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Economy Flow

Discussion in 'Denied' started by PainCakexx1997, Dec 20, 2015.


Do we want this implemented?

Poll closed Feb 20, 2016.
  1. Yes

    26 vote(s)
  2. No

    38 vote(s)
  1. PainCakexx1997

    PainCakexx1997 Squirrel Power!

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    If we want meepcraft to have a stable economy and a flowing economy these are some of the things that will most likely have to go. By flowing I mean that cash changes hands more often. At this point some markets are stagnated and the reason for this is commands like /smelt and /fix. I know what you are about to say, But paincakexx what about commands like /feed. Well the thing about /feed is that atm there is a huge amount of food in circulation. People are giving out food for free, there will never be any money there because food is so easy to get. The reason /fix and /smelt is so bad is that it makes it so that the people with high ranks can trade down words to the people without ranks but the people without ranks can't trade with the people with these ranks. And I am talking about the Diamond, Coal, Lava bucket and blazerod market. I know that we have the command /fill as well, but the reason I don't think this will be a issue is that people are lazy and I think it will be easier to use coal or blaze rods then lava buckets with my suggestion.

    /fix, something needs to be done with this command. It makes it so that diamonds are almost useless to some degree, the same goes for enchanted books. Because /fix is here the server economy is stagnated. I know that the server needs to get donations to get money but I think that having automated commands makes this in to more of a command game then minecraft. But that is not the only reason, if we look long term on this suggestion what would a more flow in the economy give to the server? Well as we know the more people there are in a economy the more money will be in that economy. If we made it easier for new players to get money then I think that more players would choose to stay on the server, and that means that more money would flow upwards as well as to new players.

    But I think /fix is only part of the problem, /smelt is also a command I think needs to get some restrictions. The reason that /smelt is a problem is that it negates the use of coal, lava buckets and blazerods. These are items that doesn't cost much at all but in the long run they can have a effect on the economy. These commands fixes or makes something without sacrificing anything, there are no drawbacks at all with these commands.

    What I would suggest is making it so that using /fix will demand some kind of material to fix it. Lets say that you are fixing a diamond chestplate and some other diamond items. Then /fix would demand 1 diamond for each item that was fixed as a fee. This would make it so that people would buy diamonds on a regular bases. Could also have it so that ones a item has been fixed 5 or 10 times the items stats would go down 1 lvl. Let's say you had a efficiency 4 diamond pickaxe then the 5 or 10 time you /fixed it it would go down to efficiency 3 and then you would have to use a enchanted book to get it back up to efficiency 4. We could also add a command so that when you want to make your item get its stats back you don't have to pay any experience for it. Doing /enchant and then a display would pop up on the screen where you put the item in and the enchanted book. This would only work on fixed items. This is so that it would not effect the market for the new players without ranks.

    For /smelt I am suggesting something similar. 10% of the items needed to smelt something as a fee for using /smelt. It can be coal, lava or even blaze rods. This would make the money flow go bough to poor players and to rich players. Remember this is a long term solution.

    Please state you opinion, and please put your reasoning as well. The reason this suggestion has been put here is to listen to what the community has to say. This is not something that has already been decided on, we want to listen to what you have to say about it. And remember it is just a suggestion.

    And please forgive my english it is not my native language. Paincakexx1997 :)
    FatIsNoob, Lilliya, 2leah2 and 10 others like this.

    YEHAAAAAAAAAAAW Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I agree on /fix, maybe even go as far as limiting a certain item to be fixed 1-2 times max.
    I don't really think /smelt is a problem all that much, coal still has uses, especially if you're into villager trading.
    You're right about blaze rods thought, maybe make them sellable in /shop, other than that I don't see how you can implement them back on the server.
  3. CrazyYoungBro

    CrazyYoungBro Popular Meeper

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    I really like your point Paincakexx1997.
    I am a citizen nd know how tuff it is to trade.
    LadyCassandra likes this.
  4. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    Honestly the server doesn't need a /smelt that takes 10% of items, it needs no /smelt and no /fix. The game is just way too easy.

    +10.000.000 on the overall idea
    Lilliya, Dockson and metr0n0me like this.
  5. Landonator419

    Landonator419 Celebrity Meeper

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    Read this. I know it is long, but this really needs to happen.

    I really like this idea. But, if this idea is going to implemented, there needs to be new ways to make money and everything needs to be unnerfed. Here is my idea. They reset townsa and townsb (Everyone keeps there money and ranks). They take away /smelt and /fix. They then add a sign where you can fix your pick axe for let's say 30k. Everything is unnerfed and only townsa is added back (Including gold farms (The nether portal ones that drop pigmen), iron farms, and other ones.) They then add a shop that doesn't change prices. Yes, there may be more money into the economy, but if they want to get items fixed or smelted they need to buy coal, diamonds or use the fix for 30k. The prices of items should NOT CHANGES. Keep it at like a 1/2 ratio. If you are going to make diamonds cost 400, you should be able to sell them at 200. This way, more money will be taken out then added. Also remove chest shops. That just makes more people rich and no money is really taken out. Remove chest shops but just add a lock sign (It's a sign that called like lock, so no one can steal your things). If chest shops are removed, then people will be forced to sell things at /warp shop and people will buy things from /warp shop.
    I'm a +1 if this happens. ^
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  6. Peero

    Peero Celebrity Meeper

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    +/- Personally, I think /smelt is pretty op and I like the idea with the 10% fuel needed. Maybe even 50%. But /fix I want kept the same. You could raise the point that it is kinda cheaty. For that matter, take away /fly, /nv, /feed and all the other commands that are cheaty and not in regular minecraft. It might be better if Supreme got /fix though, cause Elite has too may perks, Supreme doesn't have that many, and it would also nerf /fix in a fair way. About the /fix costing diamonds and such, I don't really like mining, so my only other option would be to buy them. But, by the end of the year, I'd of spent like 500k on just /fix'in my tools and armor. In building and clearing out areas, I use my pic so much. And when you need to clear out a lot of areas, your pic depletes fast. Really fast. It is not a bad idea, but I just would prefer it to stay as it is. But definently /smelt needs a nerf.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I bought /fix for $80 - What do I get in replacement?

