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Gay Rights

Discussion in 'Debates' started by scoowby, May 7, 2014.

  1. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Actually, the rainbow in DC happened last Thursday, not immediately after the court ruling.
  2. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    The lions were to show how in accurate the bible was and how much it was edited over and over again. Read the myth about Romans sending christians to be eaten in the coliseum was not only physically impossible as it hadn't even been built yet, but they kept detailed records of what happened in it and no christians were ever thrown in there etc. (my anti anxiety meds are making me not word things right, ever, so that's likely how this came about)

    Also I'll be a lot more willing to be reasonable when the websites that they link aren't very obviously biased and likely rarely fact check.
  3. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Websites can be bias, yes, but that doesn't necessarily invalidate the content. I think the same can be said about liberal bias as well. You don't have to like FOX News or MSNBC, but one should at least focus on the material instead of the overall political bias. By not politely responding to what people have to say, you are only hurting your argument. People would be more open to understanding if you can give that to them.
    chaos546 and Fangdragon1998 like this.
  4. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

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    All he said was his opinion, and you automatically come swinging out with hateful stuff about his religion?
    Was there any hateful things in that? All he said was that he didn't like it, but he's accepted it. And you still
    this about him?

    You are no better than actual bigots now. You have done the same thing that they have. You have looked at a person with different beliefs than your own, called them names, shunned them, insulted their religion/personal beliefs, and now refuse to acknowledge you've done so and stand by your actions.
    That really, really disappoints me.
    Skaros123 likes this.
  5. iMelXP

    iMelXP bean team

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    Ok but like there's no reason churches shouldn't perform gay marriages like it's legitimately a personal prejudice against a group of people there's no actual substance behind it as "religious beliefs" it's just ignorance.
    Also, what the heckle is a gay favor??? ??
    And how is people getting married going to cause a bad future for america?? oh NO more FAMILIES?? how HORRIFIC
    listen just because gay people exist and can get married like anyone else doesn't mean that straight people will suddenly cease to exist. Allowing everyone to marry wont 'turn' people gay. Also, why do you NEED a mother and a father?? Why does the gender of your parents matter in your upbringing?? So long as a child is raised with love and humanity why does it matter if one of their parents doesn't have a y chromosome??
    kwagscraft likes this.
  6. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    Umm.. why do we NEED a mother and a father? Well, kids raised by a single parent tend to behave worse than kids with parents. If a kid is raised with gay parents, he/she will be neglected by a lot of people. Who wants a kid coming home and crying everyday? If you were a parent, would you allow your kids to watch gay people kissing in public? Every sane parent in their right minds would cover their childrens eyes or tell them to not look. But if those were gay parents, they would encourage their kids who aren't even theirs to look at them. After a period of time, the kid will start to hate his gay parents because they have brought a lot of embarrassment to him.. But if a normal family, it would be well.. A NORMAL family. Who doesn't want a normal family? I mean, parents can sometimes be embarrassing but with other kids knowing the fact that a kid has gay parents? The kid will turn out to be a really bad guy when he grows up.

    I can't believe how many people are okay with gay marriage.. It effects the children so much. Smh
  7. 417Luigi

    417Luigi Popular Meeper

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    This is very impressive how long this thread has gone..... 51 pages!
  8. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Here's the issue. Your premise is under the belief that people reject gay parenting and therefore will attack the children. While there may be an element of truth in this, do you not believe that a better solution would be to effect social change in the minds of people to prevent such harassment? The notion that gay parents are lesser than straight parents assumes that they can't accept the same responsibility and devotion that other parents have. Studies do show that kids do just as fine with gay parents as they would with straight parents. Two fathers and two mothers can carry the same love for their children as would one mother and one father. To assume that two parents of the same sex can't properly raise a child because it supposedly strays from the "normal" family values that you are accustomed to is indeed homophobic and closed minded. One shouldn't demean other parents because of this. One should embrace that love is the center of all core family values, the foundation that every parent will raise their offspring in, and the reassurance that a force stronger than any other social bond cannot be broken by mere feelings of differentiation.

