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Hacked clients explained.

Discussion in 'Other' started by fasehed, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello, so I'm just gonna jump right into this. I have noticed lots of misconception with hacked clients and 'hackers' in minecraft. It kinda bothers me because often 'hackers' might get banned, for say reach. When thats not even a hack. Or people say, oh I don't even know how to hack minecraft. You don't 'hack' it, installing a hacked client is literally easier then installing a texture pack.

    What is a hacked client? The typical hacked client you see say when you're fighting someone is a pre-made client that is uploaded to a minecraft hacks/mods website that is public for people to download and install. People often think that the 'hackers' are recording minecraft. And while the original person that made the client did need to use code, the people using the client aren't. The clients basically are a mod, once installed and you get into game one of your keyboards keys becomes a binding to open up a HUD like below

    You click on the selected hacks you want, or often if you do .bind (hack) (key) you can set a key-bind. For example .bind KillAura k. Most hacked clients are VERY user friendly. There is another type of client that I would almost call hacking. It's called a GhostClient. This are very hard to detect both through a servers anti cheat, and watching the person playing using the hacks. These are often used for YouTube videos, they want to pass themselve off as skilled but don't want the hacked client to be obvious, there's usually a second launcher and control panel outside of minecraft that the player controls the client through.[​IMG]

    Common misconceptions: My biggest pet peeve about hack accusations is when someone says 'Oh they have an insane range hack' I promise you they don't. Why? Because it simply doesn't exist. The little slider you see in a hacked client called 'reach' or 'range' or when you see someone hitting you from '6' blocks away, that's called reaction time. The hacked client creates an AI that detects when there is a player close enough to hit them. This AI trys to start attacking as soon as possible. So when you turn that little slider up for reach its really the amount of blocks until the client detects the player and starts attacking. Plus once that slider is often pass 5.2 blocks the hits don't register due to anti cheat. Another is when people say 'I could never hack minecraft' Well its really easy, I am not going to tell you how to install one, but basically when you download the hacked client it comes in a little zip folder just drag and drop that into a certain folder in minecraft and boom you got a client.

    Ip scramblers/different locations/Endless alts: As IP bans are a thing the hacked clients want to get around this. What they do is each time you log onto minecraft it has you client connect to a different host client server each time, maybe one day it's in North America, the next it's off the coast of New Zealand. Some hacked clients even let you set your IP address, but it needs to be a real address that you can connect to. Another thing that also makes 'hackers' hard to ban is the fact the clients often let them makes literally endless amounts of alts for free in a mater of seconds. Yes I know many of you won't believe, just quickly search up for yourself a hacked client with the ip feature, but only test it in single player

    Kill aura: Kill aura is often the hack confused for 'reach' What it does is reacts to whenever a player is within a set number of blocks you choose from you. Once it see them it starts auto attacking for you from anywhere of 1 cps to 20 cps. Sometimes the KillAura has aimbot but often not as you don't need aimbot anymore to hit behind you.

    .Legit That is very unlikely asking a player to do that will work now. Thats becuase .legit doesn't do anything. It use to in a few clients but now there is a hack in the HUD. A better thing to have them say would be .help or .bind Plus if they don't say it doesn't even mean their hacking, they might feel their above you and just not speak or not even see what your saying.

    All in all that's what I needed to say, kinda just bothers me how little people know about hacked clients yet are so quick to call hacks. Please let me know if I messed up as I am sure I made a mistake somewhere, I'm always looking to improve!
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
    Pmx728 likes this.
  2. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hopefully this doesn't get you a warning for "conspiracy against the server", if that's even a real charge.
    Pmx728 and fasehed like this.
  3. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    lmfao if I do Ima just be so done.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  4. trdavis25

    trdavis25 Celebrity Meeper

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    thanks for inviting everyone on meep to hack lol I agree it is very easy and shouldn't be considered hacking yourself. It should be considered exploiting the cracks in the server that don't stop you from doing certain things to gain advantage.
  5. Landonator419

    Landonator419 Celebrity Meeper

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    Reach isn't a hack. But it is part of hacks. Killaura/reach. So there is reach just inside of it. It's like chocolate chips inside ice cream. There are still chocolate chips.
  6. trdavis25

    trdavis25 Celebrity Meeper

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    love the ice cream reference
  7. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    False. Reaction time is a part of kill aura. Not reach, as thats not possible

    Thats like saying if your educating someone about firearms you just inviting them to just go out and shoot everyone
  8. Landonator419

