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I expected better, staff team.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by 7acespade, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Will do.
    glad to have you and cooleys on my side. All encouragement like. I'ma workin' on it.
  2. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    Giving it some thought for a while, I realized that staff members are doing the best for you. As said previously, you demonstrate all these qualities but there are a few tiny wrinkles. In reality, they're just doing the best they can to guide and help you so you can further exceed. It's pretty cool you respond in a calm way, and you take a moment to realize these things. At this point people are just denting your reputation. It's really not there place to decide to publicly say this and create a load of drama. But hey, I just wanted to say that it's great that your keeping it cool in a scenario like this. Good luck, and keep on being a chill bean pal
    Muunkee likes this.
  3. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    Klutch, I've gone on record to say that I was a terrible staff member no less than forty times, but my horrible experience as staff was not entirely my fault. I was given no formal training by many staff members, even after asking. I was given a basic, barebones training in Hawkeye, but other than this I was absolutely clueless. For all of my time as I staff member, I was given no training for the forums at all, I even had no idea Helpers could review ban requests. I was demoted for something another admin said was okay, and this admin even helped me set up my event. Also, I was going through probably the most stressful time of my entire life, which was why I was skimping on work. You caught me in a bad place at a bad time, friend, I am usually a very hard worker.

    Youre right, I could have PMed you after the denial, but staff members who were participating actively in TS were avoiding pokes, and PM's were left unanswered even when the staff member was online. Im sure its clear to see why someone would get frustrated at this. The denial reason for the application was severely lacking, and I figured that if I did not make a thread like this where staff members would be forced to respond too, the same answer would be given. I'm glad I got staff members to respond, but I'm a bit disappointed that none of them actually answered the question. I also made a thread because a civil discussion cannot exist between two, I wanted everyone else to also participate and chime in. Some people, including me, took this thing way too far.

    And no, I've never pmed an apology to anyone.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
    metr0n0me likes this.
  4. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    we havnt used hawkeye in years m8. GG paying attention. lol

    Banning people for flying near your parkour? hmm.

    . . . Check your pms.

    Not getting any further into this. Simply put, Youve done nothing to change anyones mind about Monkey or staff. ALl you do with these threads is exactly what happened here. Not helping the community at all. Next time, Im deleting it and muting you from posting.
    Zoe89 and Enron like this.
  5. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    It was Prism, I accidently wrote the wrong thing.

    I checked my PMs before I wrote the reply and I sent no apologies.

    Klutch, I asked an admin if I could do exactly what I did, and he said yes. The incident that happened that day was not my fault, as I asked a higher up and he literally gave me the green light. It was his fault. This also doesn't explain why I was given no training at all, I was expected to do things by myself, and even after reading the guides, I was still very ill prepared.

    I was not looking to change anyone's minds about Muunkee being staff, I wanted an answer as to why she was denied because it seemed very obvious that staff members were ignoring her.

    Klutch, if you want a civil discussion, you might want to answer my post instead of bashing me for something I did a year ago.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
  6. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    dude I sent you 8000 texts a day
    you knew I got answers that night
  7. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    Here are some baby chickens I have!!
  8. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Thanks for clarifying. By the way, next time this happens, how do you suggest we communicate, so flame ward won't occur again?

  9. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    They're cute!
  10. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    I suggest you dont make threads on others behalf while seeking attention. Communicate like adults instead of passing a bias rumor.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 6, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 6, 2016 ---
    RIP argument?
    Its obvious you were starting crap on Muunkees behalf. I understand you have a crush and thats fine, just keep it off forums
    Toostenheimer, Zoe89, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  11. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    If you can call 3 months of being a thing a crush lol
    7acespade likes this.
  12. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    I made the thread after staff members were ignoring us for a while. After the thread was made, we got responses, and for good reason.

    Rip argument?
    god I love this
  13. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    1344220372096_9241455.png bammedme.jpg
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    God I hate kids so much.
  15. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    I spent 3 months on mine. I didn't get it. Did I complain? No. And if the staff said what they said, it's for a reason, so learn to deal with it.
    Its_Madison and Summers like this.
  16. blueblock10

    blueblock10 Popular Meeper

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    I disagree with whatever your saying xD sorry
    IFartOnChilren likes this.
  17. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    7ace this thread has run its course. You say over and over again that nobody would respond to "us" well I agree. I will not respond to you for a declined application by another member of the community. I disagree that the explanation left in "her" application did not give detail. It stated "majority decision was not to accept you as a member of the staff team at this time" it also stated "I ask you to keep moving forward and with doing that and with showing people that actions speak louder than words. You will prove to everyone and especially yourself that you are a great person nothing can stand in your way."

    Also when time allowed for me to chat with the applicant (Munkee not you) I had a chat with her, giving her the details I could without breaking the staff chat policy. She understood and honestly I expect her (based on her attitude and actions after the declined application) to be taking the advice I gave on her application to show her words with actions and prove the history wrong and to re-apply when time allows.

    She doesn't need your help! Also if you call this help I suggest you take a step back and find a way this has helped at all.... If you find a way it did help.... PS you are wrong again.

    I was just looking into applications because I had a vague recollection of you applying a few times when I saw you were twice declined and took it better than in this application that had and has "ZERO" to do with you.

    Also during my search I found when you were accepted as staff and made a helper for a short time followed by a "Farewell MeepCraft" thread when you were caught breaking a rule. I did not get a PM with an apology. But I think apologizing it not a bad thing, it shows that someone has owned up to there actions and is a "real" person. Which is why when I saw the apology you shared in appeal I hope you meant it.

    "I admit that my account was used for illegal purposes. Since my account is my responsibility, and I have absolutely no way to prove that I am innocent..Even though I didn't xray, I have to accept that my account was banned for a logical and fair reasons. It was foolish of me to make two accounts with the same password, I take the blame.

    Second of all, I would like to apologize to the server. Because of my actions, I put the server at risk by spawning a huge amount of Diamonds, enough to leave a huge dent in the server an amount that would wound the economy. Once I hopefully come back, I will try my best to reverse the terrible things I have caused, and will prioritize my time and effort into mending all the damages; both emotional and physical, that effected the community.

    Most importantly, I would like to apologize to the community. Since almost every bit of evidence is stacked against me, I will find it understandable to accuse me of crimes my account partook in. I would like to apologize to every meepcrafter that I've let down. I hope that someday, you guys can forgive me."

    Thanks for sharing this enlightening thread with us all.


    PS Thread Closed!
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