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Helper Application from TylerTheDog

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Trexy, Feb 19, 2016.

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  1. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    Member Name TylerTheDog

    Additional In Game Names: REALDogeingGamer, REALDoglrGaming, CakeCruncher37, CakeFriedFerret, TheMightyWoodis, iStufWoodis, JinixWarrior, Majestic_Dot, SpanishSpider, Shark_Waffle

    How old are you? 11

    Location: San Diego, California

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-8

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Kiyonato
    DiePieRie (irl friend)
    Shark_By_Default (irl friend)

    When did you join Meepcraft? Late December 2012

    Introduction: Hello MeepCraft, its me "Shark_Waffle" or Tyler. I suppose I should start telling all of you about my life! For starters, my life isn't very interesting just if you were expecting extreme drama or action. I am currently working hard at my school, trying to at least keep a good A-, B on assignments. I am usually that one kid with a group of friends, talking to people, letting the kids who couldn't join the "jock" group hang around with us. I do pretty well in history, writing, and science. When I am not at school, I am usually on MineCraft or outside playing with some friends. My hobbies include soccer, MineCraft, swim, and some camping trips. In school, I have literally no drama in my life which I guess is its own drama in a way. I am usually very social in school, and around town. I have one sister, one cat, and two dogs. I usually hang around with my favorite dog (Shilo).

    Why should you be Helper? I believe I should be Helper for the listed reasons below:
    -Active: I play MeepCraft a lot to make sure I can understand what is going on in the MeepCraft community.
    -Dedication: I am very dedicated to MeepCraft, it is the only server I play on, and the only one that allows me to connect with the community.
    -Patience: I have learned to be patient with players and or people when they are struggling.
    -Maturity: I know I have matured much more since my last application and post about immaturity.

    -Learning: I learn new things very very quickly!
    What are your weaknesses? My major weaknesses are:
    -Extending Arguments: I have a tendency to extend arguments further than they should be, I am currently working very hard on this issue and will stop it at all costs.
    -Lying: I *used* to lie a lot about my age, thinking people will think less of me for it. I have learned to let it go and continue on Meeping, after all, why should it matter to them?
    -Annoying: I can cause a decant amount of annoyance upon people, I am currently sorting through what I say and do before hand to not cause annoyance.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I use TeamSpeak but not very often because I currently don't have a microphone. I am working on purchasing one soon though! I am already eager to see all your comments! ~Tyler
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  2. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    Hi there shark!

    Im going to be a -1 and here is currently why

    -You change your name way too often. Its almost like a personality change! Ive changed my name recently as well but ive found a name I like and am sticking to it
    -I see you in global but its not usually helping, You help a little, yes, but not enough
    -You have been rude and immature in the past. Not saying im not. Because aren't we all? But you have been pretty blatantly rude to me in teamspeak
    -App length. As you stated on my application, Making it a list is ok as long as people prefer paragraphs, personally your app was kind of sloppy and not very informative. Take lots of time working on your application and using inter-thought to put down what you believe. And your weakness section was well, weak, Why are you annoying? Put it in perspective.


    You are a really nice guy, and pretty cool to hang around.


    Overall I am giving you a -1 Due to your constant name changes and lack of helping. I think you could do really well as helper if you improve on these things more! Just because of the low vote does not mean this effects out relationship

    Its_Madison and Trexy like this.
  3. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    I can't see how I've been "rude" to you in teamspeak other than the confusion about genders in which I clearly stated I am sorry =]
    My forums name currently is the in-game name I will be sticking to for a long time, and name changes aren't anything close to "personality changes" in my opinion I am still the same as SpanishSpider! I know we aren't on at the same times, but I have been helping a lot in /g recently. About the list of "Why I should be Helper" I was going to edit it in and fix it that it's perfectly fine to have a list as a main base (just to clarify). Nevertheless, thank you for your feedback! =]
  4. LionWaffles

    LionWaffles Well-Known Meeper

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    Hi Shark! I am not voting.
    Comments are in ORANGE
    Bad things are in RED
    Good things are in GREEN

    You are a nice person, and have potential for the staff team, you should just wait a while!
    Good luck!
    - LionWaffles :)

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
    Trexy likes this.
  5. Aightfam

    Aightfam Popular Meeper

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    Hi Tyler!

    I am going to be at a +.5 for right now, and here is why;


    -I think that you understated your activity times a bit, and you are on more than you might realize you are.

    -Nice in global chat, very welcoming to new players and never says anything that would intentionally hurt someone.

    -Active on forums and has commented on nearly every helper application for the past month or so.


    -Sometimes immature in game, and even though this is a common problem for many helper applicants, I think it's something you can really work on.

    Good luck on helper! :)
    Trexy likes this.
  6. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    Highlanders, SuperModerator at age 11.
    Most people apply for Helper doing "Why I should be Helper" as a list, so I can hardly see it "un-professional" =/
    Thanks for your feedback! =]
  7. Its_Madison

    Its_Madison Professional Nerd

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    Hello Shark,

    You seem like a nice person to talk to on /g and TS, and you could very well be an excellent helper in the future, but I would like to point some things out:

    - Your application (specifically your ‘Why’ and ‘Weaknesses’ sections) could have been more elaborate. How do you make a difference in the Meepcraft community and stand out above any other applicant, besides having the basic traits that a Helper applicant should already have? What do you have to offer to the community (ex. experience from leadership positions, experience and knowledge of Prism and other staff tools)?

