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Alfheim is Hiring Staff!

Discussion in 'Towns Archive' started by shiroppy, May 26, 2016.

  1. shiroppy

    shiroppy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hello! This thread is about why you should consider being town staff in the Beta town Alfheim, or just a thread to help you get a 'job'. Please consider being apart of Alfheim!!

    First off, the beta town Alfheim is hiring assistants, recruiters, and builders.

    As a assistant you would do:

    • Plot clearing
    • Getting residents/recruiting (atleast one person a day!)
    • Showing residents to their new plot. Tell them to do /plot claim on the plot thats for sale
    • Make them feel comfortable in the town
    • Help residents with their needs. Ex: Giving some building materials (option) or tell them to go to /warp wild. Ex: Help them with commands
    • Do little tasks for the town that the Mayor asks you to do. You do not need to do some of the things if you do not feel comfortable with them. We try to get you easy tasks that let you enjoy being in the town.
    Perks of being a assistant:
    • You get to live in the town for free (No taxes)
    • You get to take items from the people who have lost their plot AFTER 2 weeks of losing it.
    • You can be promoted to co-mayor on how well you do
    • You get pay on how well you do
    if you do not feel like you are active enough in the town you can go for the job 'Recruiter'
    As a recruiter you would do:
    • Advertising the town
    • Getting atleast 2 residents a day
    • Show the residents that you add to their plot.
    Perks of being a recruiter:
    You get to live in Alfheim for free. (No taxes)
    • You get to be in a friendly and nice community
    • You can be promoted to assistant then co-mayor on how well you do
    • You get pay according to if they stay and if you make them feel welcome to the town
    If you are a good builder and want to use your talent then you should apply for 'Builder'
    As a Builder you would do:
    Build Pre-builts for residents on request of Mayor. You can decline if you are busy
    • Help residents with building their house
    Perks of being a builder:
    • You get to live in the town for free. (No taxes)
    • You get pay by the quality of your builds

    If you have got this far then you probably want to be staff. Fill out this application in the comments and you will be considered for being apart of the amazing staff team of Alfheim.

    In game name:

    What are you applying for (town rank):

    Why do you want to be staff:

    How could you make residents experience better:

    Anymore information you think we should know:

    Take all the time you need.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  2. Arietis

    Arietis Well-Known Meeper

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    Good luck on this! Gratz to anyone that is accepted :)
    Pmx728 likes this.
  3. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Due to a fierce loyalty to my current Beta town, I cannot actually join, but perhaps we can work around that.

    Applying for Builder position

    Reason: I absolutely adore building, and constantly build more and more around Meep. I possess a affable skill in building all forms of medieval, Dwarven, modern, Italian villas, and several others.

    How I can make residents' experience better: Every new player loves starting off in a beautiful home where they can build up as they become accustomed to everything on the server. In addition, a unified town theme provides a sense of cooperation and dedication.

    Additional Information: You can see examples of my work at @lordusan 's /pwarp discount, Dreamcraft's lighthouse near /pwarp dc5, and a few homes in @2leah2 's Oaklea (Alpha town). At the moment, I am also building several modern homes in Paris (Alpha) and hold the town's builder position. I am also very familiar with redstone, which can make large homes come to life.
  4. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hey I'll apply soon and leave my town in beta
    Arietis likes this.
  5. shiroppy

    shiroppy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Accepted ;)
    CluelessKlutz likes this.

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