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Mad11221's Staff Application :)

Discussion in 'Denied' started by mad11221, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. mad11221

    mad11221 Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Mad11221, If you couldn't already see that! xD
    Skype (Yes/No):Madison.Herron.50 and I have a backup account, MAd11221
    Teamspeak Username: My teamspeak username is Mad11221

    Mic use: I usually do use my mic if i have to for things like this, i would prefer Teamspeak over
    Skype Mainly because I usually Have my hair in a mess like a messy bun or something haha.

    Age: I am 12 almost 13, Birthday August 23, 2001.

    Timezone: Us/canada

    Hours online per weekday: I usually spend about 2 hours on minecraft during weekdays, and most of the time it is on Meepcraft, because it is an awesome server. unless I am working on my music or my basketball

    Hours online per weekend: during the weekends i have a bit more time on my hands because of school and everything. I mostly spend about two and a half hours to three hours on Minecraft, mainly Meep.

    (citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod) I would love to be citizen to helper or even anything.

    Hello, I am Mad11221, if you couldn't already see that. I spend at least 2 hours a day on meepcraft. And, I stay up a lot and have nothing to do so i usually just get on. ? I LOVE basketball, music, bowling and I'm really big on skateboarding.Sometimes you will catch me quoting something like a nerdy show or something Michael Jordan said and stuff like that. Sorry, but I am sort-of considered a nerd. xD I've been on this server for a while now and I know it says that I've only been on since like the Twenty Sixth of June but I have been on for longer than that. My computer broke, as most of you know, and I didn't have it for like 3 months so literally EVERYTHING got reset on Meepcraft and pretty much every server I had. I would love to be part of this awesome staff here at Meep.

    Why I should be Helper/Mod?
    Think of it this way, a creeper is either going to A. blow up all up in your face, B. Get slashed by an EPIC sword, C. Get sniped by some awesome assasin, or D. despawn. If that creeper blows up, he hurts some people but he still finishes his mission, to hurt the enemy, us. And Us minecraftians, well our mission is to, well, I haven't figured that out yet. Maybe it is to finish the game or maybe build the most EPIC server you have ever seen. (still Meepcraft) either way, I have to complete my mission, whatever it is. So in order to do that i have to defeat the enemy. We are the creeper, just trying to obey and finish the mission, and the enemy, could by anything. the enemy could be mobs trying to eat our face off in the middle of the night while we are trying to get to our comfort of our towny's limits. whatever the mission may be, I want to help people accomplish it by helping with anything they need.

    I am usually quite in to meep so i get destracted every once in a while. but hey, who doesn't. right? Meepcraft is a very good server, like i've said many a time, and it has much to offer to the average Minecraft player. so there will be much I get distracted by, the creative server, the PvP, anything. Sometimes im out with my friends (what little friends i have ) sometimes I am going at it with my basketball (getting outside, like my mom calls it) lately, I have been working really hard because, well, it's summer, and I need to be better by the time school starts. So I might not be on as much as i usually am during the daytime. But definately during the night. At times, I could come on a little strong but, Not much. Unless your'e just plain Mean

    Also, i could help new members discover the full potential of meepcraft and build a bond with donators who deserve all of our respect for helping out the server. im not thinking something like "oh, hey there's this random server, lets go crash it." nah, I love Meep, it's by far the best server iv'e been on in a while. Plus, since the creative warp was added, i'm having more fun than i have had on any other server. And that, my fellow minecraftians, is why i wanted to become part of this awesome staff! Thanks!
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
  2. Zer0000000000

