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New Town!

Discussion in 'Towns Archive' started by Mowmee, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Mowmee

    Mowmee Popular Meeper

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    Hi, I'm Mowmee_ and I'm coming up to 200,000 Meebles. I'm thinking of making a new town in Beta (I'm already part of a wonderful town in alpha). I'm not sure what to call the town or to make it open or invite only. My goal is to have 30-100 people in this new town. Or how many staff I will have.
    Upcoming Things In New Town
    • Beautiful Spawn
    • Large plots
    • Cheap taxes
    • Flat lands
    • Pre-built and Clear-plot homes
    • Tour once you join
    I hope once I hit 200,000 Meebles people will join my town. Feed back in the comments like what should the town be called and if you want to join.
    Thanks, --Mowmee
  2. hardegat

    hardegat Celebrity Meeper

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    I like your enthusiasm. But don't make a town the moment you hit 200000 meebles. Save up at least double that so that you can afford the upkeep and some materials to build the town.

    Don't worry about too low taxes either. Anything up to 100 a day is fine. Residents should support their town and this is the least they can do.

    Looking forward to see your town one day :)
    Mowmee and xAZN_SJx like this.
  3. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    Double might be a little much. I advise getting to atleast 250k for the town and 50k for bank. If you play your cards right and have some basic materials already you can multiply that 50k into 100k through tax per day or just attempting to make more meebles. It will amaze you but you actually make good money selling nether rack to pwarps with 3.5 per netherrack. I mined netherrack (in a mountain in the nether) for 30 minutes and made 25k from netherrack and 5k from Quartz. That's how my town is going and it is a five day old metropolis with 49 members
    Mowmee likes this.

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