    Landonator419 Celebrity Meeper

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    Want a bet? I can show you reach in Killaura exist.
  9. trdavis25

    trdavis25 Celebrity Meeper

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    hacking is different than guns. Using guns can be for good. When you head onto a minecraft server with hacks, it is when you are up to no good. Not everyone that has a firearm has intentions to shoot people, but players with hacks do intend to use them on the server and have an.advantage. What else are they for? Hacks don't reall have multiple intentions, atleast clients, like guns.
  10. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Reach can't really be possible on a server with anticheat because the anticheat will dispell the reach hacks, the server is not going to allow you to hit over the max 6 blocks
    I don't know about servers that have no anticheat, but I know it wouldn't work on meepcraft
    fasehed likes this.
  11. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    While saying "reach" doesn't exist is technically true, but if you have your killaura range cranked up to 6+ and turn on antikb, you can pretty much guarantee that people without bows aren't going to get hits on you.
    There's clients out there that can bypass speed/killaura anticheats, and can therefore (theoretically) hit from farther than 6 blocks, even on MeepCraft.

    Though I must say you're pretty good at hacking if you're looking that deeply, while most hackers generally just stick to the more well-known clients.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 20, 2016, Original Post Date: Jul 19, 2016 ---
    You can't log on with different ips in singleplayer; you must use multiplayer for it to work. Additionally, many hacked clients don't even work properly in sp mode anyways (what's the use of them when you can enable cheats and /gamemode 1?)
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 20, 2016 ---
    Players can just do /l .help or /l .bind anyways, as /l is a Meepcraft command that's the local chat equivalent of /g or /tr. With many clients, you can toggle off .commands, so if a mod tries to use prism to watch your commands, they see nothing suspicious.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 20, 2016 ---
    Did you buy the ghost client in the second picture? That's a nice client.
    Pmx728 and Hyori like this.
  12. CanadianH0b0

    CanadianH0b0 Popular Meeper

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    No matter what installing something like that deserves a ban. No excuse
  13. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    So much you're missing smh

    You barely touched up on ghost clients. I could guarantee someone would bypass on meepcraft lol. The fact that there are injectables, usbs, loadables and even ones you can run off of a different computer and wirelessly connect it to your game. People go to great lengths not to get caught. You probably haven't heard of some of the stuff I've said because it's so early dev that not many people know about it. Of course, I'm sure you're "hack master" or whatever but when it comes to stuff like this you don't know how much you don't know.

    Don't bother making long threads like these, people are ignorant, from the beginning of time. If they don't understand something, they'll just assume it to something they do understand. For them, the unknown is non existant, and everything can be explained by their own reality. Unfortunately that's better saved for my psych classes, but all-in-all, don't make these threads. If people are calling hacks, get used to it. The better you get, the more it comes.

    "You'll never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks" People call hacks, that's just how it works.

    My pet peeve? When people it call it hacking. This isn't hacking, it's just cheating.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 20, 2016, Original Post Date: Jul 20, 2016 ---

    I'm not going to explain how to murder but if you buy a knife and stick it in them somewhere then twist it around boom you have a charge for murder
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
    WeAreNumberUno and metr0n0me like this.
  14. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Honestly, I kind of like reading these threads so I know more about the operations of hacks, making them easier to spot. Some people call backs on anyone that kills them, so it's nice to learn how they operate without having to download them.
  15. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    Learning about being a doctor doesn't make you great at saving lives. Experience > Knowledge. Just pvping a lot makes you realize what's real and what isn't. It's actually faster learning how to catch cheaters by pvping normally than cheating yourself
    CluelessKlutz likes this.
  16. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    While I completely agree, I don't PvP enough to gain that experience.
  17. Landonator419

    Landonator419 Celebrity Meeper

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    Does meep even have anti cheat besides for fly lol Do you know how many hackers there are? Some servers instantly pick up hackers and ban/kick them. On meep they can hack for a long time and not get banned if they're good at it.
  18. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I know it has some in pvp and parkour, I've no idea of what, how good they are, etc
    trdavis25 likes this.
  19. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    nocheat+ lol
    metr0n0me and CanadianH0b0 like this.
  20. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    lol I'm not a hack master. I'm a 13 minecraft player that gets to angry about hacks lol. And your right I don't know lots about ghost clients but I also didn't wanna go into to much detail with them because I didn't wanna interest a player into getting one.

    Yes I did mess up there :) Thanks for pointing it out, I guess I just wanted to stress that it's really easy and people that say they are "pro hacker" arn't. Should I remove it?

    Glad I could help ;)

    L O L learning about being a doctor and how to spot a person in a block game thats not taking knocback is very different :)

    True, thank you for letting me know :)

    Yes that feature is only for multiplayer, guess I should of been more clear. And I didn't know you could enable gamemode, thats crazy.

    Lol nope, just googled a picture, but it does look pretty good.

    just get good old yescheat+ this server has pretty weak anticheat (as I have stressed before but been turned down do to 'lag') if your using like yescheat+ a few more hacks would be able to bypass no cheat, but not a ton.

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