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Discussion in 'Discussion' started by SpongeyStar, Dec 28, 2016.

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  1. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    okay. I know there have been an abundance of threads and appeals about staff but I just had to do this.

    I know you guys do a lot to make this server the greatest but I feel there is a lack in community input. Is there even a communities word for who gets into the staff team or not? The staff are 1/10th of the community and it seems as though if 1/10th of the community is happy with a person getting staff, then they get accepted for interview. What's the point of having community responses on a thread if they aren't gonna be used lol. And stop being so bias lol.

    about vkl's appeal. i'm feeling so much bias from the staff team around it. look at those +1's. he's nice i know but not staff worthy. im feeling as though people +1'ed him because you know, 'it's vkl, he's popular you know you gotta +1 the popular people because staff is a popularity game'
    well sorry but it's not. if you think staff is a popularity game, leave this planet lol.

    On the application note, I remembered one of the replies I got on one of my (many, many) staff applications, by Klutch (no hard feelings.)
    I'm sorry but how was this suppose to help me improve? All you basically said was 'there are other applicants and the competition is tough but you are a very good candidate so we are denying you.' Some of the staff's responses to applications are in depth and well but some just don't even say what you can improve on. I shouldn't need to go ask you in personal message why it was denied.

    Courtneyy, I appreciate your thread you recently made and I'm sorry for all the hate you've received.

    Staff team, it would be great if you could at least write some response to the keepfighting ban appeals. I've already emailed them giving my response. It seems like you just keep denying without reading or whatever but there needs to be a response of some sort from the whole staff team, to us, the community. Why are you deleting them? Because they're toxic and you don't want people seeing them and start joining the toxic side? It's not toxic. It's truth. They're speaking their mind, and they are allowed to, right?

    I have also heard rumours about staff talking behind players' backs. That's unacceptable. Staff and players should be equal. If you have a problem with a player, why don't you go talk to them directly instead of talking about them with some staff members making matters worse?

    Many players have been leaving recently. Many are also backing 'keepfighting'. Deleting appeals/hate threads isn't gonna help, is it?? It will just make more people annoyed and angry.

    I do love this server, don't get me wrong. I'll always be a player. It just needs some stability. Step up, I know you can.

    love from Spongey.

    p.s unban kdocherty he's my bestest friend he's cool i like him so unban him he deserves a shot at this server ok!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
  2. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    Okay, we keep deleting them but they are now becoming worse and worse the harassment is too much and we'd rather you not see it because it just causes too many problems and divides us. I would LOVE to talk to him if and when he decides to come out of hiding and talk like a grown up. People want to sit behind an alias and behind a screen acting like a big shot but won't talk to us one on one. I am not taking time out of my day to stoop down low to please Mr.Ban Appeal Mystery.

    I am sorry that we are providing this separation between the community and the staff and I really hope that changes soon! As for the talking behind peoples back you've been staff before you know what normally goes on in staff chat. And if a past staff is going around leaking staff chat that's not good either but no we don't sit around and talk crap about the community 24/7.
  3. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    Why dont you show more interest in actually asking people personally how you could improve? Thats what people that care enough do. You are applying for a position, it is on you to care enough to get accepted.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 28, 2016, Original Post Date: Dec 28, 2016 ---
    also i hate you courtney
  4. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    Hate you too
    Pmx728 likes this.
  5. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    How many times do you people need to be told the exact same thing before you understand? The community does NOT have any input on staff applications. We've been told this numerous times.

    You answered your own question when you complained about the deny post. The only reason that the players are able to post on staff apps is to give constructive criticism.
  6. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    I don't care how many times it has been told. There needs to be change.
    Lady_Hestia likes this.
  7. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    no. it doesnt.
    Lilstokes likes this.
  8. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

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    then remove the upvoting/downvoting system altogether. if it doesn't matter what we think, then there is no reason for the illusion of democracy
    Selchie and Achmed like this.
  9. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    There is no actual implemented upvote/downvote system. It's a quick way to express how a player feels about an applicant. Again, our posts do matter, but they do not affect the whether the person applying is accepted or denied. Our posts matter in that they can provide insight as to what an applicant needs to work on.
    Pmx728 and epick8 like this.
  10. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    you have say in the form of being able to talk about the applicant and say things you saw or events that happened with the applicant that staff should know before voting on them. That is your voice. not an actual measureable say.
    Pmx728 and Lilstokes like this.
  11. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

