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PvP Staff

Discussion in 'Denied' started by BaM_Nitro, Jan 17, 2016.


Good idea?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I Dont care

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  1. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    It's actually difficult to accurately and effectively teach staff about hacking, it's something that comes natural with enough practice, so honestly this idea would probably be a good one :)
    Bluapol, metr0n0me, Lemoh and 5 others like this.
  2. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't see why this is needed because PvP staff would have to have the same permissions that a regular staff member would have.
    Staff members are still people. We all make mistakes (you should know that if you're around me often lol). Even the PvP staff could make a mistake.
    I am not good at catching hackers, and I haven't been staff that long, but I will work on my PvP skills if that is what is best for the server. I will focus more on the effects of hacks and how to find them. This is my personal goal as of now.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
    Dockson and Deljikho like this.
  3. BaM_Nitro

    BaM_Nitro ஜ۩▬Retired▬ஜ۩

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    I know everyone makes mistake but this suggestion will reduce the mistakes dramatically. It takes time to learn about hacking and pvping it doesn't happen over night, this can take months to be able to tell different types of hacks. Also the pvp staff have lots of experience with pvping so they could tell the difference between combo's, lag or hacks more accuretly than regular staff who don't have much experience with pvping and hacking.
    Bluapol, metr0n0me, Lemoh and 2 others like this.
  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    tbh I feel that anyone qualified to be a pvp staff is not near enough of staff mentality to do so
    sicklynerd, VKL_ReWinDzz and Dockson like this.
  5. BaM_Nitro

    BaM_Nitro ஜ۩▬Retired▬ஜ۩

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    Tbh, this thread will probably get denied because it's "too much work"
  6. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    You could take away prism, give them access to staff chat, and give them a 1-day maximum tempban with the disclaimer (PVP STAFF) on the person's banhistory.
    LadyCassandra and Bluapol like this.
  7. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    You're completely missing, ignoring, or brushing off 90% of the valid points on this thread
    sicklynerd, VKL_ReWinDzz and Dockson like this.
  8. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    I think that it was said before that making certain staff ranks for specific jobs would cause a split in the team and communication could get confusing between the groups

    but idk
    I don't see a need for it +0
    Dockson likes this.
  9. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Admittedly I'm not the best with catching hackers; I don't actively engage in pvp and when I do I get wrekt pretty badly. I can easily make a mistake and am trying my very best to make sure that doesnt happen. We all know the staff team definitely benefits when we have people that are experienced with pvp. I'm sure that many of the ex-staff that were active pvp'ers, like @metr0n0me or @legendcaleb would attest that hacking cases are often discussed as a group, and high profile cases never being decided by a single person. We listen to everyone's opinions, especially those with experience, and use that to ultimately weigh in on a decision. We have countless filters through many people in much of our decisions. I'm sure Caleb had more people asking for his opinion on cases than he can recall.

    With that being said I would like to state that there is no reason to be negative to any of our helpers or mods for doing their job. They are constantly doing amazing work and instead we should be thanking and celebrating their tireless efforts. It definitely came down to a decision on higher staff members and we are to blame, not our moderators. Which definitely shows that there is room for improvement, and I guarantee none of us are opposed to improving.

    I'm just curious who these pvp staff are? Honestly it's not like we can get a team of highly trained hacker pros out of thin-air. I would definitely love to see some ex-staff come back that were great at catching hackers. Maybe you already have an idea of who the "pvp staff" should be? This really should've been a thread encouraging people that are great at catching hackers to apply for staff.
    Jalapenos, Deinen, metr0n0me and 4 others like this.
  10. BaM_Nitro

    BaM_Nitro ஜ۩▬Retired▬ஜ۩

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    Trust me, have a section as pvp staff and you will have applicants for it.
    It can be like a regular helper app but asking questions like "do you have a recording software" "why do you want this position" etc.
    We don't need 30 pvp staff since pvp is not as big as towny, 4 or 5 pvp staff should be good. They should have access to vanish and god mode and other helper/mod perms won't be needed. I have tons of ideas about this, if you ever want to talk about it poke me next time I'm on ts or start a conversation with me on forums.
    Cherrykit, metr0n0me and Deljikho like this.
  11. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    It seems like you really have thought quite a bit about this! I'm thinking maybe I should just deny this thread because it turned into a total flame war. However you should organize all your ideas and post them into an actual constructive suggestion that gives us a good foundation to work on. Sound good?
    Cherrykit and Muunkee like this.
  12. BaM_Nitro

    BaM_Nitro ஜ۩▬Retired▬ஜ۩

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    You can deny this since it's causing lots of fights but to be 100% honest I'm too lazy to make another thread but I'll gladly speak to you about it and give you my ideas.
    Cherrykit likes this.
  13. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    While I agree with the rest of your post, and laud your professionalism through this flame war, I'd like to say that I didn't really find this the case. For example, with Cleaves510, upper staff banned Cleaves without consulting @legendcaleb or me first, and refused to unban him even after @legendcaleb and I spent the greater part of two hours presenting facts in a logical manner. Ultimately he did get unbanned, but in this case I felt that the opinions of those experienced were not respected.

    I'm glad that progress is being made, especially in terms of the Bluapol case, where the accused was quickly unbanned after evidence was found to be legit (I didn't see the proof myself, so I don't know). However, if he was indeed legit, you would understand that as members of the community, we'd be concerned about the recent surge of individuals being falsely banned. While we see your side of the problem, you should understand that a) it's extremely disconcerting to see people being accused of offenses they didn't commit, and b) that such accusations and bans would be easily preventable with the implementation of PVP staff, or at least consultants to verify that people aren't indeed hacking.
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Yeah, that's kinda bad, I did all that, and still come out head and shoulders above you.

    Lol, stop whining before I call a waambulance.

    (Btw, the solution is not more PVP staff, but training the current roster to adequately monitor PVP)

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