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I expected better, staff team.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by 7acespade, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    What reasons? Why? There's absolutely zero transparency. I can assure you that Muunkee wasn't told (besides the vague denial message) what she can work on.

    Hey @Muunkee - Alexia at least you're not bob4444444 xD
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 4, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 4, 2016 ---
    Are they of concern to the applicant? Because as far as I can see she wasn't told what to work on.
    7acespade and Pmx728 like this.
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I approached cooleys tonight and got more info.
    I do wish it was better worded into the reply on my app, but hey I'll take it.
    I love you.
    cooey, Pmx728, Skaros123 and 2 others like this.
  3. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Oh okay, nevermind then.
  4. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Unless there is compelling reason to not make someone helper, then your opinions really don't matter. The +1's and -1's are virtually meaningless if all you talk about is how much you like the person or hate the person.

    No where does it say it's operated like a democratic process. :)
  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I wasn't until I asked.
    Then again, my main problem was just a few more people need convincing, just a little bit more time, and he didn't rally even have any specifics for me and that I should just keep working on it and apply soon.
  6. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    In this case why open the applications up to comments? Wouldn't it create less drama if the staff team decided internally? They can already censor everything on the application (everything posted on applications needs to get approved).
  7. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Actually, the staff apps originally did not allow people to comment on them. I was, I think SuperMod, at the time we opened up the staff comments. It was to make people stop complaining, really, because in the old MeepCraft people were allowed to comment on staff apps and what not. Then again, even in the old MeepCraft I don't think public opinion mattered. Fuzzlr has said it himself, public opinion has little affect staff apps. Staff look at what people have to say, and if it's something compelling, then it makes a difference. Such as if someone was to post evidence of an applicant breaking the rules.
    metr0n0me, Its_Madison and Jwarian like this.
  8. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Cleaned this thread up a bit please keep the chat well mannered and on topic. There is no reason to lock threads if we can keep that in mind.
  9. zsuzsu1

    zsuzsu1 Popular Meeper

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    Thank you
  10. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    I still believe that all staff denials warrant atleast some sort of explanation.
  11. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    And an explanation was given to Muunkee when she asked. It's a private matter that doesn't concern you. Okay?
    metr0n0me and TimtheFireLord like this.
  12. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    Your reasoning suggests that you would support a law where employers are forced to explain why they don't hire every applicant too. Is this true?
    You also say "some sort of explanation", munkee's responses and the application are, in fact, "some sort of explanation".

    I'm curious as to what your expectations of this server truly are? Perhaps you can list them ALL so we get an idea of your thoughts on how to improve the server, albeit in some manner other than speaking down to us with clickbait titles and judgement.

    I expected better from you too man, you've been here so long.
    Klitch likes this.
  13. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    I believed applicants are entitled to be judged in a fair manner where everyone is treated equally for their actions. It simply is not fair that Muunkee, no matter how hard she tried, could never get into staff due to extreme biases I believe are within the team. It is not fair that Muunkee, after going through a "trial-trial" mod phase with flying colors, was not accepted into the team and was not given a reason why.

    I believe that people who spend their time dedicating themselves to a server for absolutely free warrants them a reason for their application denial. Its common courtesy that should be given to all applicants
  14. Lord_Walrus

    Lord_Walrus Popular Meeper

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    Honestly, I didn't want to impose much on Muunkee's sake, but this is just outlandishly disgusting. The very position of a staff member is on a voluntary basis. Anyone who knows Muunkee would know that she isn't doing this for any other reason than to help out MeepCraft. She is a big part of MeepCraft history and should be given the chance to redeem herself. She has, since her last demotion, only showed dedication and professionalism.

    This decision was haphazardly put into motion and honestly just plainly unjust.
    Pmx728 and Muunkee like this.
  15. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    So by this I surmise that you would also oppose laws branding felons, and drunk drivers and other nefarious offenders for life. Like everyone should be entitled to their additional chance?

    You state "extreme bias" yet your whole argument has been biased toward munkee the entire time, probably should avoid that word in this thread. Where were you on those other 9001 denied ban appeals fighting for the hard workers?

