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kirapwns' Staff Application.

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by kirapwns, Aug 17, 2013.

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  1. kirapwns

    kirapwns Popular Meeper

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    My last application was deleted, not put into the denied sub-forum or interview, so I'm not sure what that quite means but here's round 2.

    In Game Name: kirapwns
    Skype Username: kirapwns
    Teamspeak Username: kirapwns
    Mic use: Yes, when needed.
    Age: 20 on September 14th
    Timezone: Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)
    Hours online per weekday: 6-8
    Hours online per weekend: 6-8
    Position Changes: Citizen - Wherever I'm needed.

    Hello, my name is Kota or kirapwns as my in-game name would suggest. I'm turning 20 on the 14th of September. I've been playing Minecraft since the beta version first came out, and I've been on Meepcraft for about a month. When I first joined Meepcraft, I luckily had two friends who were veterans of the server and could teach me the basics, but when they weren't on, the community gladly helped me. After playing for about a week, I continued to see the message from the server asking for experienced and mature people to apply for staff, so I did. I received a lot of negative replies and attention because I was new and not very 'popular' among the people of the server. Despite the replies, I continued to check on my application everyday waiting to see a reply from a staff member. One day I checked and it was completely gone. Not in the denied sub-forum or in the interviews sub-forum. Not even in the recruitment forum. I was a bit confused, but I'm guessing it was just denied so I waited two weeks to apply again and here I am. Besides being an avid gamer, I'm a graphics designer. I work on anything from signature banners to photography and web design. With all that in mind, I'm really fascinated with computers and know quite a bit about them.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod?
    I believe I should be picked to be on staff because I enjoy helping people out and I'm definitely a hard-worker. I don't see the main part of being staff as kicking the troublesome people out, but being the person who is helping people with commands and anything else they need help with. Yes ofcourse kicking/banning the people who are causing trouble in the server is part of being staff, but that's not what its all about. Having the power to kick and ban people may cause some to go power hungry and smite people with the tiniest wrong-doing, and I can promise I am not one of those people. I may not be extremely experienced at being a moderator or admin on Minecraft servers, but I do have tons of experience being on staff on forums and websites alike. When I was 13 till now, I ran my own forum and was moderators on others. I've been anywhere from the Graphics Team to Admin across over 15+ forums. That being said, I've had experience in leadership roles and I know where to punish people and where not to. I'm also an extremely easy learner. You teach me something, I'll have it down by the end of the day. I also happened to be a phone operator at one of my jobs, dealing with customer service issues. I'm very helpful and friendly around members, and that should show it.

    My main weakness would be that I get frustrated when I am helping someone and I have to constantly tell them what to do. I don't blow up on the person, but it does bug me on the inside. I'm also mainly on during the night time, which I would consider somewhat of a weakness.

    Overall, I think I'd be a very helpful addition to the team, whether I'm a Helper, Moderator, or even Super Moderator. I'll always look out for those in need of help and will always look out for those causing trouble and ruining others' fun. The message said "Looking for mature and experienced moderators", I feel I fit those adjectives very well. I hope you all see that I'm ready and fit to help out the server and community and I hope to be hearing from you all soon.

    Thank you.
  2. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Hi Kota,

    Let's check you in three areas: activity, maturity, and your application.

    Activity: Well, I've never seen you before. Not in /shout, not on teamspeak, and not in /shout. That's a big issue. Staff requires all three of those things. Forums, because it's easy to connect with the community and also staff uses it to communicate effectively. Teamspeak, because staff has meetings there and it's easier to communicate by speaking. Lastly, /shout. This is the most crucial part. These are like tiny /modreqs and show your ability to help. Your activity is a -1 for me.

    Maturity: I haven't seen you enough to judge this, but judging from your application, it's not bad. A +0 for now.

    Application: It's not short, but really, I see no substance. Of course you want to help, of course you're probably good at it. Everyone says it. Nothing unique to you. What are you going to bring to the server? What are some of your ideas? Saying you like to help doesn't have enough weight. -1 on app.

    Overall, I'm a -1. I think if you wait awhile, become more active, you could have potential. We just need to see more of you.
  3. kirapwns

    kirapwns Popular Meeper

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    This was actually one of the -1 replies I got on my other application, and since then I have been speaking on /shout a lot. I don't dabble too much into conversations between a few people, but mainly to the people looking for towns or help with the towns/commands/etc. How you have not seen me may be because we're on at different times. I appreciate the long and well thought out reply. :)
  4. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Well, we're only 2 hours apart. The time difference really doesn't make a huge difference. I'm on 8 hours a day on average, so I'd probably see you. I understand it's difficult sometimes to be seen, though. People didn't always notice me either. Just try to use the forums and ts more, then.
  5. kirapwns

    kirapwns Popular Meeper

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    Yeah, I've never noticed your name before either, but yes it is difficult at times. Thank you again for the reply. :)
  6. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello Kira!
    Most people do not know kira because of the timezone difference. Keep this in mind.

    For the past 3 weeks, you have demonstrated by your maturity that you can become an extremely helpful and charismatic helper for this server. Im for a +1.
  7. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

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    I would like to see some more activity in teamspeak and in-game (although maybe you're just quiet). +1 anyway.
  8. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    -1, lacking in /shout,
  9. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    I like you, but I haven't seen enough activity from you here, in game and on TeamSpeak and the app was very well written.

  10. castroifyer

    castroifyer :)

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    The application was wonderfully written, however your Teamspeak activity could be better. I haven't had MUCH experience with you, however I can say that i've seen you around the server a number of times. +0 for the time being :)
  11. MrJoe223

    MrJoe223 Popular Meeper

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    Last time I said that if I saw improvement, I'd give you a +1.
    I've seen improvement.


    I'd like to see you on the forums more, though.
  12. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    going with +1

    i have seen improvement.
  13. kirapwns

    kirapwns Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thanks everyone for the feedback.

    You'll be seeing a lot more of me here, I'm sure of it. :)
    MrJoe223 likes this.
  14. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    +1 great application. Hoping to know you better.
  15. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

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    Accepted for interview!
  16. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    Approved for Interview.
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