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I expected better, staff team.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by 7acespade, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    The decision of the staff team to not give @Muunkee - Alexia a shot at Helper was one of the saddest moments I have ever seen on the server.

    She demonstrated herself more than anyone has. She is helpful in both chat and the forums, where she is practically the only person on the server addressing peoples questions and concerns. She worked hard for the chance to become a helper, she changed her attitude for the better portion of three months, and spent weeks writing her application. The fact that Muunkee, a hard working individual who cared about the server was not given a shot while @BlendyCat , an immature kid who received no +1's on his application was given a shot is absolutely sickening. Seriously, this dude has one of the most hilarious and immature quotes on shout chat I have ever seen. What has this guy ever done for the server?

    The fact is simple. The Staff Team had no reason at all to deny her, she was denied a shot due almost exclusively to bias. She's demonstrated herself as the perfect candidate, everyone could see this. The fact that you denied her because of her "Past" is absurd, as half of the current staff team had a bad phase too.

    Staff, you passed an opportunity on an amazing staff member that would work hard on almost every timezone. I talk to her everyday, and I know without a fact that she cares about the server immensely and was frustrated she could not do anything about it. She fixed her attitude and expected a fair chance, and you cheated her through bias.

    Muunkee could have done anything, but you still would have denied her because of something she did in the past. Thats low, staff.

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    pfft you helped

    Do I think I should have been given a chance? Yes. Do I think I'm ready? Very.
    I need to prove to other people I'm ready too. Even through any bias there are some issues there.

    My only problem right now is that I'm haven't been told my reasons. Which is something easily solved - I'll message cooleys on TS later.

    See you next month with another go.
    cooey, GroovyGrevous, Pmx728 and 7 others like this.
  3. TimtheFireLord

    TimtheFireLord Celebrity Meeper

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    Muunkee, once you get the position, how long do you expect to keep it? Is it worth all that work?
    Enron likes this.
  4. andrewrobins

    andrewrobins My views are my own.

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    Id like to have seen what would happen, but this is not in my department :). Although I have to respect their decision.
  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    As long as I am able.
  6. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I find it completely horrible that you were not given the shot. You're a hard working individual, I've noticed that your attitude mellowed down a lot, and you've perfected everything to your finest.
    fasehed, 7acespade and Muunkee like this.
  7. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

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    7.8 / 10
    Too good for helper.
    Muunkee likes this.
  8. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I would have liked to of seen how she would go but hopefully Muunkee will get it next time around, I hope the best for you @Muunkee - Alexia !
  9. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    It's just whats upsetting is she worked hard for this position. I don't want to keep on shooting compliments, but it's true. She has more experience than most people now. I'm not gonna paint her as always perfect and a natural. But it's upsetting me and many other people to know that someone who had this position previously, who worked tremendously hard didn't get a shot. But what's done is done, and there
    must be some reason why our staff members felt differently.
  10. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

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    How many times has she been demoted from staff?
    Akiratohiama and Iatemyfriends like this.
  11. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Twice with the last time being DEC 25 2014
    UI also fully admit that u shouldn't have been accepted the first time
    Lady_Hestia, fasehed and metr0n0me like this.
  12. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't mean to give unworthy people my attention but like

    Who the hell is blendycat

    Why the hell is he staff

    If it doesn't matter "as long as he does the job well", why am I not staff? I can do the job well and the staff know that. But would you promote me? Hell no, because of my reputation right? If that's the case, this Blendycat individual got no +1's on his application yet he still got staff. I don't know this kid, and the only thing I've seen so far out of him is random spurts of useless s*** in shout

    I don't care thou
    because this server has long been dead and will never recover fully but like I'm just trying to analyze the reasoning in some of staff's recent decisions.