    Zer0000000000 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 I never see you in chat, or on meepcraft.
  3. mad11221

    mad11221 Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I'm usually on the creative section however, I have been on a long vacation with my family, sorry about that about 2 weeks long on a cruise to Hawaii. :)
  4. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I have vaguely spoken with you before, and you seem very nice! Your application, to me, was long and not particularly meaningful. I suggest that you be sure to use the best grammar possible and space each section of your application accordingly to Cooley's guide! I think you have a lot of potential! So, try to be more active on the forums and shout. I have to -1 this, but best of luck to you!:)
  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. that's...a big app.
    I skimmed over most of it due to the length, but I think you should take more of a mature side when writing an app. Smileys are cool! but not when thery ARe ;P used :3 LIke :D This :). I may be exxagerating but you get the point. Also, I haven't seen you much on forums, TS, or IG. I'm going to -1 this for now, GOOD LUCK!
    Lighte_Amethyst likes this.
  6. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    So many.....emoticons.
    Your app was all jumbled up in the beginning.
    Who are you?
    I rarely see you on TS.
    _Smarties910_ likes this.
  7. mad11221

    mad11221 Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Well on the Server, I'm usually on Creative, building my plots or towns and on TS i'm usually where theres a small crowd or in music but lately I have been on a vacation for about 2 weeks, like I said earlier on a cruise at Hawaii, I was gong to Hawaii for a big skateboarding thing :)
  8. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -Never seen you on chat, or meep
    -App could be better
    Good luck tho
  9. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    As a side note, do not respond much to the replies on your application; this makes you appear as desperate for the position. Calm down a bit and just read the comments. Reply every 5-7 or so.:)
  10. EvilstuffFTW

    EvilstuffFTW Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I haven't really seen you on the server, and you should keep it to the important stuff. Helpers and Moderators must be mature for the job and ready to help people. I know you put a lot of effort into that application, but I see quite a bit of unimportant stuff.
  11. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    So I didn't read the book application cause I have never seen you online and that's I believe enough for a
    sorry but I'm a rather active player and I never seen you
    Cascade1324 likes this.
  12. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Pretty good app, kudos
    You didn't realy state some past experiences but rather compared the staff to a creeper.

    Work on telling us what YOU are doing and can do for the server.
  13. j00mad

    j00mad Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Grammar. -1
    You don't need a staff rank to make the server better.
    Cascade1324 likes this.
  14. Zebo616

    Zebo616 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +You seem like a nice person
    +Your application was a good size
    -Your application wasn't very focused
    -There were a few grammar errors (Periods, commas, etc)
    -I have never seen you in chat

    "I would LOVE to be part of the community and help make it better"

    You don't need to be a Helper to make MeepCraft better. Just be a nice person, and try to talk to people more.

    Overall, I think you just need to be a bit more active inside the community.
    Good Luck! ;)
    Cascade1324 likes this.
  15. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

    Likes Received:

    "Timezone: Us/canada not much more to say about that"

    There's 4 different timezones in the U.S. alone, more if you include Alaska and Hawaii, and I'm not sure how many Canada has. Point being, yes, there is more to say.
    Cascade1324 likes this.
  16. VorticoseSeven0

    VorticoseSeven0 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -/+ Very good app but I never seen you in chat or on meepcraft.
  17. Imperfectly

    Imperfectly Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    - reasons:
    Haven't seen you IG.
    Haven't seen you on forums.
    Never seen you all round.
    Too many faces used in app.
    (A bit more)

    + reasons:
    Not a short app. (Nearly to the point were its a - cus its to big xD)
    Seem nice.
    (A bit more)

    I might stick with -1 for now, Sorry, Try talking IG and on forums a bit more. (and maybe TS, I've never been on it, But some comments say your inactive on TS aswell)
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 28, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 28, 2014 ---
    Ohh, Also, You have 'edit'ed your app once or more, Idk but I think it is stated in the rules to not edit it or may result in a auto-deny.

    "*Editing applications, or lying on them could result in a denial." is what cooleysworld said.
  18. dayspring11

    dayspring11 Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 because I am nice
  19. JumboAce

    JumboAce Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    This ^

    You're activity can't be concentrated solely on just Creative. Try balancing out, Towns, Mini-Games? You'll learn a lot. The application was very confusing and hard to follow.

    For now, -1 good luck!
  20. Cascade1324

    Cascade1324 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 28, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 28, 2014 ---
    We don't care if you're nice or not, though it is lovely to have a nice person but "+1 because I am nice" isn't a proper reason.
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.

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