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KitPvP - Completely Different Change.

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Perryjay2, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Perryjay2

    Perryjay2 Popular Meeper

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    So for a while I have been noticing people complaining about KitPvP in one way or another. And apart from 'Hacker!' (which obviously I cannot fix) a lot of the time it is citizens complaining about OP Donator kits and Donator teams. There have also been issues with whether or not Meebles should be included, so I thought of this idea to try and address all Issues.

    (*NOTE* Some of this is from a KitPvP Server I was on but I have adapted some of the ideas.)

    The Ideas

    So I think there should be a KitPvP currency or 'Tokens' that are used instead of meebles. So like instead of meebles per kill you get a token etc..
    Your tokens will build up and you can use /token maybe or there can be like a score box on the screen to check your tokens.
    These tokens can then be used to upgrade your kits. So instead of a plain Diamond sword you can make it a Sharpness 1 diamonds sword. You can keep upgrading this until Sharp 5. But each upgrade will cost Double the amount of the one before it (a bit like how ranks work). So say it was 100 tokens for sharpness 1, it would be 200 for sharpness 2, 400 for sharpness 3, etc etc..
    This will also apply for bow's, So power 1, power 2, power 3 etc..
    All the bows will have Infinity 1 on however, so that the player doesn't run out of arrows.
    There will be no flame or punch or Fire aspect, this is just keeping it simple.

    For armour, there will be a similar process for Protection, but it will cost more. So say 200 for protection 1, 400 for protection 3 etc.. But this upgrades will only happen on separate bits of armour, so that it sort of prevents people running in with Protection 4 armour and being OP.

    However, every time you die, whatever enchants you have on your things will be reset! So people wont just keep adding sharpness 3 to their stuff as once they die they will be without the tokens and their sharpness 3, so it makes people think about when they are going to upgrade and when they are going to save up.


    So as the currency, tokens are pretty important. I think that for each kill somebody should get 10 tokens. If somebody else were to pitch in on that kill, then each person would get 5 tokens. This will make it so it isn't extremely hard to get the low level Upgrades but it is still challenging if you want to save up to the higher Upgrades.

    Tokens will also be available for 'Soup Refreshes'. So since you will have an inventory full of 'Magic Soups' you will soon run out. So if people want to get certain challenges, they may want to get their soups refreshed. This will cost 200 Tokens. So whilst they are fighting, they've just got 20 kills and run out of soups, they run to the side and type /soup, there will then be a message saying, You have been charged 200 tokens and your inventory has been refilled with Magic Soup! (or something along those lines)

    There will also be some 'Debuffs' that if you choose to use them you will gain more tokens per kill.

    So if you type /Debuff a list will pop up that will look something like:


    Slowness: (will give you Slowness throughout)
    Weakness: (will make you weaker)
    Poison: (Every 30 Seconds you will undertake 10 seconds of Posion)
    Gold Kit: (You will be gives Gold armour and an Iron sword)

    You can then select a debuff by typing /Debuff (Name). If you want more than 1 just type the command again and choose another Debuff.
    If you want to take off the Debuff type /Debuff Clear.

    So if you choose to use one of he debuffs, you will get 5 more tokens per kill.
    If you choose to use 2 debuffs, you will get 10 more tokens.
    And then the same with 3 / 4.


    So here are my ideas for all of the kits. (obviously differ with whatever upgrades are put on)

    Standard Sword Kit:

    Diamond sword
    Iron armour
    Inventory of Magic Soups.

    Standard Bow Kit:

    Infinity I Bow
    1 Arrow
    Inventory of Magic Soups.

    Achievements / Meebles

    This is where i have tried to make people who like getting meebles for it happy :)

    There will be a set of achievements that you can see using /achievement. It will be a bit similar to how it works in skyblock but you will recieve meeble rewards. There will be the 3 different tiers of difficulty so each one will get more Meebles.

    So for example:

    Tier 1: Tier 2: Tier 3:
    (1k meeble reward) (5k meeble reward) (10k meeble reward)

    Get a 20 kill Get a 50 kill streak Get a 100 kill
    streak with 1 debuff. With 1 debuff streak with 1 debuff.

    The rewards will be given out per achievement you complete. I have a few ideas for more but this is a basic idea for how it will work.

    Donator Perks

    I would rather keep the donator perks out of the Situation but I know people will start to complain if I don't :p

    Im thinking maybe a Token multiplyer. So VIP & Premium gets 1.5x, Exclusive & Elite get 2x and Supreme & Ultimate get 3x.

    The reason I don't really like the idea of donator perks is because a Token Multiplier would end up being quite OP and leading to them being able to get Good upgrades every time and not have to worry about it.

    If anyone has any better ideas about Donator Perks then please let me know in the comments :).

    Why I like the idea

    I think this is a good idea to implement because of the fact that it makes everything more even. It will give the better PvP'ers , Citizen or Donator, a chance to win more things and essentially have more fun :D.

    Thank you to anyone who read all of that, It probably won't get Implemented but It would be nice to see what you guyz think.

    -Perryjay / Coswos
    _masterdude_ and Lemoh like this.
  2. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    The one reason I am opposed to the idea of gaining tokens that can be used to purchase upgrades is that it seems like it would be a rich-get-richer scenario, where even if the people with powerful kits get less tokens per kill, they might reach a point where they would become unstoppable.
    builderjunkie012 likes this.
  3. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    What he said
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 16, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 16, 2015 ---
    why not allow these upgrades only on cit kits and only allow earning tokens on cit kits so you can't take an ult kit and make it prot4
  4. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    He's talking about removing the kits completely and replacing them with an iron armor and diamond sword kit that can be buffed and debuffed to it's user's liking.
  5. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Oh then thats a great idea. pls no kit is fine them cits just need to get gud
  6. Perryjay2

    Perryjay2 Popular Meeper

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    There are actually some amazing citizen pvp'ers. Just dononator kits make them unoticable
    _masterdude_ likes this.
  7. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    I like the idea but I like getting meebles from kitpvp just because it's an easy way for people like me and of course new players to make some quick cash. Like say a nub is running low on money and can't afford taxes well kit gives them a quick easy way to make money. So I'm a -1 just again because I love making meebles from kit. But again I do like the idea :)
  8. iMeepCraft.

    iMeepCraft. Popular Meeper

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    No it would be the "good" pvper or hackers get rich quicker. This has nothing to do with rich get rich as rich is non existent in the proposed system.
  9. Zer0000000000

    Zer0000000000 Popular Meeper

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    i'm not a big fan of the token idea tbh.
  10. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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