    Munkee is more qualified for staff than any of the people you recently promoted

    Part of what made this server addicting is the popularity of the staff team. Back in my days, I was thinking "Damn, all the staff are so popular, I want to be staff so bad! I want to be like one of them". Now they're just random ass people I don't even know or care for, who got accepted because the standard of acceptance is low asf

    Give staff to more experienced people who have played for a longer time

  13. TimtheFireLord

    TimtheFireLord Celebrity Meeper

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    Cool beans then, good luck.
    Muunkee likes this.
  14. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I love you
    00000, Trexy, cooey and 7 others like this.
  15. IGotBored

    IGotBored Celebrity Meeper

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    ohhh nooooo you can't be a glorified human google search for a dying server on a children's game how awfullllllll

    it's especially cute how you think that the community votes have any impact whatsoever on the staff decisions???? i mean i'm p sure you sat through at least one interview so you should know? ????? literally has no effect because it'd just be a popularity contest if the community chose

    this entire thread just sounds like you're upset because the new kid got like student council president or something???

    well damn you cared enough to post a rant about it like you can either be edgy or not you gotta choose
  16. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

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    I was scrolling through this thread thinking of all these points, and thinking of a way to put them into words. It seems someone has out ranted me.
    Lady_Hestia, Trexy, cooey and 3 others like this.
  17. BaM_Nitro

    BaM_Nitro ஜ۩▬Retired▬ஜ۩

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    Tbh, I wasn't really sure I wanted to see munke as staff but recently I have seen some people as staff who no one knows. I asked who they are and I get a respond "doesn't matter about reputation, it's about if they can do the job" well guess what? They can't do their jobs either, I have seen so many people complains about certain staff members that I lost count.

    Don't believe me? Heres some examples.
    I was banned today for hacking WITHOUT proof, like wtf??? I asked the staff member and they said "my recording software is broken". A friend of mine went on a alt earlier today and also got banned without proof. He was banned because he was on an account no one knew of and the staff member got lazy and said yep, his hacking and probably won't appeal because no ones ever seen him so I don't need proof and boom he got banned.
    Seeing previous staff members like @Jalapenos and @Muunkee - Alexia get denied for staff but people like Blendycat who no one even knew exist get accepted is very stupid.

    I remember when there were high standards for becoming staff but now everyone can get staff.

    In my opinion if staff keep making poor decisions like this then meep is going to lose even more players and just die in a couple months or years. Only good decision I have seen so far was promoting @Spyda6 to tech, he is amazing and very dedicated, please make better decisions on promoting certain people because staff members have access to very dangerous comands like getting a players ip etc.
    Good luck I guess
  18. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

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    Reality check here buddy. Monkey did not make this thread.

    Monkey actually had some very positive posts and stated nothing demeaning.

    Go find somewhere else to post your random un-knowledgeable comments.

    Think of it this way. YOU are upset with someone making a post being upset because someone else didn't get a staff position on a "Children's" server.

    metr0n0me and zsuzsu1 like this.
  19. IGotBored

    IGotBored Celebrity Meeper

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    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 3, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 3, 2016 ---
    i'm not upset, i just like to get a rise out of the people that are still here. It takes no effort to ignore me

    I'm aware monkey didn't make the thread, because believe it or not, I can and do read.

    Nothing I said was directed at monkey, in fact I more insulted the server and the helper position than her. The part about community opinions was in regards to nhjed's "I don't care" rant.
    I believe monkey would make a good helper, that being said, I think anyone can be a good helper, because it's really not that challenging of a job, so there's no issue with blendycat having the position.

    I don't really wanna find anywhere else as this is a lovely location for it

    Additionally, if you read cooley's denial post on the application, he didn't say "omg you're never getting staff go away thanks". All he said was that it's hard to forget the past, and with two demotions, it's understandable. Literally, keep doing the good child thing, reapply in two weeks, and everything will be gucci

    I don't know why we need a whole brouhaha about it
  20. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    Her last demotion was a year and a half ago. How long does it take for someone to forget the past? We change a lot in a year and a half.
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