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Helper Application from jcheino12

Discussion in 'Denied' started by jcheino12, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. jcheino12

    jcheino12 Well-Known Meeper

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    Member Name jcheino12

    Additional In Game Names: jcheino

    How old are you? 14

    Location: United States of America , Ohio

    Do you have Skype? Yes

    Do you have TeamSpeak? No

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1 1/1 -3

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 2-4

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    Introduction: My real name is jacob but most call me jake. i am a big minecraft fan i know almost every crafting recipe in the game. i like helping with redstone commands and building.when anyone in game or real life needs help i am almost always there to help them. some of my friends say "i am to giving" meaning when i have something i don't really take know to sharing and helping them become better. It is not always good to be like this but as long as i keep myself from making the server money be useless i can be a big help.when some of my firneds first got on meepcraft they did not know what to do but i helped them al the way to get full diamond arrmor.

    Why you should be Helper? I am very caring, i love to help people, and i like learning from doing not learning by sitting down and reading i like being out there makeing this place ,more fun for others. "I" as in we un non staff member players think that they take to long on each modreq. I feel you guys are doing great it is better to do it right then to do it fast. A saying i live by is "If you have the time to do something wrong,you have the time to do it again." And i feel it is very true that doing it right is better then doing it fast.

    What are your weaknesses? My weakness are My Age- I can not always relate to the problems older people are having witch can lead to some missunderstanding and misscommunication leading to the job being done wrong but i never give up.
    Time- As i am younger my main job is to do my school work and homework and that makes the times i get to be on sometimes crazy and not right.
    Fealing- I like hearing what other poeple have to say but i dont take mean thing like "You are doing it wrong!" i can be emotionally hurt faster then some other but it does not stop me that much.
    Area- I live in the "middle of nowhere" so my internet is really spotty if a big pat of clouds come by my internet can crash but it is not for long most of the time this is leading to my last i know of weakness.
    Crashes- sometimes my internet lags and crashes and i just get disconnected from the server and can last for about 5 minutes but mostly just getting back on will fix it.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I have gone thought a lot of family issues not many other family have so i am more likely to crack and not get on during a problem in my family so sometimes i wont get on for like a week but i will make up the work by being on a little longer then normal.
  2. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    Jcheino, you have applied so many times, and every time you apply you never improve. You need to work on activity (all three parts of server), maturity, and overall quality.

    Note: auto-deny because no Teamspeak.

    Good luck,
  3. lfpnub

    lfpnub Popular Meeper

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    You scammed, no ts, and immature
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  4. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    ...please tell me you're not joking.
    Killdogx likes this.
  5. marranz631

    marranz631 Active Meeper

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    You have more written for your weaknesses then for why you should be helper -1
  6. jcheino12

    jcheino12 Well-Known Meeper

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    the reason for that is beacuse i went into detail about what makes them weaknesses if you take away the details it id only 5 words
  7. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Is that the ONLY improvement I see on this app?
    We've given you multiple tips on ALL of your apps. And you never listen to them.
  8. OneBreadSlice

    OneBreadSlice Celebrity Meeper

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    I cry at this application. Un-non-staff member players...

  9. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Teamspeak is required. -1
  10. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    You mean, "please tell me you are joking?"... gg.
  11. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Why didn't you add more detail to your why? THAT'S the problem here.
    You do not convince me in any way. I haven't seen you online at all, much less helping. Your dedication isn't great. You have no TS.
    Your last forum post was on March 16...
    You need more activity in general, and really help and be dedicated to the position. Also, proofread your app, you don't like like a 14 year old. More like a 12 year old.
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  12. K scheik

    K scheik Popular Meeper

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    Anyway, this application was quite weak. You need to show us that you care enough to use proper grammar, which I'm sure that you can do. People have given you lots of feedback and you really don't listen. I saw you IG today, but your last forum post was on the 16th of March. More activity would help your case here, and your age? Your age, I would assume, you're pretty mature. However, when a 9 year old (a mature one @AmericaBabyYeah) is using better grammar than you, you're doing something wrong. Please improve on:

    • Activity (all three server aspects)
    • Grammar
    • Make your sections longer
    • Maturity
    So, this is a -1 from me.
  13. vrohan

    vrohan Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 Teamspeak is a requirement for Staff. And your App was pretty short.
  14. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

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    Looks like a joke to me. -1 sorry bud but good luck
  15. BaM_Nitro

    BaM_Nitro ஜ۩▬Retired▬ஜ۩

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    Teamspeak is required for interview, for staff meetings, to help and communicate with others.
    Never saw you in game or on forums.
    Decent app but can improve.
    The tip I would give you is to be more active and get teamspeak.
    Other than that you seem like a cool guy
    If you need more help I'll be glad to help, just start a conversation on forumsor msg me on skype (bam nitro)
    Best of luck :)
  16. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

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    -No ts, its important and needed to be Staff.
    -Activity is very low, I don't even see you online, doe I am online a lot. You need to increase your activity to least 3 hours, Staff members needs to be active.
    -Your "Why" was pretty much the "I want help" stuff, I don't see how you stand out from other people at your age applying to Helper. You should tell how you differ from others, and why should Staff pick you as Staff member.
    -This is where I agree, you need to listen what others are saying to you, and take the hints and tips.

    I am on -1, you are still not ready. Like I said, improve your activity, get ts, and this time, listen for the tips people are telling to you, or being Helper will be only a dream you can't catch.
  17. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Troll apps aren't funny
    alex77034 and Toostenheimer like this.
  18. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    Don't apply if you don't have Teamspeak, or Skype. First of all -1. Your app was weak, and poorly written. You have to bump your activity by a few hours. I don't know you that well so that's all I'll say. Become more active on the the three following chatting application/programs.
  19. Nicolas Somoza

    Nicolas Somoza Active Meeper

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    I don't know you very well but from what you have said in /g and from limited experiences from you, you don't seem to be fit for staff right now. Everyone else said it but Teamspeak is necessary because it's the main way of contacting other staff. I think your age isn't a problem as long as you are mature enough and can handle staff. I will not give you a -1 because I still think you have time to improve and, I haven't had much experience with you. Your app was pretty weak and maybe next time you can improve it. I think a good thing to work on that you can put in your app next time (If you actually do it) is to connect with cits and expand the "donor"- citizen relationship.
  20. Bluapol

    Bluapol Media Team Meeper

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    ^ -1

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