    It's assumed that nowhere in nature can two committed beings of the same sex possess the equal status of parenting as their opposite sex friends. Often times, same sex animals will 'adopt' orphan animals and create a stable environment for the offspring. Similarly, hundreds of thousands of orphan children across the United States are subjected to a childhood of loneliness and isolation from being deprived of two loving parents-- parents who are willing to offer them the same opportunities and love as would a mother and father. Why deprive them of that same love and commitment that a 'traditional' mother-father family takes for granted?

    You understand that gay people face persecution. You fail to understand the solution.
  9. Dat_Coffee

    Dat_Coffee Popular Meeper

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    I know a kid with gay parents, and he turned out fine. I know another kid with gay parents, and he robs stores and smokes weed. It is not which parents you have that maters, but how good they are at parenting.
  10. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    That is true, but i'm going to assume that most gay parents don't really want kids. It's kind of like how a guy marries a divorced woman with children and the guy does not want the kids, the guy will treat the kids badly. If gay parents wanted children, they would just marry a person of the opposite sex. Simple as that.
  11. Dat_Coffee

    Dat_Coffee Popular Meeper

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    They can't just marry a member of the oppisite sex just to have kids. They are not attracted to members of the opposite sex, they are attracted to their own sex. This doesn't mean they don't want kids.
    chaos546 likes this.
  12. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Gay people aren't attracted to the opposite sex. -_- It's not as simple as that at all.

    And no, they can't choose to like the opposite sex. Look back at my other post and take note at the unfair assumption you're making.
  13. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Bigot is a strong word to pull out of nowhere... Please explain who you're calling a bigot, and why.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 27, 2015, Original Post Date: Jun 27, 2015 ---
    Where's the hate? Nobody here is 'hating' on anyone. We're debating how far the rights of gay couples go, compared to straight couples, in the sense that do churches have to marry homosexual couples, despite their religious beliefs?
    Skaros123 likes this.
  14. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    The way of humankind is for a man to marry a woman. Gay people should be attracted to the opposite sex, it's just wrong. How would you feel if a guy started flirting with you? That would be weird right? Would you tell him to stop or continue to let him touch you?
    Miro995 likes this.
  15. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Depends on if skaros is a girl, or gay himself. And if he weren't gay, he would probably say so.
  16. ImNotBlonde

    ImNotBlonde Celebrity Meeper

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    So you think it's better to have all of those kids live in an orphanage their whole lives without having even one parent?
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 27, 2015, Original Post Date: Jun 27, 2015 ---
    I'm pretty sure if someone of either sex just randomly kept touching you then you'd ask them to stop. Gay people aren't predators. Humans are humans. There shouldn't be a divide between sexuality or color. All demographics have indecent and decent people within them, and that's the only attribute that we should care about.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 27, 2015 ---

    Also- a huge portion of the world is becoming over-populated. That's why China enacted its One Child Policy. It is not the end of the world that a portion of Earth's population isn't creating children; but rather, taking care of the children who would have no home otherwise.
  17. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    I would react the same way if someone I wasn't attracted to was flirting with me. If a guy is flirting with a girl, both straight, and she's not interested in him, she can turn him down the same way a straight guy can turn down a gay guy. It's really not that hard...
  18. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    Well, life is tough isn't it? Some kids get lucky with parents, but some stay in orphanages their whole life. I think kids having gay parents would be better than staying in orphanages, but still having a life with gay parents isn't as good as normal parents.

    Ok, would you guys rather have gay parents or normal parents?
  19. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm sorry, but... the way of humankind? Marriage is a human invention, and is not a biological bond, but a legal/religious bond. You can't claim that it goes against the laws of marriage because the laws of marriage can change and are different in different parts of the world. You can't claim that straight marriage is the 'way of humankind' when homosexual partners have existed for just as long as heterosexual partners.
    Why do you assume that having gay parents is worse than having straight parents? I refuse to call them 'normal' parents, because for an adopted child neither parent is a biological parent, so both partnerships can be 'normal'. Again, homosexual partnerships have existed for as long as heterosexual partnerships, so you can't claim that one is unnatural and the other is 'normal'
    Also, as someone with a gay uncle, who has been in a committed relationship for about 20 years, both of them are kind, caring and wonderful. Although I have biological straight parents, if I was adopted by gay parents I would not care.
    chaos546 likes this.
  20. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

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    Sorry to be technical, but as straight couples are a large majority, they are the normal ones.
    Ranger0203 likes this.

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