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Little mini rant time.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Nerf958, Aug 31, 2016.

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  1. Nerf958

    Nerf958 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey guys, so as some of you know I recently just started playing this server again and I loved it up until about 5 min ago. Now I have like nothing on the server rn and I think the best items I had were like a diamond pick with fort 2 and unbreak 3. Anyways keep that in mind, now I have been collecting the supply drops in wild for a little and its been giving good stuff, you know dia items the whole shabam. Well after collecting three in a row, I went for another one.

    Before you continue keep in mind that this is just a rant, yes I know it is the wild, yes I know this is legal, and yes I know I shouldn't be mad but I am.

    Now to continue, I get to the supply drop start looking around for it. Well to my surprise someone else was already there waiting that I wasn't aware of. So I'm looking around and I get killed by this person essentially camping the chest in /disguise bat. I lost everything, couldn't get out alive cause I had 2 pieces of iron armor and 2 diamond armor with no enchants and the camper (Who I will not name as they are scum) outbeats me with 4 hits of his sword. I essentially die loosing all of my gear. Now I've had this happen before, I ask in /g if any of the other 3 ults(Which were the only other ranks on in wild) 2 of them I knew weren't the person as I msg'ed them and knew them before I quit. Leaving this one person who also claimed the supplydrop 2 minutes after I died and they not only lied to me about killing me, but had the audacity to do it over unenchanted diamond armor and iron armor.

    Alright, thats it Im done I just needed to get this off my chest as this is one of the Scummiest things someone could do. Thanks guys and have a good day.
    KaiUsesThis and Pmx728 like this.
  2. PseudoGod

    PseudoGod Celebrity Meeper

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    I've done this and I do it to get free heads and whatnot.

    It's the wild, dude. PVP is enabled and you can't expect to be completely safe when you're in the world. I recommend any premium+ uses /dis to get to the supply drop.
  3. Khafra

    Khafra Celebrity Meeper

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    Just saying, you were also diguised as a bat, we were 30 blocks away from the chest, and you had plenty of time to run, you also expected me to return your stuff after calling me a piece of crap and now scum.

    looks like it's time for you to get more stuff!
    00000 likes this.
  4. Nerf958

    Nerf958 Celebrity Meeper

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    I had asked 3-4 times in shout if Anyone in wild had killed me. Not one person responded. I even said I would pay for it back in shout as well. I was also disguised yes I will admit that as I had said it above I had barely any time to run as you got 2 hits on me instantly and I was already almost dead. I called you crap and Scum because you lied right to my face saying that you didn't kill me so don't play that card.

    Like I said, Just did this to rant, Im aware of all this.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  5. Khafra

    Khafra Celebrity Meeper

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    I was following you for a good 30 seconds to make sure you were a player and then the last hit you sat in a corner and let me kill you.

    Also, right after you died you said "Which piece of crap killed me in wild?" -> even before you had asked who killed me.

    so you're posting this to tell people about how you died in wild and you're mad??
    00000 and zman1014 like this.
  6. X11

    X11 Well-Known Meeper

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    Whenever I go to supplydrops, I don't bring any items with me. So, next time I recommend not bringing anything unless if you want to come with full god armor and all that stuff.
  7. Nerf958

    Nerf958 Celebrity Meeper

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    In my first Shout I did say "Which piece of crap killed me in wild" as you could imagine I was decently mad that I had been killed with what little things are "Good" in my inventory. I sat in a corner to try and type and say stop but as you could imagine you kept attacking me. Like I mentioned you killed me fairly quickly as I had crap of armor.

    I also posted this litteraly just to rant, you didn't have to respond if you didn't want to and why I didn't call out your name.
  8. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Cool your jets, there is no need to be at eachother.
    Matt he kept you anonymous there is no need to egg him on.
    Nerf a great idea would be to make a suggestion for disguises to be turned off when pvp logged and there is no need for name calling.

    You both were disguised so fair game, if one of you wants to continue send the other person an Inbox message. If it continues on here it will be closed, I see nothing positive comming out of this thread.
  9. _Gimble_1.

    _Gimble_1. Popular Meeper

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    Little trick I have used before is this, when you are near the chest area, try talking in local. If what you say is sent out then you know someone is nearby and you need to watch your back. If not, find that chest and scram!
  10. Khafra

    Khafra Celebrity Meeper

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    He kept me anonymous because I'm "scum," of course I'm not letting that dumbass insult me and make up a story to sound innocent

    @Nerf958 thanks for giving me a good laugh over this thread
    00000 likes this.
  11. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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