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Mylucky7's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Mylucky7, Nov 14, 2014.

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  1. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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    In Game Name: Mylucky7
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes, Googly52
    Teamspeak Username: Mylucky7
    Mic use: Yes, Tritton Kunai
    Age: 14
    Timezone: GMT
    Hours online per weekday: 3-6
    Hours online per weekend:4-10
    Position Changes: Citizen --> Helper

    Hello, once again, I am applying for helper. Now, before anything is said, I have not been part of the staff team since January 2014. Yes, I have been applying for staff a few times since then, which weren't good for me constantly applying giving me a bad reputation barring me from becoming staff. However, I'm looking to go back to being the successful staff member which at one point I was. Not only I want to go back to my old ways, I am wishing to improve, get better. I've been doing quite a lot in game recently, staying active and just getting on, especially with building my town, which has taken a lot of determination.

    In life at the minute, I am currently completing GCSE work which is currently above my age group, although this might sound cocky and arrogant, I'd describe myself as quite intelligent for someone of my age. As well as that, I am also working on the weekends as an Assistant Manager for a local youth football team, sadly, I am also going for an FA (Football Association) badge in coaching and possibly going for a referee's badge.
    Not only I help manage a team, I currently play for one as well, which is going well; we are currently top of the league due to good play and very good teamwork.

    Anyway, let's get into what I am like in the server:

    I would describe myself as a particularly determined person always giving 100% effort. When isn't 100% effort needed? Something hard needing doing? I'l give it a try, to the best of my ability, no excuses, no reasons not to do it. Nothing to stop me. So, yes.

    Am I honest? Yes. Yes, I'd say I was, I am mostly honest with everyone, I don't hide anything most of the time. "Most of the time?" Yes, in the server I have lied about a few things, nothing serious, nothing which leads to a consequence for anyone, in my staff applications in the past, I claimed to be 15 when I was 13. Yes, it was wrong, I do truly regret it, I was under guilt in the time, which I did come clean on, I let everyone know, expecting hate, I got a lot of support, people understood, and that gave me confidence, thank you to everyone who did support me in that time, thank you.

    Previous Experiences as Staff:
    This keeps getting longer so let me make you a timeline:
    1. I started out on a friends server and was given the Admin rank, it was a small server however, I really enjoyed time on there. But, in comparison to MeepCraft, this was nothing. I did pick up some skills there, but not many. Just the basics.
    2. I then joined another server which I suppose was quite fun. We got 10-20 people on at one given time which wasn't all that bad. I worked my way up very fast and within a month, I was Head-Admin. As I put in every app, the server was destroyed by the crazy tech.
    3. Back to Meep, I came back to MeepNetworks and found myself getting my application accepted. I was put through an interview and became a helper. I didn't do too bad, however, now, it feels like I could have done so much more at the time. I was demoted then for telling people of my friend being banned (Good excuse, I know).
    4. At the end of MN I applied for this MeepCraft, I was accepted which got me quite hyped up about it. With guidance from colleagues within the staff team, I was always doing well, on task and trying my best. I then applied for Mod. My application was accepted whilst I was on holiday in Spain so, that couldn't have been better. I continued well and helped teaching new helpers new skills etc. I resigned due to a lot of things which I have already disclosed.

    How have I helped the server in the past? Well, I've donated multiple times, showing a true devotion to the server, I have been staff multiple times completing things like: learning the basics and advanced side of the staff system, showing new helpers what to do and helping them to improve themselves, even though as well as they improve, I improve. I've also simply been helping people out in chat, in skype, in teamspeak etc. I just naturally help. I also love it.

    Forums: Forums! Simply my most favoured part of the server, I love seeing what people post and what is going on outside the in game server, I love them! I am currently a popular member on forums as shown. As popular member is the highest rank for a citizen, it does show my forums experience. I worked on forums a lot as mod sorting ban appeals, ban reports etc.

    Skype: I am on Skype more than anything, I love it! If you ever need me I'l be on phone, PC or iPad. If you ever need me I'l be on there.

    TS: TS is a weakness, I'l get on there a few times a week and am familiar with the people however, as you've seen, I prefer Skype, I find it more easy to use than TS for some reason.

    Helping out as non-staff: I always help out when I get the chance to, I have also been known to help out staff members with issues. For a few examples, a not so close friend was banned, he made an extremely wrong choice, although he does not play anymore, I mentored him for a while watching over him, giving him advice, it really helped him out. Another example is having a close connection with players, someone was banned and was using alts to spam, I stopped them calmly. It's little things which help.


    1. I have to admit, I am quite an argumentative type, however, I try to use that to my advantage to benefit others. It also works when getting a point through. But, I look at it as having a louder voice, being able to confidently give my opinion on things, Sjoe will back be up here when I say that. So, I suppose as well as a weakness, I can use it as a strength.

    2. The Entire Resignation Problem. This can give people little trust within me making it harder to trust me as a staff member. I am trying to earn back their trust and hopefully I can like this.

