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Nerf Iron Farms

Discussion in 'Completed' started by epick8, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. DET2102

    DET2102 Popular Meeper

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    Instead of Nerfing Items, what about doing an inactivity (AFK) Kick.
    If someone is AFK for lets say 10 min, they get kicked for inactivity.
    This would prevent people using their account and ALTS from AFKing at their Iron Farm and collecting all day.
  2. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    that wouldn't work because staff sometimes go inactive to look at logs or /he and do modreqs
  3. Dwizzle4269

    Dwizzle4269 Popular Meeper

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    Haven't you already made enough? *Only* 200 iron an hour??
    Even at a measly $10 each, that works out to be *only* 48k a day, or 1.44 million per month on a single farm.
    Ok, if we're not going to put a stop to this, I might as well get in on the action.

    Let's see....If I build 10 farms...at 200 iron per hour each....selling for $10 an ingot...
    I will be the richest man on Meep, in less than a year.

    See the problem?
    epick8 likes this.
  4. DET2102

    DET2102 Popular Meeper

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    Not being familiar with the coding, could staff be excluded from the inactivity kick?
  5. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    No its not. It isn't faster to mine it yet. The whole reason it had value of 70+ was because it was mineable and no one farmed it. Everyone could sell at a higher price. Civilians could make money because they could sell the resource they found the most of in the wild, Iron. I see a bunch of civilians in shout trying to sell iron and iron products and no one buys because farms have made it worthless. all people without an Iron farm get hurt from their existence and those that do have them don't sell it, they just sit on the massive pile of ingots, keeping the price down at 10 and possibly driving it down even further at one point. Having iron farms have a huge impact on the economy.
  6. QualityLeader

    QualityLeader Popular Meeper

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    I know nothing about the economy money things but couldn't they reduce it by a very small amount every month or something then when the price has risen to an excepted amount then stop reducing it?
  7. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    Yeah, because all 3 attempts to "fix" it have been done to because of threads like this! They "fix" it just like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. In this case nerfed iron farms (or nerfing anything) is just a band-aid instead of fixing the root of the problem! And NO players can't fix this it is a game mechanic that has LIMITLESS supplies on and virtually NO DEMAND.
    Yes Iron Farms as well as many other are nerfed, but its it also because of multiplayer mechanics that make that 2600+ goal not really obtainable. that 2600+ is in single player mode with a set of very favorable conditions. Multiplayer just does not have that, the most i Ever got was 1800 and hour (before the nerfs started).
    Its 10 each because that is what the ADMINS decided what it should be worth, nothing else. Of course there is too much of it, there is TOO MUCH of EVERYTHING, because the economy sinks and faucets are not setup correctly in the game. The only way to REMOVE iron or ANYTHING for that matter is a ADMIN shop that pays people for it and if you make something .01 like Iron currently is NO ONE is going to sell it for that so it will NEVER get removed, unless the prices are set at a reasonable price!
    UUUMMMMM NO! You would not be the richest because everyone else would do the EXACT SAME as you... Except for me of course cause i would build 100 farms! And besides all that you building 10 farms is highly UNLIKELY unless you have 10 alts to stand AFK all day and even at that point you would get kicked ever few hours so you would NEVER get a full day of AFKing at your farm, thus reducing your overall productivity, to pretty much nothing worth your while to even attempt something like that!
    I agree it still is NOT faster to mine it yet! And NO that was not the reason that it use to be 70+ each! I was making 1800+ iron ingots and hour when it was that price and i know many that had iron farms as well (of course none even close to mine) and still it stayed at 70, and slowly went down to like 50 after a few months. Furthermore, the ONLY THING that made the iron prices GO DOWN was the ADMINs changing the prices lower so EVERYONE would purposely make LESS MONEY!
    Again NOT TRUE! Farms don't make it worthless, the admins changing the prices make it worthless! Though i do agree with farm make it EASY to get material they DO NOT make the price go down!
    Even if the farms were removed and such the price would NEVER rise cause the supply out paces the demand! However, the prices would probally stay at whatever the admins set them cause they would fell that "EASY" money would not be made from farms. BUT if that is true that is the whole "band-aid" on the gunshot wound problem! By doing that they would have 'fixed' nothing, and again remove another thing from the game that makes minecraft "minecraft"!
    K9_Caper likes this.
  8. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    wow i actually agree for once. However the sink is way too big for the faucet too. At 100 iron was spilling so much money into the eco but there was no real way to get it out. Pets and such would be a good thing or purchasable perks even
  9. QualityLeader

    QualityLeader Popular Meeper

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    Oh I see thanks for that.
  10. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    I agree! Its not only the lack of things like "pets" or "effects" or "anything" that could be bought for meebles (which again could EASILY be made by ANY ADMIN in less time then it takes to read this thread), its also about the DONATOR PERKS screwing things up royally too! /fix reduces the demand for ALL diamonds, iron, etc, /feed /heal reduce the demand for ALL food products (im not saying remove the perks i just saying adjust them slightly) and such not to mention the server being on EASY instead of normal or hard! And if everyone is complaining about iron farms or gold farms or any automated farm which makes limitless things for free, then you might as well remove spawners that make infinite items for virtually nothing and so on! /end rant
  11. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    These commands have to stay. They are the biggest table turners for generating server revenue
  12. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    I highlighted the part you missed! They are good perks the mechanics of how they work just need tweaked!
  13. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    I saw it but i have no clue what kind of modifications could be done to help without losing many elite donors
  14. Krazycat600

    Krazycat600 Popular Meeper

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    You made your money from spawners yourself bro. When you make rants like this I just imagine "Oh well I got my meebles so no one needs it!"
  15. ToonMichaela

    ToonMichaela Celebrity Meeper

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    this was suggested before and Denied. so this will proberly be denied again...

    its still a -24... dont nerf... its done to much already... ruins the fun in playing the game..
  16. Krazycat600

    Krazycat600 Popular Meeper

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    There should rather be an iron shop much like the gold market, where the prices fluctuate as people buy/sell (mostly sell) The absolute minimum value would be 5 meeble, though. This wouldn't make too many mebeles in the eco.
  17. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    But it wouldn't take much iron out of the eco because people buy it for 10 each
  18. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    Something does need to be done about the low price of iron.
    Under consideration.

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