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Helper Application from Lord_Naturalis

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Lord_Naturalis, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. Lord_Naturalis

    Lord_Naturalis Meeper

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    Member Name Lord_Naturalis

    Additional In Game Names: Coreyjps

    How old are you? 18, waiting for mod to fix my personal dets

    Location: canada

    Do you have Skype? No

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 8-10

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    Introduction: Hi, i'm Lord_Naturalis, i'm 18, live in Canada, I have been playing mc for 3 years, I have applied 3 weeks ago and wish for only positive thinking about myself

    Why you should be Helper? I belive I should be helper because I do not have a creditcard, but want to give back to meepcraft. I have noticed that there is not many staff on during weekdays and I would like to help anyone I possibly can. I notice a lot of people crying for help, and not getting modreq.s fulfilled, so I would put the community ahead of me.

    What are your weaknesses? My weaknesses are that i'm not usually on during weekdays, but i'm on a LOT on weekends.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I will not be getting sykpe for my signature partly explains that: 1 it is very laggy, 2 it is very glitchy, 3 it is bad resolution. a phone camera would be better. also, i have asked staff why it is a must, and they did not know, I have had bad experience with internet safety, and strangers should not have to see your face. i could see it for a mod or admin spot, but helper? either way there has been discrimination against me frequently and others, so I just would like for people to be calm and un-bais. thank you.
  2. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Youre too new on the forums and your app was extremely weak. Please spend more time with the community and read other peoples helper applications before you apply again.
    xAZN_SJx likes this.
  3. meeplover

    meeplover Popular Meeper

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    Skype is a requirement.
    App is too short.
  4. OneBreadSlice

    OneBreadSlice Celebrity Meeper

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    This application was horrendous. Spend some time making a lengthy application with actual information, not this crap you probably spent a few minutes on.

    xAZN_SJx and Toostenheimer like this.
  5. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    Skype is a requirement, you are very immature, and you aren't active in any 3 parts of the server. Please improve on these before I change my vote.

  6. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    For the third time you apply I will say this again, Skype is required.
    Toostenheimer and Summers like this.
  7. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    I'll answer your question right here, because staff do know why Skype is a must.

    We use Skype as one of our main forms of communication. We do not use video or voice chat unless you decide to do that yourself, but you do need Skype.

    I'm not going to deny this yet, but if you end up deciding to reapply, you need Skype.
  8. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    You obviously don't know what the job you're applying for is....
  9. WarLockOpain

    WarLockOpain New Meeper

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    App is Too Short
    and Skype is Required

    Sorry but thats not good :/
  10. TheAngelEclipse

    TheAngelEclipse Popular Meeper

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    - Due to having a broken keyboard, and using an on-screen one, will not say anymore for the time-being.
  11. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Few Critiques.
    ~ We dont usually video chat. Skype is used for typing messages to each other in groups. If we ever did video chat, It wouldn't be required.
    ~ You literally said as TAE pointed out"
    Then said "
    " 2 Sentences later"

    I dont believe in -1 someone, But I suggest you spend a little time writing your apps. Maybe have someone proof read.

    Good luck! =]
    DangitAnas likes this.
  12. DangitAnas

    DangitAnas Vraiment n'importe quoi !

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    I hope you take this as a constructive criticism or as an advice, not only as a player who applied but also in your real life; I feel like you were in a hurry while typing your apply, you should take your time, ask yourself these questions, and think about answers you believe in before typing it. Just be patient and let the game come to you. Don't rush, be quick yes, but don't hurry and rush things. If something is meant to be, it will happen in the right time for the right reason.

    Good luck @Lord_Naturalis ^^
    GroovyGrevous likes this.
  13. Lord_Naturalis

    Lord_Naturalis Meeper

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    i will not take ninetales, meeplover, generalnova, adlovesdogs, chaos546, monkeyalex, or warlockopain comments as helpful ones, they mostly just say skype is required and too short. last time i applied, my app was longer than this and some said it was too long. to chaos, use /pm or /msg for chat, skype is not a requirement in THAT case. klutch, adlovesdogs partly, and angels comments are just gibberish. yours is heartfelt, but to everyone: i took 2 hours to type this app. french this is the perfect example as a HELPFUL comment as said before. hope to see you in eureeka alpha! -Lord_Naturalis
  14. SirCallow

    SirCallow Legendary Meeper

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    You obviously did not know that, therefore, their comments were helpful, because you now know you need skype, and cannot become a staff member without it. Skype is really a simple thing, the least of your worries.

    There is no such thing as too long of an application. Long applications show that you are dedicated, and truly want the job.

    Staff members use skype to hold large staff meetings and such, where everyone knows what the others are saying. So instead of messaging one person at a time, you are messaging all of the staff team. Much less of a hassle as you can see.

    This is 1.) Rude 2.) Immature and 3.) Disrespectful. These traits are not something the staff team wants to have around.

    If you really took 2 hours to write this, you must surely type around 1 word per minute. This is very very slow, and staff members need to respond quickly to /modreqs and such. Also, no one cares how long you took to write an application. The keys are the length of the application, the truth of the application, and grammar/spelling. 2 hours does not signify anything.

    I am not trying to be rude here, nor do I have any ill feelings towards you, I simply want to steer you in the right direction. Have a nice day. :)
  15. CrythSpeedy

    CrythSpeedy Celebrity Meeper

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    For starters, skype is most likely required for two reasons: One, it's an easy way to contact friends without having to constantly type /pm or /msg. Secondly: You can contact friends by using skype on your phone, tablet, or laptop, making it easy to tell people you're away and things like that. A lot of people also find the little orange alerts on skype helpful, because they know to check their messages. You can easily switch the person you're chatting with in skype, changing to someone else, sending them a message, then going back. It's a lot easier than /msg or /mail send, since skype can hold a message that has been sent till the player is online to see it. It also tells you when people are online :)

    One other thing, you need to work on your grammar and the caps... When starting a sentence you often start with a lower case letter, might want to work on that.
    Toostenheimer, chaos546 and SirCallow like this.
  16. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Skype is required. Stop applying if you refuse to get it. We cannot just use /pm in game to chat or give updates because thst isn't group and there is a character limit.

    If you want to be staff, you need Skype. It is not arguable. I'm not being mean, I'm trying to help.
  17. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    If skype is a requirement, it's a requirement, if you can't meet the requirement don't complain about is yelling at you.
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  18. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Any of my comments are in purple.
    From what I see, you do not like to be on the internet with a microphone or a facecam. This is a huge issue because you are talking to STRANGERS ON the internet. Let me quote this for you:
    How the hell is it a discrimination against you and others? I talk to multiple friends using Skype, and I USE a facecam. If you are actually 18, you should be practically talking to other people on the internet and having fun. What I think is that you're lying about your age.
    Huge -1 here, and please look at this for help. You NEED to fix these issues, or you will never get helper.
  19. jrs25872

    jrs25872 Popular Meeper

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    @TheAngelEclipse and @KlutchDecals pointed out something that just is, well, I know its true since i hang out with you on this server
    Yeah then this par

    I know you are not on during weekdays, Im the only person who practically knows you exist

    Ok so well thats kind of required and all so, yeah
  20. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    This is just straight off disrespectful.
    I don't want an immature helper to be on the team if you think it's that easy to get helper.
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