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MeepCraft EULA Compliance

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Fuzzlr, May 7, 2016.

  1. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    The architects build 4 free for all skywars maps. 2 team skywars maps. A skywars spawn and a lot more.
    Draqq likes this.
  2. Zer0000000000

    Zer0000000000 Popular Meeper

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    Well uh, with all the EULA stuff.
    Has anyone noticed their items durability? All my tools/armors are about to break.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 8, 2016, Original Post Date: May 8, 2016 ---
    Screen Shot 2016-05-08 at 8.51.31 AM.png Screen Shot 2016-05-08 at 8.51.27 AM.png
    Draqq likes this.
  3. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    Archs having /fly would be extremely useful for them, help them build way faster. If they do such a good job to get Arch, then they deserve fly. :)
    Draqq likes this.
  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    That's because of the /fix lore, which admins said they'd remove soon
    metr0n0me likes this.
  5. Pyrotechboys

    Pyrotechboys Popular Meeper

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    I choose no meepcraft
  6. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Not trying to set anyone off, but what do all of these perks have to do with Towny? They're all minigame/hub server stuff. Again, not gonna start a flame war.

    I am incredibly sorry everyone is raging. Everyone is frustrated with the EULA in general. It simply shuts down any chance of non-hub servers succeeding. Face it, there is not a single disguise or "gadget" (that is just cosmetic) that is worth $100.

    Therefore, we can fix this by following some of the threads in the suggestions forum. We can re-add every perk if it can be obtained without using hard currency only. I personally think we would benefit from changing the way Meep is played. With tweaks to the way things were, we can make everything EULA compliant by making ourselves "pay for speed" instead of "pay for perks." Similar to many "free to play" games, using hard currency is not necessary to get everything, but it speeds it up considerably.

    In addition, I want to personally thank the Admins for fixing everything on such short notice. I would greatly enjoy discussion about things we can do to make Meep better than ever.

    To those arguing for a reset, let me tell you something. A reset will not fix anything long-term. Yes, it will bring players back . . . for a few days. I know of a server that has biannual resets. Know what happens? Everyone "comes back" right at the reset, and builds up. Then they all leave again within a week until the next reset. This is not the community Meep has. This server succeeds not because of the perks, but because of the community. The thing is, the community relies on these perks to balance the economy. Everyone seems to love complaining about how "bad" the economy is, but . . . it works, doesn't it?

    Meep as a whole is at a crossroads. No matter what decisions are made, the majority of the community needs to be on board, while still complying to the EULA. As I said, it doesn't really work as it is, but the EULA is what we're stuck with, so we have to make it work for us.
  7. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    Yes, if you're on the same page this is EXACTLY what I've been trying to say and what me and Fuzzlr were discussing; you can re-add permanent perks for the ranked, and make it buyable in game (even if it is quite expensive and may be able to purchase permanently or "rented"), this would solve many problems. Thanks for your post, sums up a lot of what I've been trying to explain I'm sure ;)
    Enron and CluelessKlutz like this.
  8. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Also, my current profile picture is just for the community attitude after these changes, haha.

    Anyways, I would love it if we could do this. I currently have the Elite rank, and let me say that no one will buy that just for the sethomes. I have taken a break from Meep IG so everyone could adjust their attitude a tad, and let the techs get stuff working. So in the mean time, I am bored out of my mind because I don't like any other servers these days. None have the vibrant community that Meep does.

    As many have said
    What do all of these posts have in common? "We don't stay for the perks, we stay for our friends!"
    Burritoh and MoonlitMadness like this.
  9. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Please come to the town hall meeting when we set a day. I promise 110% that 99% of my time on this server ad admin in the upcoming months will be focused on towny ideas and perks. I have a few ideas starting with town jobs that actually do something. We have a lot planned and have had very little time to put anything into effect. Its easy as a player to sit back and rip apart whats going on because it ends at thought. We have to think, then stress test think, code, test, impliment.

