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Helper Application from Langston1209

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Langston1209, Oct 10, 2015.

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  1. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    Member Name Langston1209

    Additional In Game Names: None (had an alt about a year ago but not anymore)

    How old are you? 17

    Location: USA - East Coast

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1-4

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 2-7

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Metr0n0me

    When did you join Meepcraft? 3 years ago, unable to pinpoint exact time though

    Introduction: Hello! My Name is Langston1209, many of you may know me from my long history here on Meep, or from other games i actively play such as League of Legends. In real life i am a Senior year high school student taking many honors and AP classes hoping to major in engineering in college next year. In addition to academics i participate in school sports year-round (CrossCountry, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track). I have a very fun and comedic personality, i am always seeking to cause laughter among my friends and help people out when they are in need. I have experience being a helper on Meep before, serving as one for around 5 weeks in early 2014 before taking a break from Minecraft for a few months.

    Why should you be Helper? I should be helper because in addition to having prior experience of being one for over a month, I am a person who has a very strong understanding of how the server functions and the game works. While helper and even before i assisted Fuzzlr and staff with numerous big projects such as bug testing and balancing of the "new" vshop economy. This, plus my drive to help those in need and work diligently and efficiently to accomplish what i set out to do make me a good candidate for a helper position.

    What are your weaknesses? 1) Teamspeak Activity- I'll admit, the reason i'm not active on teamspeak is because after a long day, most of the time i prefer to listen to music and relax than engage in conversation. In addition to this when on TS i usually prefer to use text chat unless voice is necessary, again just a personal preference, but if i have business to conduct or am asked to use my mic i am almost always readily available when needed.
    2) Forums Activity- There is no explanation here, its something that has always been lacking even when i was staff, 90% of the time i use forums is for business(filing ban reports, suggestions, etc.) i rarely engage in discussion topics.
    3) My perceived character- Yes, i was banned a little over 6 weeks ago for nearly 2 months due to a "Glitch Exploitation" incident. As I explained in my appeal, this was a lapse in judgement by me, and is 1 of only 2 bans i have ever had up to date (other was a chargeback i did not commit). As Diana can attest to my character here, i not only confessed to my wrongdoing, but i also assisted her every step of the way and further after that. Since then i have dedicated my time to putting back into the community once again, to repair my reputation and improve the server.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Helper for +/- 5 Weeks, applied for Mod but withdrew application and resigned before it was voted on, as i did not agree with the direction the server was heading and how the staff team was being managed, thus caused my absence in the earlier half of this year.

    This one could be a strength or a weakness depending on how you view it, and that is my moderating style. I always tried to do more than what was asked of me, more than just what was written in my duties as helper. I would commonly conduct modreqs in spawn multitasking between handling modreqs, assisting fresh new players understand what to do or where to go, as well as insta-banning all advertisements i saw. I would rarely put off what i could do today until tomorrow, this lead to me getting impatient with things getting backed up in the staff system(refunds taking months, tempbans expiring before perm-bans could be issued,etc.) and i would often voice my concerns or attempt to guide other staff members to close out a case. Most of the time i was perceived as being a nuisance and ignored- which in part lead to my later resignation.

    All feedback is welcome but please keep it positive! Thanks for reading and have a nice day! :)
    metr0n0me likes this.
  2. xXAdotXx

    xXAdotXx Bibliophile Extraordinaire

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    Hi Langston!
    Great to see people applying! I haven't spoken with you online, but from your introduction you sound like a fun person to be around. Having background experience, especially on the server you are applying for is a good thing to have.
    Despite you having joined 3 years ago, I don't really see you online. Not sure if this is part of the ban or what, but to my recollection I haven't seen you in-game, on forums, or on TeamSpeak. Another thing that worries me, is that if you do become staff, will you be up for any more big changes that may happen in the future?
    No vote.
    Langston1209 likes this.
  3. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    Sure i would be, as i mentioned in my app i served as staff while the server underwent quite a large change in the structure of the economy and adminshops, and i helped oversee the implementation of the new version. As for my activity i listed TS and forums in my weakness but as for my Ingame activity as i mentioned i took a few months off minecraft in the early part of this year, I came back around 4 months ago and spent 6 of those 16 weeks banned. Only in the last month has my activity rose above 1-2 hours a day and it is slowly increasing as more things stabilize or end in my personal life.

    Thanks for the reply! :)
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  4. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    Hey Langston!
    You are a very friendly person. You helped me with commands, and my Ultimate rank, and I a great friend! Your app was great and I love how you put more weaknesses then why you should be Helper. This just shows how humble and mature you are, which are great qualities for the Helper position! :)

    A huge +1 from me
    Langston1209 likes this.
  5. Methul

    Methul Popular Meeper

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    You're mature, helpful and I think you would be a great addition to the staff team.

    PS (I run CC and I'm curious): What is your 5k time? :p
  6. Klitch


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    Due to your past disloyalty to the server, we do not feel comfortable giving you perms at this moment. We want you to show us that you can not abuse the perms we give you.
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