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This Is How Towny Prices Should Be!

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Hornemans, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    That's is the whole point, they are reasonable because its hard to make money, so make it easier to make money by increasing the prices to a more reasonable level!
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Nobody wants to make a town with only 8 plots. Lakewood has under 100 residents and over 700 plots. Towns need to be cheap so people can make them easily, because that is why people join towny, to make towns.
    BaM_Nitro and jmelara like this.
  3. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    I mostly agree, but:

    1. There are plenty of towns where only 1 person lives there and have around 8 plots, and I'm sure they would have loved to pay 1/2 price they did!

    2. The average sized town is 80 plots so which is plenty of room to build ANYTHING they desire! Yes, they would have paid 3 time more but hey its a bigger town, they should pay more. I also remember about a year ago you said "bigger towns should pay more" when you were debating in my other thread about changing towny prices but now you seem to be opposite that opinion?

    3. Yeah, town bigger then 300 plots will be paying a lot more than before, but why should a MEGA TOWN cost about the same as a small town? That don't make any sense. Currently A 100 plot town cost 300k, and a 1000 pot town town 3x that at 1.2m so why should a town that is 10x bigger only cost 3x more? My version a town 10x bigger COST 10x more! That give large town mayors a sense of pride and something to AIM and WORK for!

    These suggested changes in NO WAY stops people from building at town and in fact it PROMOTES new players to make towns easier/cheaper... WHILE at the same time giving those mayors a goal to aim for my making it actually mean something to own/build a large town!
    This suggestion does EXACTLY that? I'm not sure where the disconnect is? It makes towns cheaper for NEW PLAYERS (70% of town owners) cost slightly more for AVERAGE players (25%), and give those DEDICATED players (5%) a goal and sense of pride to make the larges town they can! So, its a triple win!
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  4. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm gonna give you a like, just based on the amount of effort put into writing this.

    Unless you copy-pasted it.
  5. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

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    I read through your post and thought about this:
    Towns could be cheaper, but not 10k maybe 100k? Make outposts / plots cost more (and slightly raise the tax, if it is 65 per day maybe change it too 100? )
    These are just 2 simple 30 second ideas i made up so I don't know what you may think of this.

    We really can't make the towns go to 10k, remember when we had them at 25k per town and we couldn't go anywhere to find a place to make a town ;-;
  6. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hell no
    Hell no
    Da hell is this? Outposts, for 100k? HahaNo
    Hell no
    I don't understand nations anyway, I dunno what this means
    Hell no
  7. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    Yes, 10k is fine because you are making it hard to expand that town by raising the plot/outpost costs, also you want to encourage new players to make towns, and there is PLENTY of space in both alpha and beta for making towns!
    Thanks for your opinions on things you don't understand. Check out this link it will explain it: http://meepcraft.com/threads/this-is-how-town-nation-levels-should-be.41605/
  8. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't understand nations, therefore I did not give an opinion. But I would like an explanation on this:
    I do not know if you intentionally suggested making outpost prices 100k, but that is stupidly high
  9. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    That link explained the nations/town levels in simple terms so you could understand.
    Yes, 5k > 100k is directly proportionate to 200k > 10k town prices went down so something had to go up! Perhaps, you can explain why you think the increase prices in outposts would be a problem when the town is like way cheaper now!
  10. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    idrc about nations, just wanted you to know that I understand most towny aspects.
    besides, 10k is stupidly low for a town price. New towns would be popping up everywhere. We don't want that. No, make the town price 150k(ish) and keep outposts the same. To claim one for 100k is stupidly high prices.
  11. Pyro707

    Pyro707 Popular Meeper

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    -707 I'm to lazy to read everything in this thread... I read the prices..... That's dumb..... I get what your trying to do here but no thank you, it's not worth it. Thanks, I'm tired and don't have time to give more information, opinions, or supporting evidence. Thanks, bye
  12. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    Who is we? Im sure all the New Players and NOT rich people would love towns to be 10k so they could afford one of their own. Also you still have not explained your reasoning behind wanting to keep the prices the way they are when these changes have several benefits already explained.
    Making a town for 200k is not stupidly high, that 2x more then 100k FYI?
    Not worth it, sure... if you are too lazy to read the thread I can see why you are to lazy to make IMPROVEMENTS to Meepcraft as well. Thanks for your reply.
  13. Pyro707