    Its in my nature to support the staff after all thats why I'm still here, it also seems monkey feels that way too, publicly that is.
    She's been here for years, I doubt any of this pitiful thread's deductions will matter in a year, points for being a good bf but time to pump the brakes on this so I will try to focus your mind on something useful and reiterate a question from above:

    "I'm curious as to what your expectations of this server truly are? Perhaps you can list them ALL so we get an idea of your thoughts on how to improve the server, albeit in some manner other than speaking down to us with clickbait titles and judgement."
    Pmx728 and Muunkee like this.
  16. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm not sure where this improve server thing is coming from, all I wanted to do is to shed light on an issue that I'm sure other people have. Although I am biased in this case, maybe even extremely biased, I thought my girlfriend deserved an explanation for her denial after seeing her try so hard to be given the opportunity. And in reality, its perfectly okay to be biased in this sort of situation. Sometimes, when I see things on the server that I really cant grasp my hands around, I make threads like these to shed light on the issue. I've done it many times before and to a broad range of audiences.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  17. _MacintoshWave_

    _MacintoshWave_ Celebrity Meeper

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    Get Over It. She can be quite sour.

    It doesn't matter if @BlendyCat got any +1s or not. It's what the staff saw in his application, and it doesn't depend on the players to vote. Also, most of the staff that I have met are pretty immature, which leads me to believe the staff don't care about maturity or not.

    Get Over Yourself And Your Needs!
  18. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

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    @Muunkee - Alexia Would of been the best staff member added to the team in a year. She is literally the equivalent too 5 helpers. Her being home schooled, being on the forums 24/7, responding to Forums post literally seconds after they're posted, being able to help anyone in /g at anytime, most of the times the first one to respond. The fact that she didn't get Helper is a little discouraging.

    The way I see the staff team now is, Of you've been playing this server for 3+ years now? You didn't have a good attitude as a kid when you first started playing? Damn that sucks because we remember what you did exactly 2 years, 57 days, 12 hours and 3 minutes ago exactly. Yeah, that sucks, sorry you can't get staff even though you're more than qualified than some SuperMods even Admins on the server. Shame . .

    But in the case of a new person, Hi, I'm new to this server, I just joined 2 days ago. I'm applying for staff even though it's my second day. *Boom* accepted for interview, gets accepted, gets helper title, everyone is spamming ''who tf is this person?'' ''This person'' keeps spamming /g with stupid sh* nobody wants to hear, annoying af. Gets mod within a week. gg

    I'm literally the best builder that has consistently stuck with this server. I had my shot at being an Architect, and the 14 year old me screwed it up. But am I going to ever get a second chance? NO. Because I've already tried to change who I was, people on this server don't move on, you do one thing wrong 4 years ago, you're screwed. They're never going to forget and they're going to use this against you. I change who I was for more than half a year, I was trying to improve myself for the better of the server. But guess what happened when I finally thought I was ready to apply again? Constant -1 immature, attitude etc.

    But Muunkee, Muunkee really did change as well, she was the perfect person to become a staff team. And if the given staff team full of mostly 12 year old helpers and semi-inactive higher ups can't see this. Then I'm really starting to see what everyone else is saying about Meep dying and being corrupt.
    cooey, Jalapenos, Pmx728 and 5 others like this.
  19. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    I agree with this thread mostly, but I can name a few actually. Two great examples are Klutch and Sjoe. Klutch was first accepted after less than a month on the server, and Sjoe was accepted on a limb, I'd say. Look where they are now.

    Although that's not to say that this applies here. I mean, blendycat isn't gonna make it to mod, much less admin.

    Still though, just what, 3 or 4 months ago muunkee was quite toxic. Not vkl level toxic, but enough to leave a bad taste in your mouth. I think that is what the staff team are going off of, and I recon they'd like to wait another month just to make sure the board is clear.
    Summers and metr0n0me like this.
  20. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    This is okay and all
    and you've improved and all
    but you're still constantly rude and smartalec like and that's why people don't like you

    dis guy's got it, this is fair and I'm just chilling here another month
    Klitch and Deljikho like this.
  21. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

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    I thought it was obvious why I was. Apparently not.

    After trying to change and eventually applying again and constantly being -1 for immature or -1 because of my attitude I'd realize it doesn't matter if you have changed or not. People on this server are still going to always look at your past decisions. They judge you for who you were, not who you are. After realizing this I'd given up, I just don't care what people think of me anymore. I don't feel that I need to change myself because that's how someone wants me to act or behave. I'm going to act how I want, and be annoying on purpose because of it.
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