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don't update meepcraft to 1.9

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Khafra, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. Klitch


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    Any inconvenience is inherently an inconvenience for staff.
  2. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    Button smashing isn't how you pvp, try it and you'll still lose
    Username likes this.
  3. xXAdotXx

    xXAdotXx Bibliophile Extraordinaire

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    What I'm getting from all of this arguing is that the "good" Meepcraft pvpers are scared of change. Sorry guys, but what I see is that you guys are scared to not be good at pvp. But hey, no one will be good at pvp when this update comes out (if it does end up changing the pvp mechanics that drastically). Everyone is going to have to learn how to pvp again. Plus, how much time did you spend getting good at Minecraft pvp when you first started playing? It's not like you're starting from square one anyways.
    Trying to please the minority is very difficult. No matter what you do, there will always be someone on your tail about what you should have done to make them happy. Don't make judgments on 1.9 yet, because it's not even out. When it comes out, that's when we can make the call on whether or not it "ruins" pvp.
    If Meep decides to not update, even for a little bit, think of all the other things we'll miss out on. Back when I was first starting to play Minecraft, the most exciting thing ever was when Minecraft came out with a new update. I can't be much different than other first time players. There are other things that are in the update too. Dual wielding not only for swords and shields, but for pickaxes and torches. The end is getting a big face lift. So many other things.
    But anyways, why does it matter that it changes pvp? Are you guys worried of being bad at pvp? If you are confident enough in your pvp skills, you shouldn't be worrying.
    Ace, Deljikho, SillySilver and 2 others like this.
  4. andrewrobins

    andrewrobins My views are my own.

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    They need to complIn about something. They were scared of the terrifying 'Tall grass' not too long ago.
    Ace, Username, Draqq and 1 other person like this.
  5. Foretvert

    Foretvert The Forest King

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    Firstly, let's settle something as a community of Minecraft players. I'm going to attempt to be as empirical about this as I possibly can.

    In Minecraft, you'll notice when a living entity (players or mobs) take damage, they will go through a "damage phase," where their character model will flash red for an instant. This is known as the invulnerability phase, during which as the name implies, the living entity cannot receive any damage of the same type. Therefore, after I punch a pig, that pig cannot take any more damage from my punches until it completes its invulnerability phase. However, if I lit the pig on fire and started punching it, both effects stack, meaning fire damage will proceed along with my punches.

    Now onto what non-pvpers egotiscally call "button smashing." This practice is known as jitter clicking and is solely useful in PvP because it allows you to attack another living entity almost instantly after its invulnerability phase is completed. It does not allow more actual hits to be counted in a given time frame. Clicking twice as fast does not correlate to twice as many hits, provided all of your hits land.

    An example of this (sorry bud) is xtJunior's click speed versus my click speed. @xtJunior gets beyond 18 clicks per second with his jitter click, whereas I only get a modest 10 clicks per second with my jitter click. According to most non-pvper logic, I should get upright shrekt, however, it's always xt that gets quick-dropped. Why though?

    I think the most crucial aspect of becoming good at Minecraft PvP is a firm understanding of how strafing works. A solid strafing foundation is comprised of both avoiding your opponent's hits, tricking them into attacking somewhere where you're not, and then hitting them out of your range at the right distance where you can hit them (if you're skilled) and they can't really do anything besides take damage or attempt to run away from you. This is known as a combo and is the heart and soul of competitive 1.8 PvP and below.

    Due to the tool use timer implemented in 1.9, combos in this sense will no longer be a reality.

    Now, onto my hypotheses about 1.9 PvP.

    First let's assume that two players are in combat on 1.9 with only swords, but no shield and no speed buff. Assuming a player can hit the side of a barn with great success, this would mean that players will virtually always land their hits on each other, meaning that whoever gets the "ending" hit first, wins. The victor then will get cleaned up by some other noob with full health. Strafing only goes so far here as you're too slow to avoid hits consistently. Now, adding a speed buff, strafing will become more effective, although it will be annoying as players have to basically run away from players while their tool user timer expires. But let us remember, we're on Meep, so no one but the pros will be using speed.

    With shields however, I foresee very little use for strafing. With a shield, players can walk in, literally straight in front of their opponent and block, then hit. Sound familiar? Block and hit. We're basically bringing back block-hitting, just in a way that prevents players from strafing as a viable alternative. Again, adding a speed buff in, strafing will become more effective but still will be annoying as mentioned earlier.

    In essence, here are the following changes from 1.8 to 1.9 PvP:
    • Jitter clicking is now obsolete
    • Combos are now obsolete
    • Strafing becomes a discombobulated shadow of its former incarnation
    • (If you were a scrubby block-hitter, guess what, that's gone too)
    What I see on that list there is the quintessential holy trinity of competitive PvP from 1.7 and 1.8. Non-pvpers, do you see why competitive pvpers are less than satisfied with this proposed update?