    Pyro707 Popular Meeper

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    Consider this a spot reserved for a reply when I'm not so exhausted.
  14. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    I personally do not want towns popping up because I do not want newer players creating one when they do not know all the rules and how towny works. 150-200k is sensible because my the time a player has amassed the money they will know how towny works, and we will not have new players creating towns, storing their stuff then the town crashing because they did not have the knowledge of taxes and how towny works. That's my reasoning.
    Making a town is not the same as claiming a single plot. Creating a town is creating a place for people to stay, or for you to store things and stay a hermit. Either way, making a town is the gateway to claiming plots - without a town you could not claim the outpost. So why the hell would we make the outpost cost 10x the town?
  15. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    That is a very good reason, however it is also your opinion. I'm sure the new players would disagree with having things cost more, and having to wait to make their own town. Also, if the new players know how to make a town /t new name they most likely completed the "mayor tutorial" and hence read all the other things about towns, so they will understand taxes and such. Also, that is no different then them joining a town getting a plot building a house and losing all their stuff to taxes and being kicked from a town.
    Okay, good question. The town part for 10k was already explained its so new players can afford to make on in less than a day if they want! The outpost part was also explained a bit to offset for the lower town prices something had to go higher, which was outposts. But why 100k? Simple. Outpost are for expanding a town into remote lands so your town can grow and prosper, and they should be valued as such. Right now they are just a glorified raiding tool nothing more (which Fuzzlr already stated his thoughts about not liking raiding in the past, note-a below). Making them cost more will make mayors think about their decisions on where to put it just like they do when they claim their first plot for the town! Also, most towns should not even need an outpost they would be for larger towns with lots of residents (not a one person town with 50 outposts).

    Note-a: With these changes I would also suggest that switching is allowed in towny wilderness so players can loots fallen towns for free and if they wanted to claim them for "whatever" reason they could do it with a town for 10k which is only 5k more then what it would cost now.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
  16. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    "if the new players know how to make a town /t new name they most likely completed the "mayor tutorial" and hence read all the other things about towns, so they will understand taxes and such"
    No, most likely they asked in /shout.
    "Also, that is no different then them joining a town getting a plot building a house and losing all their stuff to taxes and being kicked from a town."
    True, but hopefully when they joined a town and got a plot they had taxes explained to them by the player that added them. I cannot stand mayors who add people just so that their town can have more residents. It's one of the reasons I created a tax-free town. Anyway, I digress. I believe that it is better to show them the workings of towny (as a resident) rather than throw them into the leadership straight away.
    "The town part for 10k was already explained its so new players can afford to make on in less than a day if they want!"
    May I ask why you are so desperate for new players to get cheap towns?

    From here I'm just gonna talk in response to your talk of 'they should be valued as places for glorifying towns'. They are most often used as raiding tools, and if Fuzzlr doesn't like it doesn't mean we should change it. I know many people who make their living from raiding. I do not see why you feel the need glorify them and make them 10x the price of a town. Also, it's ridiculous to make looting free. The claiming it is part of the risk.

    Please answer this question: Why do you want newbies to have towns for such a low price?
  17. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    From what I understand the this is a towny server so when new players come they should be able to make a town right? Yes, they could just make the 200k but that will probably take them a month or more to do so, which they might not want to stay on the server if it will take them that long. If they could build a town right away it would entice them to stay on the server longer, donate for a rank, and actually be a good player, rather then just logging off after 30 days of playing cause they don't have 200+k for a town (the whole reason they joined the towny server in the first place) and go look for another towny server where they can make a town.
    What? I have never heard anyone say FREE STUFF is ridiculous! Also, they would only be able to get into houses and chests (fine turn switching off this was just an idea to please those raiders), if they wanted to break stuff like: heads, blocks, spawners, whatever they would still have to claim the plots.
  18. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    I feel that the players should not be thrust into leadership, and should instead be residents and learn the ropes. It is my belief that if they first create a town with little to no knowledge of how towns works, we would have ruins all over towny wild from towns made by newbies that have created a town without understanding of taxes. Besides, if the player's town falls, they will just quite anyway.
    Call me an adrenaline junkie (I am actually irl lol) but the risk is the fun part. It ruins it all to be able to just find a fallen town and be able to raid all the chests without any effort. Also, how are they supposed to claim the plots if outposts are 100k?

    Apologies for late reply, had to have dinner.
  19. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    Both of these things ALREADY happen! Have you ever flown around tonwy wilderness? There are Dozens of Dozens of fallen towns that were surely owned by noobs. This is the cycle of life it can not be prevented, however we can make it cheaper so when the do lose their town it was only 10k instead of 200k.
    True, but as already said outpost were not to be used for raiding, you would just use a cheap 10k town with 0 plots claim 1, unclaim move to the next plot repeat until your adrenaline was full or your wallet was empty!
  20. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    No, I'm not Ultimate. But you do not know that those towns were owned by new players.
    What if you already have a town? 100k outposts make no sense, neither do 10k towns.
    It's my bedtime.
    Good night.

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