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Helper Application from Jamez564

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by KyloMeep, Sep 17, 2015.

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  1. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Member Name Jamez564

    Additional In Game Names: None

    How old are you? 14 (Nearly 15)

    Location: United Kingdom (England)

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3 (Depends)

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 2-3 (Depends)

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's 97bubble

    When did you join Meepcraft? August 2012

    Introduction: Hi. I am James or Jamez564 as most know me as. Around a year ago, I was posting applications for staff left, right and centre and have actually built up a bad reputation among the community. After a year of thinking and a lot of applications have gone by to now. I feel like this application is the one that really explained it the most. First off, a bit about myself. I am now a GCSE student in England whom has decided to take on IT, Business, Geography, Sport and French as well as my core subjects. Along side that, I have been building computers for my friends and helping decorate the house (yes I know... boring). I am an Ex minecraft server Mod and Tech from a server which I am now banned on... (typical. It wasn't even my fault). Anyway... onto my application.

    Why should you be Helper? So, are there any reasons to choose me over the next guy? Probably not... but there is one thing over everything. I know how to brighten up someone's day. That's the key. So again, what do you know?
    I have a wide knowledge of commands from the server I used to develop and just plain messing around with the on a private server with my friends. We used to have some right banter. Loads of things got done though. I developed knowledge with the help of my friend Kayleigh_J who if I hadn't met, I probably would be the same old person I was a year ago. It took a LOT of training to get to where I was but in the end, it was all worth it.
    With my work in business progressing, we are being taught how to talk and communicate with customers (in which case are players on the server). We are being taught how to write applications for businesses. These are all skills that in the near future (next week), I can put into account. Also, some of the skills I have developed in minecraft is how to build. I was one of the couple of skilled builders on the server. I built the spawn, hubs and minigames arenas. I developed a whole city as well. And what did I learn? How to teach people. I taught a load of people how to build with style. I had to talk to them calmly otherwise they would have just ignored me.
    If there is anything you wish to personally ask me about, do below...

    What are your weaknesses? Oh yes. This will be fun. Yes, everyone had weaknesses but I have a couple of notable ones. Here we go:
    - Computer issues. This is an annoying one. Seriously, I have had a load of computer issues recently but it seems to be running stable at the moment. It has had an upgrade so it should run smoothly.
    - Overloaded. I can get overloaded with things really quickly. If there are multiple things going on at once, I sometimes forget about it quickly. Hopefully if I get it, I won't be the only one online.
    - Activity. This is a problem at the moment. My computer has been playing up a lot. I have had to install many versions of windows (I settled on 7 cause 8 and 10 broke). If I have been inactive, that is the reason why.
    - Argumentative. This is still a problem but no where near the scale as before. I can settle on an argument without going on anymore. It is something that needs debating then obviously, I will have a join in.
    If you want to ask anything, please do below. I would love to answer any quires and questions you have below.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I did not get banned off the other server for misleading or misbehaving. It was a personal issue which the ban should be lifted but because my old friend (the owner) has decided to keep it in place as he feels it would create too much drama. I have sorted the computer problem. It was my old GPU, it is upgraded and ready to go now. That shouldn't be an issue. The reason I haven't been able to get on teamspeak is because the computer refused to load it. I will try once again or purchase the app for Android. If you have anything else to say, please ask below.
    As always. Thanks for reading. - Jamez564
    Deljikho and cooey like this.
  2. Qaztar

    Qaztar Celebrity Meeper

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    At first I looked at this and was like "No way."
    But I read your application and figured out that you are definitely staff material.
    Only thing is activity. Improve that.
  3. Bluapol

    Bluapol Media Team Meeper

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    +1 due to:

    + Great app imo
    + Experience
    - work on activity
  4. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Thanks Dude. Appreciate it.
    Yeap. Will do. I am getting back into the swing of things now. It is the weekend so I will be able to come on more now. Thanks for feedback.
    Qaztar likes this.
  5. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    I'm sorry but over the summer, I didn't see you at all.
    -1 for now
    Great app
    Definitely staff material
    Work on activity
  6. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Thanks. As I said, my computer was broken so I couldn't come on. It is back and running now. I will work on it. Thanks for the feedback :)
  7. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    Sweet, looking forward to meeting you!
    KyloMeep likes this.
  8. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    Teamspeak - Never seen you.
    Forums - 10 posts in the last month, and none of them were in any way helpful or of quality. Immaturity is a problem it seems. [​IMG]
    In game - Honestly, I rarely see you, and when I do, you're pretty immature. If activity is a problem for you and you have frequent problems getting on, why are you even applying? The applicant should have a month or more of activity before applying for staff, and that month is if you're very qualified. I want to see you be in-game for between 1 and 2 months before I consider you active. The immaturity, not much to say about it. Immaturity is immaturity. Before your inactivity you were also constantly in arguments with people, I'd be worried this is a problem that still exists.
    The application - Spell check. Getting a friend to check it over. Both things you should have done. Reading the app, the first thing I see is "14 (nearly 15)". I hate to see it on apps, it reminds me of a nine year old saying "I'm 9 and a half". Does the app ask you what age you almost are? No, it asks what age you are when posting the application. If you want it to say 15, you wait until you're 15. The next thing that strikes me is the activity. 2-3 hours?? 2-3 hours... How will you at all be a good addition to the staff team if that is your activity? Sure, you can say "I have a life", but then don't apply for helper.. If you can only be on for 2-3 hours a day, I'm not sure you being a helper is a good idea. Your introduction, pretty basic, you say you were an ex mod, could you please tell us what server it was? That would be a great reference to ask about your work ethic. And no, there is no excuse of not wanting to advertise, if you simply say that you were staff on this server it is fine. Alright, now this is where you basically hit me on the head. "Are there any reasons why you should choose me over the next guy? Probably not..." Umm, sorry but, what the heck? Are you here trying to convince us that you'd be a good helper or that you'd be a bad helper? Why did you even include that in your app? You go on to say that you are special because you know how to brighten up someones day. Alright, fine, but then you shouldn't have said "Probably not.." if there are reasons! The rest is just mainstream stuff, building really has nothing to do with being staff. In your weakness section, it frustrates me that you don;t mention immaturity. You have been called out on it on your past apps, one self should know that they are immature, yet... No mention of it. Do you not know that you are immature? If so, that's pretty bad... Have you ever heard the saying "The first key to tackling a weakness, is admitting to bear the weakness"? If you know that you're immature and you just haven't listed it, fine, if this is denied no problem just list it in your next app. If you don't know however, I wouldn't wanna see you apply for the next few months until you have seen the weakness. Alright, you have no problems with your GPU now, and you shouldn't have any problems getting in game. Alright. You said that on Thursday. Now, Sunday afternoon, I have yet to see you on Teamspeak, and have seen you once briefly in-game.

    If this application is denied, I wouldn't mind seeing another from you after you have addressed some of the things I pointed out.
    It's a -1 from me, but good luck!
    KyloMeep and Draqq like this.
  9. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

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    Accepted for Interview
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