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Denied Chertruse - Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Appeal, Jun 14, 2016.

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  1. Appeal

    Appeal New Meeper

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    Additional In Game Names: None

    When you were banned: 6/13/2016

    Reason for ban: Macro

    Ban Length: Idk

    Staff member who issued ban: Junelawnchair

    What have you learned and why should we trust you to do better? I wasnt running a macro, my fiance was sitting at my computer farming cobble on skyblock and playing her own game, when she looked back at the screen I was banned for running a macro.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I dont understand what a macro is or why farming cobble and playing a game counts as a macro but I think this is really unfair that I got permanently banned for my fiance not paying attention to the boring cobble farming.
    metr0n0me and Draqq like this.
  2. Chertruse

    Chertruse Popular Meeper

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    I've been a member of the Meepcraft community for five years now. I really like the server, think the community is great and all, have avoided fights, and stayed out of drama, only been kicked a handful of times for talking in the void against the rules as a joke. I promise you I wasn't running a macro. My fiance, me and my best friend run an island together on skyblock and we needed more cobble so when I went to work I asked my fiance to make sure that we got some cobble and taught her how to use my low attention cobblestone generator (basically, keep your finger on the mouse and every five or so minutes move the mouse a bit to keep from going afk). About 15 minutes after I'm at work I get a text that I was permanently banned for running a macro. I understand that June must have thought I was running a macro because June most likely was trying to talk to me, but my fiance wasn't paying attention to chat, she was busy playing on her comp and making sure that I wasn't afk. Please lift this ban because to the best of my knowledge I did not violate any rules and I have put a lot of work into this server.
    Deinen and metr0n0me like this.
  3. Chertruse

    Chertruse Popular Meeper

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    I just found out that you also banned my fiance's account Shipaii thinking that it was an alternate account of mine because it has the same IP address. I have no way of checking to see if you banned my best friends account, Ballah22, but I would also appreciate you lifting these bans as well.
    Deinen and metr0n0me like this.
  4. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    We can not unban any of those accounts yet. We also can not unban you unless you have some form of evidence proving that it was your fiancé and not a macro. I look forward to your reply.
    GroovyGrevous likes this.
  5. Chertruse

    Chertruse Popular Meeper

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    How do I prove the absence of a macro?
    Deinen and metr0n0me like this.
  6. Chertruse

    Chertruse Popular Meeper

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    Would having my fiance talk to y'all help? I really have no idea what kind of evidence you are looking for.
    Deinen and metr0n0me like this.
  7. Jess_4Ds

    Jess_4Ds Ya Know!

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    This looks a looks like macro to me.
  8. Chertruse

    Chertruse Popular Meeper

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    Yes it does. Since nobody believes me and there is no way to prove that it was my fiance, y'all have fun losing more people from the server. I'll just bail before the server tanks.
    00000 and Deinen like this.
  9. Jess_4Ds

    Jess_4Ds Ya Know!

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    Well you just made this decision pretty easy. The fact that you are not fighting for your innocence in this just shows us that you are not ready to come back on meep. There are ways to get unbanned and things that can be done to prove to us that you were not macroing but since you are not willing to work for the unban I will be denying this.
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