    I promise this will pass but sitting on forums and ripping apart every dollar amount, perk, addition, subtraction and idea and saying "well heres my idea", Does not help us at all. Our main focus will be placed on towny and looking at your suggestions so Please, post there but make SURE before you do that the idea agrees with eula, and is something that wont break the eco.

    Well get through this and I understand the frustration, Honestly I do. We just need to work as a unit and well improve day by day. =]

    Side note: I agree with your "No gadget is worth $100", but thats what people said about fly and tons still donated for that.
    Burritoh, Enron, metr0n0me and 3 others like this.
  10. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    My apologies if this came off rather rude, My exact reasoning for a break is to let staff do their job. Nothing ever comes out perfect on the first try. Given the major changes that had to be done, I'm surprised everything works as well as it does. I can't wait to see the implementations made to rebalance everything.

    Personally, I am not frustrated with any staff member in any way. It is thanks to you guys the server is still open at all. Every single staff member (especially Admins), has put their time, sweat, and heart into this server to make it what it is.

    I fully confess I am newer to the server than virtually everyone else, so I must ask, what platform do town hall meetings take place on?

    I am super excited to see Towny worked on, as it is the best part of Meep (software-wise).

    Once again, I deeply apologize if my comments came off as ragey, unappreciative of staff, or frustrated with the server itself.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  11. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    My fault I didnt mean you came across that. I just mean everyone haha. Your post was fine.
    Usually teamspeak but I think we may do it on twitch so I can post to youtube and yall can at least see my pretty face,
    CluelessKlutz and metr0n0me like this.
  12. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Thanks for making efforts to reach out to the community and provide an opportunity for rational discussion; it means more than you might think. :)
    CluelessKlutz likes this.
  13. OKNEM

    OKNEM Celebrity Meeper

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    So you're saying Ultimate cannot be purchased anymore? @Fuzzlr

    Extremely disappointed with the ones in bold. I paid good money for this.
    This is where I go -1 billion. I know it's what you had to do, but it's not really what I expected.
    None of these actually look like they may be interesting. Well, maybe the poop block. But isn't that a bit inappropriate?
    I am praying with everything i have on my body

    All in all, I'm disappointed. Mainly on Mojang, though. Why did they have to do this? People were fine with the way Meep was. Why change it?

    EDIT: I just read my post. I sound so stupid. Sorry, I'm a bit salty. But I don't really like what Mojang did. Not blaming anything on Meep.
  14. _Gimble_1.

    _Gimble_1. Popular Meeper

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    @KlutchDecals Are the town hall meetings recorded? Most of the time I am not able to come to them for some reason or another and so I do not really know what is going on in Meepcraft.
    DaddingtonBee likes this.
  15. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Since when are you a constructive member of the community?

  16. Enron

    Enron Celebrity Meeper

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    Read my sig
    Toostenheimer and OneBreadSlice like this.
  17. Jinkeloid

    Jinkeloid Celebrity Meeper

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    Glad I didn't donate for ultimate.
    Enron likes this.
  18. Turboxide

    Turboxide Well-Known Meeper

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    I love the idea of flying with meebles, but I think there should be a permanent buy option for people who are building something all the time, also why was feed taken away from everyone? It's the only perk loss that really annoys me as I have to waste an inventory spot for it.
    M0W0G likes this.
  19. M0W0G

    M0W0G Celebrity Meeper

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    They need to at least give people with ranks meebles because its not our fault that we have consequences for meep being irresponsible with their server especially when some people donated 320 dollars for ult and then lost /fly i mean come on 320 dollars is insane but they really loved this server and donated but now they lose 320 real life dollars. I know they said they would add new perks but they better add it really freaking soon cause you guys remember /warp mobs that crap was supposed to come out on the 8th of January that long. I would curse but i don't wanna get a forums ban. The main reason i'm mad about this is meep is responsible and now donors are suffering for crap they payed for they need to do something about it.
    MrJat123, Marshy_88 and xQuartz like this.
  20. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    I wish I did
    CluelessKlutz likes this.

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