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Why i love meep

Discussion in 'Other' started by haod, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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  2. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    Hoad I'm gonna say this. Are you really gonna let people judge you and push you around just because you did something that others didn't like? Who cares if you made a mistake. If people can't understand that mistakes happen and they leave because you made a mistake, then they're not worth your time. If they can't stay by you even though let's say you did something which made the whole world hate you, then they're not worth your time. Don't let just one mistake along side with 2 people you hung out with not hanging out with you anymore make you quit the server. I never hated you, I have seen you and never have I said anything bad about/to you. In fact if you come back I'd love to be your friend, even if others hate me for it :). If you wanna quit though, it's your choice, but don't let the words of others get to you, they're just stupid little things that we use to communicate, it's not a bullet.
    haod likes this.
  3. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    Made me cry Dad :,)

    Anyway, he's right. You won't improve in math class if you keep practicing simple addition. It's natural for humans to take the easy road, and quite frankly it happens often. If you decide to go to kit, and practice there you might become better than some people, but you won't improve. If you want to hear my story I can tell you

    I was an arrogant hothead (what's changed?) and I thought I was the best on meep. Granted, I was still pretty decent, I was no star. Either way I thought I was good because I killed people in kit. Then, I was showed a pvp server and I got humiliated. So bad so, that the first fight I had I hackusated the person I fought.
    Anyway, each season I started having better ratings, until the point I was at a place where I could call myself good.

    Moral of the story, practice may not make perfect, but it does make you better. I would suggest not hiring a 'trainer' such as Viperfan or Pyrotechboys, but instead be your own trainer. That's the best trainer there is. If you teach yourself, it'll be better. Experience is the best way to learn
  4. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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    Hey, so ace started teaming with me again. Not because this feel sorry for me thread but after I started standing up for myself. He didn't care a crap about this thread. He started teaming with me when I stopped caring about who teamed with me and decided I didn't need viper or pyro. It doesn't matter who teams with you, actually it's not good to team with everyone because then you never fight the best.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 11, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 11, 2016 ---
    Btw I forgot to add I didn't ask viper to team team with me, he asked me because he noticed I was not crap in pvp not that I was good but I wasn't this. My 1st video lol
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 11, 2016 ---
    See right here pyrotechboys i wasn't the amazing person it is pyrotechboys, he's always understanding no matter what.
  5. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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  6. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    umm.... am i the only one who saw him msging himself
  7. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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    Ok also wtf am I doing like adding 20 things to this thread anyways, I'm happy I made this thread not for a goodbye but for a hello. When I started this off I thought I was completely unwanted and nobody ever liked me, but now with all your posts even the negative ones I know you all are trying to help me out and make me a better person. Even when I was a complete a**hole when I made this thread none of you guys said that and you all were understanding. Thank you so much everyone for being understanding and making me a better person. Meep is the best server there is and nothing can replace it.
  8. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    i think depression may have gotten to you
    i've done something like this before
    like i wanted to kill myself because i was abused heavily one day by my parents
    but eh
    haod likes this.
  9. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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    Alright mine is nothing compared to that but thanks for understanding.
  10. Llamazon

    Llamazon Celebrity Meeper

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    do u guys need kleenexes or something

    i dont know how to offer emotional support
  11. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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