    Now, here's what I propose for Meep. Meep as I have known it for three years is a Towny server. Given cool cosmetic ideas like capes that fly people around to fancy arrows that allow you to track mobs, Meep should update. It was never a PvP server at heart any way (It's becoming more of a mini-games server, but that's a different topic). What this means though, is that "pros" will adapt and still be better than your average noob, but for a while, there will be little difference between the two.

    Personally, this means I won't frequent Meep as much (despite already not coming on often) as it was a fun place to go PvP and not have to try at all to win. It was "relaxing PvP" for me. Competitive PvP servers will remain on 1.8 with 1.7 compatibility, or they'll find a way to remove the tool use timer cooldown entirely. This is where I and other competitive pvpers will spend our time.

    If Mojang were to ask me what should be added from the perspective of a competitive pvper, I'd propose things like:
    • Shields (Good job on this one Mojang, this was actually a good idea.)
    • Grappling hooks
    • Boomerangs (Yes, I dig the Legend of Zelda, deal with it. This would allow players to collect dropped entities and perhaps knockback living entities when hit.)
    • Static knockback (This was part of 1.7 PvP, players got pushed back two blocks from a normal hit and five blocks from a sprinting hit.)
    • Aimable magic (Make it so players need actually have skill to attack players with spells.)
    I could think of more things, but I really should be spending my time studying instead of writing this thesis-long post. Take care.
  6. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    I hit a solid 6 (Jittering hurts my finger) and I do fine. Faster clicking just means more click packets per second, so you are more likely to get the first hit after like Foretvert said, the invulnerability phase.

    There's a lot more complication to pvp than clicking and pressing W my friends
    Username, metr0n0me and Pmx728 like this.
  7. Methul

    Methul Popular Meeper

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    1. First off, for gods sakes could you please wait for new features to stop being added to the 1.9 snapshots before judging it.
    2. The elytra (the wings) don't allow you to actually fly, they just allow you to glide to the ground. Also the elytra will be relatively rare on large multiplayer servers and expensive. Additionally the elytra will benefit Ultimate more than they will other ranks anyways(I know this seems backwards, but let me explain). In order for the elytra to kick in, the player must fall a few blocks down, before the glide actually starts. Since you need to gain elevation before actually being able to use the elytra, most players will find it slower to use the elytra to travel as they will need to find a hill or tree, climb it and then glide off of it, just to go a small distance before eventually having to do the same thing all over again. Since Ultimates have /fly and can go travel straight up with it, it is much for effective for them to use the elytra and to enjoy the increased speed of travel with it. (I might also add that many people thought that horses were too op, but now they are seen as fine)
    3. The new purpur blocks are awesome.
    4. The new ender dragon fight and end is awesome.
    5. The two new crops are awesome.
    6. Shields and duel wielding is a great idea.
    7. Lingering potions are awesome.
    8. There is a bunch of optimization features (Now particles won't cause nearly as much lag as before)
    And the list is still growing...
  8. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    The bads outway the goods, those are aethetics @Methul, they really have no major effect on gameplay
    metr0n0me likes this.
  9. Methul

    Methul Popular Meeper

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    *Looks forward into future. Laughs*

    Legendcaleb, you have to realize that there are many features in 1.9 that many players want, such as the ones I listed above and the features that will still be released. Wouldn't it be better to create a plugin(for your information, I believe that a suggestion already has been accepted for this) to negate the effects of the swing speed buff for pvp arenas, yet still get all the other effects of 1.9?
    Ace, Username and Epicdude141 like this.
  10. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm not suggesting to not go to 1.9, I just get mad when people say 1.9 is all roses and dandy.

    1.9 is the combat update and so it will affect combat the most. If you think like that, you can get rid of the silly aesthetics you're so hung up on

    What is really stupid is this :

    Sword swing buff
    -Already talked about this I really don't need to anymore

    Lingering potions
    -absolutely terrible, if they linger than it renders instant damage and instant health stupid because you can just throw a bunch at someone and they'll stay there until they die, or with a health they'll keep healing

    I've been trying out 1.9 for quite awhile now and the list of negatives keeps adding up
    metr0n0me likes this.
  11. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Many serious PVP servers (kohi, badlion) still operate on 1.7 with limited 1.8 capability. Updating PVP areas would create an environment where god PVP would be rendered obsolete, as the lack of combos/strafing as @Foretvert mentioned, would result in god-armored users being cleaned up by "noobs."

    Updating towny might be fun though.
    legendcaleb likes this.
  12. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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    Underrated Post ^

    In all honesty just update to 1.9 and combat the problems and then work it out from there. It will be fine PvPers are just salty they won't be able to spam click and win.
  13. jrs25872

    jrs25872 Popular Meeper

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    That would work.
    If meep were to do that i think -1 to this suggestion
    metr0n0me and RaidByNightOnly like this.
  14. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    We have been looking at snapshots and coming up with ways to make the game both fun, and upgrade. If its not in the best interest we will not do it but I guarantee we will be ready when it releases. =]

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