    - You are still somewhat rude and immature in the present. I realize that we used to have big conflicts with each other, but about 50% (give or take) of the time I talk to you in the present, you happen to drop a mention of our conflicts (even though we have supposedly forgiven each other 2-3+ times), but for what purpose, if any?

    -You can be very defensive, as evident on your staff applications. This is not a quality that I would want a Helper to have.

    - I have only seen you on TeamSpeak a few times, and we live within the same time zone. Try to up your activity here, if possible, even if you don't have a microphone.

    There are also positive things that I have seen from you:

    + I see you online Minecraft nearly every day, which is a plus.

    + I do see you helping out sometimes in global and you are social.

    + Your forums activity is pretty good! Keep it up!

    For now, I am giving you a -1. Don’t get me wrong; I could probably see you as a great Helper, but there are current issues to fix, and I believe that you have 100% capability to fix those issues.

    Good luck! <3
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
    KaiUsesThis, MoonlitMadness and Trexy like this.
  8. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    Hey Shark! Your app is pretty good and I do see you quiet often. One thing I could say though is that I never really see you helping people much and reading what others have said, some improvements are needed. I believe you have this potential and that you can do it maybe in the next month or 2, but for now: -0.5
    Trexy likes this.
  9. CrazyYoungBro

    CrazyYoungBro Popular Meeper

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    A Huge +1
    -Great Guy
    Trexy likes this.
  10. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    Just to say for all you people who keep mentioning my TS activity: [​IMG]
    FatBrownMan likes this.
  11. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey Tyler!
    Okay so let's start with your application, in my opinion it was pretty decent but there is one thing that is bothering me; Your references. Today you were asking people to be a reference of yours, you kindly asked me but i had to say no because i don't really know you well enough to be a reference. I was suprised that you choose to ask me, because we have only spoken to each other once or twice, but about an half hour later i spoke to a friend of mine and apparently you asked him aswell. It make's me think that you were just asking random people to become a reference of yours.
    Now onto the real stuff, your "why should you be helper" section was really short and i believe you could go way more in depth with it. However, i think your Introduction was well-written and that it was the best part of your application, yet you still need improvements.
    Honestly i believe you have more weaknesses such as immaturity. I often see you arguring with people in the global chat and it make's me doubt that you would be a good helper. However i think you have made a great effort trying not to. And you are really improving a lot.

    I just didn't think you're fit for this position.


    Oh and try not to change your name so often, i only just found out that you used to be SpanishSpider.
    KaiUsesThis likes this.
  12. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    1. Highlanders never got supermod at age 11, he was demoted from helper.
    2. You shouldn't be using other people to get helper; this is your application, they don't matter.

    I haven't seen you change greatly, and I don't feel you are mature enough yet to handle a staff position right now. You still seem to come off as rude, and overall, you might wanna wait a little while before wanting to become staff. Really improve and get people's opinions of you changed in a positive way!

    Pmx728, KaiUsesThis, cooey and 2 others like this.
  13. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    This is not true, I hate to go commenting on posts, but I need to clarify this with you; I did not go out asking random people to become a reference of mine. I asked the people I knew (sorry about asking btw) to become references. Please don't take this the wrong way, and thanks for the criticism! P.S. I put arguments in my weaknesses =]
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  14. FatBrownMan

    FatBrownMan Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey shark!


    Your so friendly kind helpful and understandful you'd be ever so fit for the positon as helper!

    Trexy likes this.
  15. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    The app was okay, but it lacked detail altogether and had no depth, it was uninteresting to read.
    I haven't seen you helping.
    In game and forum activity is good, TS activity is low. I don't care if you don't have a mic - you can both still be there, you should be pretty active on ts before, not after, applying.
    Your attitude and maturity is better, but can greatly still be worked on.
    Try to stick to one name for god's sake.
    Currently, -.5, you're pretty close but I think you still have work.
    Trexy likes this.
  16. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

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    I never actually said that you asked random people, that's just what it seem's like from my experience. You asked 2 of my friends the same day 1 said no and the other 1 yes. It only seemed like that was what you were doing. I know you put it as a weakness, but you did not put immaturity.
    Its_Madison likes this.
  17. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    lmao you try way too hard buddy.
    You're not a leader, you literally suck up to everyone.
    You're only 11; wouldn't see a sex ref nor be able to handle the heat.
    -1, If Meep still exists in 2 years try again then
  18. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    I am very sorry to be commenting on this comment, but I will inform you that I can spot sexual references, I may be young but that doesn't mean I don't know things. By saying I can't handle the heat, I would like to know what you are referring to with the word heat. Thank you for your constructive criticism!
  19. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm at a +.5 as you are nice, but you do change your name a lot which is crazy, but you are very genorous, as I won premium from you around Christmas. (I liked the name Majestic_dot, I may steal it)
  20. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    No you can't, lol. I've been 11, I know what it is. You can't see the vast majority of sexual references.
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