    3. I was negative, very although I did not see it until someone brought it up, I thought it was honesty, however, it was not. I have stopped this completely.

    Knowledge of the Server:
    I have been here since April 2012, I know the ins and outs of the server. I put this into use in game when helping people via shout or /msg. It is always going to be a huge plus having great knowledge of the server as a staff member, being extremely active and loyal to the server is always what hinders it forward.

    Knowledge of commands:
    I know all the staff commands, this includes all hawkeye commands, for example, instead of trying to explain everything to a staff member, I make it 10x easier and give a brief description of what happened and then tell them the exact command (Not trying to be rude to them by doing that; please, don't think I am). If we were to change back to logblock (Very Unlikely), I also know that thoroughly. I need no help here.

    Other little things...
    Well, I have currently been helping players out who had been banned get re-intergrated back into the server, making them stop the things they were doing. For example, Zachforfun123, a good friend of mine, didn't see what he was doing wrong, just didn't look at things the way most people do on the server, after a short explanation, he understood, he is currently staying positive about the server.
    Another is Mastercod124, who does not currently play, he was making threats towards players, not once since.
    There is one more, but I'd like to say that only in my interview ; )

    What do I wish to do in the future?: Simply just do a job, just help better the server, do what any good staff member would do. As well as that, I want to once again help the new staff, tell them what's going on teaching them what I know. Sharing my knowledge.

    Thank you,
    benster82, KyloMeep and Owen Powell like this.
  2. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

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    +1 MyLucky7, you seem like you desire to genuinely help out MeepCraft, and I know you have the skill set for it. You do have great server knowledge, help out a lot, and know how to handle cases. Also, I've see you always growing and improving, which is always awesome, both as a staff and personal trait. The application looks like you worked hard and did a great job on it! Good luck ;)!
    Mylucky7 likes this.
  3. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    -.5 you had a good app but you are not very active and I don't see you help. I never see you on 3 hours a day.
    Mylucky7 likes this.
  4. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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    What a great start, thank you Owen!
    Owen Powell likes this.
  5. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

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    You're welcome!
    I think it's timezone differences, as I see him on fairly often
  6. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Mylucky, over the past few months you've been trying really hard to get helper, and you've put in a lot of effort everytime. You have made a lot of applications, and they are all excellent. You have resigned a lot of times, and eventually have came back, but this was a long time ago, and I feel that you have changed. Your application was really well-written. If you asked me to review it like that, I wouldn't change anything. Your activity is pretty nice. You may not on Teamspeak that much, but I saw you on today, so it's good to know that you're making an effort. You have been controlling yourself a lot more lately, which is very good to see. Finally, you are immature sometimes, but never immature in such a way that it would dramatically affect my vote.

    In conclusion, I feel that after you have been denied many times, and made it to interview once and were denied there, that you are once again ready for staff, and ready to help the server once again.

    Good luck, and I hope to see this application in the accepted folder eventually.
    CyberneticToast likes this.
  7. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Well mylucky7. I have seen the good side of you now and you are a nice person. O do see you on towns a lot when I am on but I don't see you heloing in shout but I guess you have learnt other techniques while being part of the staff team. I will give you a +1 for now. Good luck
  8. gooboyshitstevie

    gooboyshitstevie Well-Known Meeper

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    why is not already accepted? +1000000
  9. Klitch


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  10. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    we don't have hawkeye anymore, you silly swan. We have prism ;)
    +.5. I've seen you improve on things we have discussed beforehand in IM's. I would love your activity to be even higher, though.
    Mylucky7 likes this.
  11. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 because everything said above.
  12. Forest

    Forest Popular Meeper

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    I feel you have improved greatly and I think you are ready I will gave you a +1
    good luck! :)
  13. DeadlyPoptartz

    DeadlyPoptartz Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 ive never seen you help people
    i never see u ingame
  14. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    mylucky is very active and helpful, plus he has heaps of experience. I've never seen you ingame, either. What timezone are you in?
    KyloMeep and Mylucky7 like this.
  15. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    is sexy
    is mylucky7
    is more than qualified for staff
    good app
    is sexy
    always puts the best of effort into anything
    did I mention that he was sexy?
    is a scrub
    tells me he will buy me things for my love

    has been staff too many times
  16. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    I am changing to +1 due to the fact that i now realize your time zone. very qualified
    KyloMeep, Mylucky7 and Owen Powell like this.
  17. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    My only problem here is the amount of resignation's you have.
    How can I know you won't resign this time?
    I will vote when you have answered my question.
    benster82 likes this.
  18. DeadlyPoptartz

    DeadlyPoptartz Celebrity Meeper

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    central, you?
  19. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    +1 You have been demoted before for reasons but I think that you changed since the last time so +1 from me. Good luck :D
  20. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    You have never had "real commitment" to the staff team. You get staff, get bored in a few months, and resign. I'm willing to bet it happens again this time, if you get staff. -1
    mrli1 likes this.
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