggest you try and improve on what i listed.
    For now a -0.75
  9. minetifa

    minetifa Celebrity Meeper

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    This sounds to me like you're scared of being told something about yourself that you don't want to hear. As a staff member, you'll deal with this very often.
    To me, this sounds like you're trying to justify never being around to help in /g.

    About the app,
    This seems to be the most common time zone for staff members on meep. How do you expect to outshine the other PST staff if "strength in numbers" is something you believe in? I could understand the number bit if it were in the sense of many different timezones, so that we always have moderation, but if meep were at a stage where there were more staff than players, I think that'd draw people away.
    You say "experience" because of school, but I don't feel like being on student council or a government club or whatever was happening translates into experience when it comes to moderating adults and kids alike who just want to start problems with both you and the players of meep alike.

    -1 for now.
    MoonlitMadness and Natsu like this.
  10. bruh_101

    bruh_101 Well-Known Meeper

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    +1 for a great application
    1. You seem like u know what ur doing
    2. Your application is long and has useful information on it
    3. You seem like u would be a great staff member and ur really nice in /g
  11. xXAdotXx

    xXAdotXx Bibliophile Extraordinaire

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    i'm gonna stand at a neutral vote for now.
    i haven't ever seen you online, but given the circumstances i'm gonna leave that off the table. that said, your application really didn't impress me too much. but i do notice that you seem like a pretty straight to the point guy, so i can assume that's why theres a little lack of detail in the app. i'd love for you to go more in depth.
    MoonlitMadness and bruh_101 like this.
  12. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Okay, Spooky,

    I have given it a thoughtful time to carefully consider my position. Right now, I'm sorry to tell you that I'm at a -1.

    You seem very mature as a middle schooler. I honestly thought that you were older than me when I met you. It's been ny pleasure to work with you so far, and I've seen many good characteristics about you, even sone that are not in the application. You have a very unique personality that I'm sure will make you a great helper.

    However, there are concerns that make me -1 this.
    First is your activity in general. You need to increase your in game activity and contribution to global, as well as your forum and discord activity. Now I can't be a hypocrite about discord, but I believe that you lack activity in general to become a staff member.
    Second is your shyness. Go out there! Meepcraft is full of nice people and most won't bite. Most. I just believe that you need to make more personal connections and be involved in the community. Show everyone that you are approachable!
    Third is your application. Many places contradict itself, such as dedication and laziness. I want to know how unique you are, not how you are like everyone else.
    Also, it looks like you need references (hint) if you need people to help with your application, just ask!

    But in all seriousness, I rarely do -.5 or +.5 because it makes an opinion less significant. Like never -.75

    So I shall -1. I do think that you can improve and become a great helper!
    qazini likes this.
  13. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    The app is decent.
    Your activity is decent.
    If you apply yourself more, help more, and just always put yourself out there in every possible aspect of the server, you will do fine
    MoonlitMadness likes this.
  14. RetroJo

    RetroJo Celebrity Meeper

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    Your app is pretty good and you seem like a really nice person you come into my town and just hang out which is cool. I think you deserve to be on the staff :) +1
  15. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Apart from the fact that you did not tie in any strengths from the real world to any benefits they'd give you as a staff member, in terms of experience, this is an overall average introduction. It does not go above and beyond anywhere.
    The staff needs people who can go the extra mile or otherwise be a worthwhile addition. The staff team is the perfect size, warm bodies aren't necessarily needed unless they can do better than average. The entire reasoning in this paragraph is that the staff could use more people since many players may return for the reset. Why should you be staff, not just anyone? What sets you apart? They could accept anyone for this same reason, but that does not happen.
    School governments have some incarnation of a democratic system where most people are trusted to comply. With the staff team, that is not necessarily the case. You will need to ensure that rules are not broken, and if they are, assign punishments, something which this absolutely does not prepare you for. What kind of administrative or moderating experience did it provide you with? Stating this means nothing if you do not further explain.
    You only do your best if it is a task that you "would like to do", rather than one you do not wish to do? Being staff requires doing certain things which you may not agree with or like, but it is important to consider how something will benefit the server rather than yourself. Essentially, the penultimate three sentences in this paragraph restate "I would love to help", without giving anything more. This is a below average reason, as it explains nothing other than you rehashing the fact that you want to help. That's great! How does that, however, tie in with dedication? I feel this paragraph completely digresses from your point and goes into work ethic and the willingness to help the server.
    The Helper role involves nothing "revolutionary", although you will still be privy to many possibly server-altering discussions and events. Once again, it is the "helping" part here, and it gives no examples of how you help. Also, once more, you deviate from your initial point by explaining that you wish to have a big impact. That is not the Helper role, simply put.
    Voice chat is absolutely required for an interview. I was a nervous wreck in mine, and completely bombed, in my opinion, yet I surprised even myself by giving decent answers in spite of consistent stuttering and difficulty pronouncing certain consonants. I assume by your insecurity, you mean that you are uncomfortable with sounding like a prepubescent child, but that is what you are, and that should not disqualify you from being staff in itself. If you cannot use voice chat, and your parents still feel the need to monitor your activity, there may be an issue here.

    Your laziness is a larger problem when it comes to doing tasks. As staff, it is not exactly suggested nor condoned to pick and choose activities which you want to do, over that which you don't. The role involves doing anything asked of you, answering /modreqs, and generally answering questions, as well as community interaction. You need to learn how to do things which you don't agree with or find tedious/boring. That is the bottom line.

    We can all forget certain smaller rules at times, but it is completely inappropriate to negatively interact with community members, no matter what chat it is in.
    Overall, I found this a weak application, mainly the fact that you need to cite more reasons as to your qualifications, and justification for bringing you on to the staff team. I rarely see you in global, and your forums activity is fairly new and does not prove your activity. I feel that you need to wait a few months, and get yourself "out there" to the community, i.e. allow everyone to get to know you, preferably as the person YOU want to be seen as; mature? Amiable? Willing to always help? Whatever it is, you have some distance to go before you are ready, but I believe you can easily get there given time and increased activity. -1
  16. PseudoGod

    PseudoGod Celebrity Meeper

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    Basically everything I was going to critique your application on was said here.

    Basically, just spend more time elaborating your points, work on your maturity, and get more well known in the community.

    MoonlitMadness, Khafra and 00000 like this.
  17. Wiggle_Waggle

    Wiggle_Waggle Popular Meeper

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    We need active helpers in global, we dont need people giving supplies out to be helper. Huge -1
  18. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    Hey there buddy! Unfortunately at this time we don't believe you're quite ready for the helper position a couple things we'd suggest that you work on is your weakness section and the comments on this app so we'd like you to focus on these issues and then apply again the future. Thank you in your interest in MeepCraft Staff!
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