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Dubai Updated Thread

Discussion in 'Towns Archive' started by KyloMeep, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

    Likes Received:
    New Changes to Dubai

    If you haven't realised by now, Dubai is going through a remodel. This means that most of the housing that was originally here is no longer. This means two things, people who lived in Dubai no longer have their houses. It also means that the housing will be upgraded in visual ways. Town houses are now being build around the town and we have had some new Skyscrapers popping up around the town including Dubai towers, The shard and soon to be the Burj Khalifa.

    Dubai has removed a lot of our outposts which means that our grinders are no longer available as of now. The main grinder (/pwarp g) is getting a remodel and will be inactive for a while. For residents, if you do /outpost 1, the villagers are still available to trade with and they have not changed.

    In regards to Gmall, it will be staying and nothing but expansions will be happening there. New staircases have been provided to make access to the second floor easier. This means that people on the top floor will be less isolated as new people to the area will find it easier to get to your shops!

    Dubai now also has it's own casino located in the Shard or at /pwarp dubaislots! Give it a shot, you might win something!

    Dubai City

    As stated above, Dubai city is undergoing a remodel. A free build area has been provided in the city as well as pre-built houses towards the centre. For more info, message Buttfly29 or Wiggle_Waggle in game.

    Mayor: Buttfly29
    Co-mayors: JamezMeep, Wiggle_Waggle, interfector202, Marauderator
    Resident count: 40
    Plot tax:
    Shop tax: 100
    Embassy tax: 150
    Plot price: Varies on place and size, generally 500 meebles per plot

    City overview

    Here at Dubai, we are taking in new residents for our city. We provide up to 4x4 plots as of now (bigger plots coming in the near future) and staff positions to those who are worthy.
    Providing basic services like big plots and easy to navigate streets for our residents is a big plus for us. Don't expect to be getting lost right now. We will be providing anvils, ender chests and enchantment tables at some point today.
    We are also helping new players to the district, settle in with our friendly staff helping them through the command process and getting them to know their way around.
    A new height restriction has been put in place. No buildings can be taller than the shard. If you go over this, a sign will be placed in front of your building asking for it to be shortened. If this is not completed by the date given, we will shorten it for you.
    For rules, check the notice board in the spawn

    Can we build shops?

    Here in Dubai, we promote businesses. We will be wanting shops spread throughout the town so message myself, buttfly29 or wiggle_waggle to have a shop. As well as this, our GMall facility is provided for you to own your shop in a working environment. All we ask is that your shop will be regularly stocked so people can buy your items.
    If you want to be added to GMall, contact Gmall staff for assistance and we will gladly provide you with a shop.

    City staff is needed. We are looking for recruiters and builders. Builders need to be of quality for the pre-builds. Message buttfly29 to become one!

    To join, contact me or a co-mayor and we will have you join! Remember /pwarp Dubai to come check us out!

    Founded 30 August 2016
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
    buttfly29 likes this.
  2. buttfly29

    buttfly29 Popular Meeper

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    Please fix/add everything in red for me :p just some suggestions/mistakes i noticed :>
  3. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Lol buttfly fixing stuff

    Cool guys! I like the new skyscrapers alot, buttfly gave me a red letter B banner for some reason but thats ok

    Good luck on your projects and I support Dubai as the owner of the biggest gmall shop :p
    Garde7, KyloMeep and buttfly29 like this.
  4. Garde7

    Garde7 Popular Meeper

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    :D i am in love with the new look (and the Shard, its awesome :D) Good Job everyone
  5. buttfly29

    buttfly29 Popular Meeper

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  6. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    You'll need more skyscrapers
  7. Wiggle_Waggle

    Wiggle_Waggle Popular Meeper

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    yea thats true..

    but on a good note, dubaicorp tower is still the tallest xD
  8. buttfly29

    buttfly29 Popular Meeper

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    not for long
  9. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    It isnt actually. The shard is taller

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