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    I believe I may have misworded a bit, the current system (+1's and -1's) provide the illusion that there is an upvote/downvote system.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 29, 2016, Original Post Date: Dec 29, 2016 ---
    Players can provide input and guidance without the +1/-1 system, and there would be less confusion as to whether or not it is an upvote/downvote system.
  12. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    wait when has that ever been classified as a systematic way of choosing staff??

    this has legit just been a stupid little habit that has been in place since i joined the server over 4 years ago

    it is something that the staff back in 2012 like doomrunner and rosenow used. it is just a small cute little way to showcase their opinions

    the staff do not tally up the votes, it's just a silly way people express their opinions

    I haven't put a plus or minus vote on an application in a long time, because usually i'm never fully for or against an application. I've always found it more beneficial to just list what you think about the applicant and give feedback/opinions. You could just say "i do think you should get it" instead of "+1" because at the end of the day, the +1 is just more ludicrous
    Pmx728 likes this.
  13. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

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    probably since every single player started using it
    i never claimed they did, that is the entire point. but the silly little way people express their opinions is confusing for new players. i never found out that it wasn't an actual upvote/downvote system until i reached about a year on forums

    all I was saying was that it's a bit confusing, but i suppose, if it's (it being +1s and -1s) not required or actually implemented, then there is no way to actually remove it
    Achmed and DancingCactus like this.
  14. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    making things up. has never once been a problem
    Pmx728 likes this.
  15. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

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    mmmmmm no. it IS confusing, which would problematize it, but theres nothing that can be done
  16. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    You brought up something old, check this months denied applications Denied these are improving except for the flat out deny and will continue to thanks to Metr0n0mes open letter telling us his concern. Players are always welcome to ask about their denial to what they could improve on.

    The point is to have the communities input to know if they have been great or not, people can be two faced and act nice when staff are online then be complete numb skulls when they are gone. I wanted to see him in an interview so people would come back and go nuts, that would have been hilarious. As you can tell by the past few applicants if you get into an interview it does not mean you have the position look at Dawn and many more.

    This is the reason they are deleted, I told them I am more than glad to hear what they have to say. I feel like a broken record at this point ever since joining the staff team I have always been for the community. I joined because I had stupid bans and thought the staff team were a bunch of killjoys. @lordusan <3

    I believe there are people that talk behind others backs in the staff team and in the community, I know staff talk about other staff/players and I know other players talk about staff/players. I still listen to people irl that do the same thing because that's how those people make conversation, don't hang out with those people kids. If I get asked how I feel about someone I will tell them, I will not hold anything back because it is my honest opinion and what I say to the person asking is the same thing I would tell the person myself. But for myself I say how I feel and will tell it to the person myself because I find that rude to put on a front with someone if you don't like them.

    Continue to get angry, those appeals need to be in the discussion forum because that is the suited place. You may argue ''why don't staff just move them'' if you are so passionate make a forums account and put it there yourself. Also reply to my email about what I can relay to the other staff about what you feel needs to change Keepfighting.

    I believe these threads will become repetitive just like the Savemeep threads. For future reference to any other players that would like to make these threads please make your thread about something new and not have it similar to others, thank you.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  17. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    this has no basis.
  18. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    If a non staff made a particularly good point don't you think it would affect staffs vote individually? Like if i'm some random staff, who's name is something like, I don't know "klutchstickers", (No similarity to any actual staff) and Mr klutchstickers is looking at some person named bee kay ell's staff application, and mrswagmaster6969 posts "bee kay ell hackers"
    and klutchstickers didn't know about that, and then he looks and finds out that bee kay ell hacks a bunch, so then klutchstickers votes differently than he would've without mrswagmaster6969
    Natsu likes this.
  19. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Fuzzlr should come clean his room
    superbros1211 and WeAreNumberUno like this.
  20. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

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    ok pal

    this is probably true for a lot of other people. unless you don't have eyes, you can't claim it doesn't look like an upvote/downvote system, even the teensiest little bit

    anyways, this isn't what the thread was about, my original post was supposed to be a joke. lets move on.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 29, 2016, Original Post Date: Dec 29, 2016 ---
    i can't even read this
    WeAreNumberUno likes this.
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