    What about the slippery slope precedent this supplies most other arguments, such as /spawner - etc?

    But most importantly, I did not donate; I purchased a product and I'd be disappointed (read: Angry) if it were to be removed, regardless of my activity. (As I still do own the product I've purchased, it remains in my interest in perpetuity)

    (With the addition of an offset of having my purchase devalued - The idea in itself is good)

    YEHAAAAAAAAAAAW Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I'll spare you from saying that it was a donation and what not, but you're cherry-picking his post. He didn't say remove /fix altogether he suggested using diamonds to fix an item as a way to remove meebles from the economy.
    I'm sure people will be reasonable when discussing this and put aside their precious /fix and be open to small tweaks to certain perks in order to make the server better.
    Dockson likes this.
  9. ShadowVirus52

    ShadowVirus52 Celebrity Meeper

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    The economy was fine a couple of years ago when /fix was around, so you can't blame /fix for the state of the economy now.

    -1, /fix is supposed to be free, changing that would be extremely disappointing.
    Achmed, evilalec555 and FunGUY like this.
  10. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Actually /fix IS ruining the economy. Diamonds, E books, iron, Any item with enchants are worth very little because of /fix.
  11. sicklynerd

    sicklynerd Celebrity Meeper

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    So if I buy elite for $80 I can only /fix twice? C'mon.. the rank prices for meep are way too expensive already. If you place restrictions on the perks, you really need to de-buff the price..
    CaveSpiderSam, Achmed, FunGUY and 4 others like this.

    YEHAAAAAAAAAAAW Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Alternatively we can just remove /unenchant and disable /random being usable while taking damage so that more diamonds are used to get better enchanted gear and increasing items lost due to people dying in lava.
  13. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    This is exactly the problem. Those perks were implemented by the Meepcraft staff and given to people who purchased them. I donated for fly for fix for smelt. That was the agreement when I bought them. I get these things and you take my money. Most commands that have been given to ranks in the last year in a half have been suggestions on the forums. If they were economy killers, then thats the responsibility of those in charge of the economy to understand and when it was given the green light, they decided the cash influx and the happiness of the donators was worth it.

    Thats irresponsible to take purchased items way without proper replacement of the benefits donated for and Deinen is also correct in the statement that its a slippery slope. Why stop at /fix? why not nerf /feed. Why not /fly. These all can hurt the economy. Why not nerf them as well. Being more responsible in how the economy is managed and not implement stupid commands in the first place is a much better idea. Can't just add more commands to increase donation incentive and take them away whenever.
  14. boyishredstrike

    boyishredstrike Popular Meeper

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    If we got rid of fix, I would be broke. I would have to keep buying new tools and gear. Fix and smelt need to stay the same, there not hurting the economy.
  15. Methul

    Methul Popular Meeper

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    Before we think of commands to remove, we need to think of commands that we could add that wouldn't damage the economy, but would be an incentive for "donating". A good example of this is /fly, which provides an incentive for players to donate for, but doesn't directly harm the economy.

    We have to remember that a lot of players invest time into this server to earn money to get ranks, and their perks, and by removing these perks we would decrease "donating" and people who invest time into the economy side of this server.
  16. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    What does elite get now instead of /fix that is still something elites want and people below elite would donate for? It's no longer the most valuable rank without /fix.

    If we make /fix limited to 1-2 uses, even if it was more and you bumped it to 5-10, that's extremely limiting and it's hardly even a perk anymore. A set of god tools can cost me 12K per item if I buy them, about.

    If we make it so you need diamonds to fix your diamond tools, like how anvils do, then why not just use anvils? Exp. takes like 3 minutes to get now, even up to a high level.

    As for /smelt, blaze rods are damn near free and can be gotten free at several grinders. You can't just add something and then take it away, that hurts the people who wanted, used, maybe even donated for that perk. Not our fault people decide to spend their money on coal when blaze rods are a much cheaper option?
    Achmed, Pmx728, FunGUY and 2 others like this.
  17. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    So what I am hearing is that if we stabilize the economy, then we will rid of some donor perks.
    I believe the economy is important. I voted to stabilize the economy.
    Donor perks can be given many different things in many different ways. There's always new plugins to add, new permissions to give, and more creativity to be provided.
  18. Imperfectly

    Imperfectly Celebrity Meeper

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    This is a great suggestion, It takes legit 1 diamond.. That's nothing. To fix all ur armour/Godtools/weapons, It'll be approx. 8diamonds.
    In the long run, It will fix the economy, So this is why I am going to:
  19. FunGUY

    FunGUY Popular Meeper

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    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 3, 2016, Original Post Date: Jan 3, 2016 ---
    This is exactly what I said with my bring back old kit thread. I bought elite because I really wanted that fire bow. Day after I got it kitpvp was gone and a new non donor bonus kitpvp was made ☹
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 3, 2016 ---
    If we do that then we should also pay attention to the irl economy such as making donater perks and making sure they DONT CHANGE sorry for the caps but that was important
  20. Epicdude141

    Epicdude141 Celebrity Meeper

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    I almost feel sorry for you guys but then again I really don't.
    metr0n0me and Muunkee like this.

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