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Is God real?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by n00bslayer_99, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. 00000

    00000 Guest

    and it proves nothing
  2. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Exactly, I can claim anything I like, but it doesn't prove that those statements are real. Please supply why you believe in Jesus Christ. If you do not, your arguement is invalid, and of no worth. Again, my intent is not to sound hateful.
    Side note: Please work on your capitalization; Jesus Christ is a proper noun, and a sentence starts with a capital, thank you!
  3. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    not gonna jump into this to debate but again express my belief.

    I'm Catholic, and I go to church every single sunday. There's a lot of reasons why I do.

    a. I'm an optimist, and I like to believe that "My heart will go on" persay. I like to know that my loved ones that leave this Earth go to a better place, in which they can rest easily, because when I die, I hope my life doesn't die, There's a gut feeling that even when I die, i'll still live per say, in my heart and mind, I'm so used ti being able to live and see everything and breathe fresh air and see the trees, and I really hope heaven is for real, and if it isn't than at least I lived my life with joy and being hopeful, than always thinking about my death and believing this, imperfect world is as good as it gets.
    b. I've always thought the fact that I'm on this planet is a mystery. Out of the millions of potential DNA strands, and the fact that my mom and dad made me at the exact time they needed to to get me, that's almost impossible to think that there wasn't a god factor there, I look like ME. I have copper hair, big cheekbones, hazel eyes, and i can curl my tongue. My genetic and physical makeup is strictly to me, and nobody else, and the fact that I'M here makes me believe that a supernatural being placed me here, in this world.
    c. I have my own story, and there are mistakes I've made for sure, but there's morals and rules I live by to make me feel, like a better person, not to say people who don't believe don't have morals, respectively, but as a Christian, I'm given the rules God wants me to follow, and while I screw up, It's ok! I'm human. No matter how big, or small it is, I know eventually the wounds I cause will heal. I feel like my life is like "The road less taken by" by Robert Frost. There are 2 roads in the clearing, in a gentle soft wood, and I have to make a descision, I can go the easy way, or I can take a risk. And i feel like those paths are made by God, laid out for me particularly, and nobody else.

    again nothing here is to say that I don't agree with you all, everyone has valid points for why they do or don't. For one thing I was raised Catholic, I've been spoon fed these ideas by my parents, just as some of you have been spood fed the ideas that he isn't and to each his own. This is not to contradict anyonr, I don't love debating. This is just my belief :) thanks and have a good day !
    Nager2015 and builderjunkie012 like this.
  4. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    (to answer the thread's question) yes
    SuperDyl and MoonlitMadness like this.
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I still question that myself actually, I come from a rather large Christian family and although I believe in a higher power I still struggle with something I don't see. My family tells me to "just have faith", although I feel I am blessed by him everyday with making sure I have a home, food and staying healthy and I do pray but what am I actually praying to?
    Nager2015 and Aarett like this.
  6. Supreme_Overlord

    Supreme_Overlord Popular Meeper

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    There's a point where optimism becomes wishful thinking. If there's something that you hope is true and there is only a bit of evidence for it, I think that being optimistic and believing that it's true is okay. If, however, there is no sufficient evidence for something, being optimistic and believing that it's true is the same thing is essentially wishful thinking. I think that it would be difficult to find any stable people who truly do not want there to be an afterlife like Heaven. We are biologically programmed to want to survive and, for the most part, people don't want to believe that this impermanent life is all that there is; however, a desire to believe something doesn't justify the belief. I might desire to belief that I will get superpowers next week or that I am the most attractive person on the face of the Earth, but that doesn't mean that I'm justified in believing these things.
    I mean, we can explain how you, I, and other humans biologically developed and came into existence, but sure, on a broader scale, I will agree with you that existence is kind of a mystery. Even though there is still a LOT to learn, we are learning more and more about the evolution of our universe and humans within it, which we will continue to do; however, whatever caused the universe to come into existence (if anything) will probably remain a mystery to us. Perhaps our universe exists on its own, perhaps it is part of a multiverse that contains an infinite number of evolving and devolving universes, perhaps God or some other being created our universe. When it comes to evidence, we have no idea what the answer is, which does not inherently point to it being God.
    It seems like you saying that you feel like God laid two paths out for you is the only part of this section that is really giving a reason for why you believe that he exists, so I'll respond to that: Saying that you are faced with multiple choices and that your choices and paths are unique to you is simply describing the way that things are for everyone. While it's true that everyone has their own life with its own paths and choices, there isn't any reason that this inherently points towards the existence of God.
    Well, you did post this in the debates section. You can believe what you wish to believe, of course, but the fun of the debates section is debating people's reasons for their beliefs!
    I was raised as a Christian in a Christian family too, but I became an atheist. While I respect and love my parents a lot, being raised with specific beliefs (even when you are raised in a good way) has no effect on whether or not the beliefs are justified or good.
    2legacybball and Blue_Marlin like this.
  7. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    I think a large division between atheists/agnostics and those that have a religion and a God they believe in is evidence. Science is a method to find evidence to explain anything to someone else using this evidence. This is a sound method, but religion relies a large portion on faith. Faith is also based on finding evidence to explain something, but evidence from faith cannot truly be shared in the way evidence from science can.

    Different religions will explain why faith is needed instead of God's existence being shown to ach individual in a way they can never dispute of His existence. This relies heavily on each religion, so I will not explain any further with this question unless asked.

    A great example of the difference between understanding is this story (which I have summarized):

    A religious man is on a plane next to an atheist. Throughout the ride, the atheist bashes against religion. When the religious man tried to explain why he had faith in his religion, the man said he couldn't accept what the religious man said, as words like spiritual held no meaning if the religious man couldn't explain them without other religious terms. After some thought, the religious man had a thought come to him.

    "Do you know what salt tastes like?" Said the religious man. The atheist was confused, this question seemed off topic.

    “Of course I do,” was the athiest's reply.

    “Then,” Said the religious man, “assuming that I have never tasted salt, explain to me just what it tastes like.”

    The atheist tried multiple times, but he came upon the same blocks as the religious man had while trying to explain his reasons for his faith. Eventually, the man found it impossible to adequately explain what salt tastes like, just as the religious man found it impossible to adequately explain what his faith felt like.

    It can be seen that, though many things can be explained, language and personal knowledge can prevent us from truly communicating certain ideas, such as faith and even taste.

    "We do not learn spiritual things in exactly the same way we learn other things that we know, even though such things as reading, listening, and pondering may be used."

    The story and quote come from Boyde K. Packer and the entire talk can be read on this webpage: The Candle of the Lord - Ensign Jan. 1983 - ensign
    Vamp1re_Man likes this.
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Supreme_Overlord sometimes it can be tough living in a Christian family. I still have some beliefs, but I guess I'll try to learn, keep my faith and go on. I honestly don't really think about it unless I was truly blessed by something or want something (not like a new car, my wants meaning like someone to be healed of a sickness, someone to stay safe on a trip etc.) I'm still learning. I wouldn't say I was an atheist (although that works for some people, my grandfather and cousin are both atheist). My other family members feel like they are "sick" and pray for them to get better. Which I don't think their views are changing. I believe in something I just don't know what, yet. Even though I'm 18 I'm still young and have much to experience in my life still.
    twomoo1119 likes this.
  9. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    Should a Jew get into this?

    Eh why the heck not:

    Personally I just like to go by many of the "mitzvot" of the Torah and find them to be a fairly good moral system however, I don't really believe in "God" as an entity or existing thus, kashrut isn't really a big deal to me.
  10. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    No, your opinion is not valid.

    I was raised religious, then became atheist. I've tasted salt and decided I didn't like it.
  11. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    That is another thing, we each can, and must, decide ourselves what we think is true in matters of religion.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  12. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    Bump this thread, if anyone wants to state their believes or quote a previous post that still stands, that would be great xd
  13. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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  14. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    If there is a powerful o mighty god they are a cruel one..
  15. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    I believe god is real, Christ left us the Bible which includes the message of Christianity for all those who want to learn it. It provides us with the proof that he did exist and once was a living being like all of us are. There is a story in the Bible about Thomas, who would never state that he believed in the existence of Jesus unless he could physically touch him. While this may sound presumptuous, this idea and relativity still exists today. What many do not understand is part of accepting faith means you must receive the unseen. Everybody thinks everything can be explained by science, when in reality it can't. Think about the Earth, Its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter. Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life. A random explosion of matter I doubt would be able to create a planet such as ours. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun. It's in a perfect position to have life meaning it was done on purpose. Think about water, about 2/3rds of the human body consists of water, and the Earth has tons of it. It has wide margin between its boiling point and freezing point. Water allows us to live in an environment of fluctuating temperature changes, while keeping our bodies a steady 98.6 degrees. Now for all you people who believed we 'evolved', Think about the human brain. It processes an amazing amount of information. Your brain takes in all the colors and objects you see, the temperature around you, the pressure of your feet against the floor, the sounds around you, the dryness of your mouth, even the texture of your keyboard. Your brain holds and processes all your emotions, thoughts and memories. At the same time your brain keeps track of the ongoing functions of your body like your breathing pattern, eyelid movement, hunger and movement of the muscles in your hands. God made that all be the case on purpose, That doesn't happen from an 'upgrade' from our ape friends. Now for the start of the universe, What caused it? People believe that the universe started with an explosion of light and energy which is the big bang, Scientist believe this was the start of the universe, but they cant figure out the cause of it. God created the universe, that's what happened, but people twist it and try and throw science in there like always. Much of life may seem uncertain, but look at what we can count on day after day; gravity remains consistent, a hot cup of coffee left on a counter will get cold, the earth rotates in the same 24 hours, and the speed of light doesn't change on earth or in galaxies far from us. The greatest scientists have been struck by how strange this is, there is no logical necessity for a universe that obeys rules, let alone one that abides by the rules of mathematics. This astonishment springs from the recognition that the universe doesn't have to behave this way. It is easy to imagine a universe in which conditions change unpredictably from instant to instant, or even a universe in which things pop in and out of existence. There's no point to 'believe that god exists' when I know god exists, Look at the facts. People can believe whatever they want but there will always be a truth, and that is God.
    cooey likes this.
  16. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    I bet religion formed as a scam when some guy figured out humans needed something to understand it all and then realized he could charge people for it. Almost every holy text has been proven wrong. Now there may be some supreme being that accidentally started life but it isn't a god and there is no one listening to prayers.

    I started life as a Christian but by age eight I realized that it was BC. Religion is actually something that causes problems. It is one of the most common factors of the poorest nations. Almost all rich nations don't believe heavily in religion. I'm too tired to link the studies but if you want proof google it.

    Right now most holy texts are guide books on how people should behave, a collection of stories with morals. Most of these are horribly outdated though.

    Anyways, no god, maybe supreme being (not a god)
  17. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    Nothing you said matters until you prove that god exists. You saying so doesn't make it so. Facts over feels ya know?
    Anyway you are making a claim in the positive, so you need to prove god exists.
  18. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    Nobody can just 'prove' he exists, I gave strong facts on how he could exist. It's my opinion and you can believe whatever you want.
  19. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    Why would it be the christian god then? Lets assume theres no problems with your facts and conclusions, why the christian god.
  20. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    Because that is what I believe in, that's what I've always believed in.
    cooey likes this.

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