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Post a positive comment about a current staff member

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Cooleysworld, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. MrHollywoot

    MrHollywoot Popular Meeper

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    @ misserin : your trash you stink you should not have married andrewrobins and all that stuff SIGH*
    VKL_ReWinDzz likes this.
  2. Stone_Hawkeye

    Stone_Hawkeye Active Meeper

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    @Sirrr_Pig My favorite staff member! Very nice and friendly, always willing to help and answer questions.
    @Cooleysworld Very good at his job. Knows what he is doing and has fun while trying to do his job! :)
    @Deinen0 Personally I think Deinen is funny & does a great job doing his job

    Thanks for being staff members!
  3. Akiratohiama

    Akiratohiama Celebrity Meeper

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    Aww <3 people posted about me <3
    Jackl01 and Erebus45 like this.
  4. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

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    Lmao, Misserin is your alt. Lel
    SirCallow likes this.
  5. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    Every staff member that has been able to put up with my ruling questions, no matter how absurd, or WTFey:
    A lot of helpers sorry, that I forget your names!
    A bunch of mods, and super mods, such as dianaB, shain, nasapc (HOW COME YOU DIDN'T GET PROMOTED YET!??), jackl, Dienen0, meep sats, jacknat, cooley (you helped me with getting a few people in trouble, that deserved it, a few times, I think. And I think you banned my first mayor who was a total A HOLE!), devilspawn, sirrpig, and others, that I have sadly forgotten the names of.
    Jackl01 likes this.
  6. TrisDa

    TrisDa Popular Meeper

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    I may not agree with staff all the time but I have a lot of respect you guys. You guys do so much for so little.
    Jackl01 and Empoleon_master like this.
  7. Akiratohiama

    Akiratohiama Celebrity Meeper

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    Fuzzlr - I am really glad you made a awesome server, which the community is awesome, the people are awesome, and the staff are amazing. Thanks for putting time, effort, and money into the server, and letting the community have fun everyday.

    Cooleysworld- Cooley, You're like a ninja, quiet, but you work behind the scenes, and work really hard. To me, you are amazing, and the amount of work you put into the server is amazing.

    Onis_Luck- Onis, people keep bashing you for the things you do. I don't get it. You are an amazing tech, and admin, and the time I got to dice duel (and loose..) with you, was cool, since I got to know you better, and we got to talk. Wont forget that moment.

    Dianab72- Diana, you are a big sister to me, kind, sweet, helpful, and beautiful. You deserve to be admin for all your hard work. You where one of the first people I talked to on team speak, and I didn't mind, you where awesome after all. Plus, thanks for helping me find my heads back after they where stolen.

    Sjoeppappentrap- Sjoepapapapapaptrap. I still don't know how to say your name, but lets move past that. You are amazing, kind, and sometimes silly. Though, I don't get to talk to you a lot :c.

    Sirrr_pig- I remember you, you where just a little piglet selling ranks a long time ago. I never talked to you then, but I remember supreme piggy. You are super helpful, and someday, you can be admin too. <3 Best wishes to you, piggy. The bacon of the server.

    Shainthewolfman- I remember you. On teamspeak, you asked me, Diana and someone else to read your Helper app, and look at where you are now. You are one of the most active with the community, denying or accepting ban appeals, always on team speak, or in the server helping everyone.

    Deineno- This is my big brother, Deinen. Hes funny, hes kind, hes awesome and helpful. Deinen I always look up to, because hes also smart, and makes the right choices. Hopefully he becomes admin again in the future. <3

    Jackl01- Bby when ever your reaadyyyyy to apply for supermod. Anyway. You are my bby. I talk with you on team speak the most, because you are one of the only staff that I can trust, and speak too. You are a funny and caring guy, and I am glad to be your friend.

    MeGustaYou- Meguuustayou, I love your name. Anyway, I thought you where just a shy little girl at first, but look at you now, a professional and caring Mod. Congrads.

    DevilSpawn112- I wasn't sure about you at first, but now, you are one of my favorite mods. You know how to get the job done, and be funny at it too. I wish I could talk to you on team speak one day..

    Slicks- I'm your boss, Listen to me! D:< jk jk <3. Slicks is cool, but I don't know what you are. A tech or a Mod with OP. You just popped up in my grinder one day and waz like. "hi" and from there on, I am your boss. (But you are chill, and cool. Very cool. I wish to see you on more so we can talk more.)

    Jacknat96- I really don't know you, but I bet you're cool I bet you help a lot, but I don't see it. Talk to me bro. Talk to me.

    bluecarneal- Bluecarneal, the smartest person on teh server.. (Math wise.) I respect what you do for the server, and I like how you are also calculating something that must take hours to do, calculating the servers eco.. Anyway, you are one of my favorite mods, and hopefully you can be supermod one day.
    Erebus45, Jackl01 and Empoleon_master like this.
  8. erind2001

    erind2001 Popular Meeper

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    She helps me all the time when I don't have something I need.
  9. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    SirCallow and Sirrr_Pig like this.
  10. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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  11. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    Sirrr pig is ok.
    Lady_Hestia likes this.
  12. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    You're the bestest most awesome staff member, imo. You've helped me a ton, thanks so much.
    My Supermod! You're honest with me when telling me things that I've done wrong, and was very positive about the whole thing.
  13. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

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    @Sirrr_Pig is the best because he came in teamspeak to say hi to me.
    BooBear1227 likes this.
  14. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

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    Ok on a serious note from my time on meep the staff has been very nice & very friendly.
    I think we have wonderful stuff members!
    BooBear1227 likes this.
  15. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    ShadowLiran is a very nice and fun guy.
  16. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

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    LexKristen: Your stench makes me nauseous, and makes me want to log off the server which helps me actually use my time in a positive and responsible way.
  17. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    fuzzlr- well what can I say, you made the server that I’ve been addicted to for the past year and a half. You seem pretty cool and dedicated to the server, plus you’ve had something be mentioned in Forbes and you’re what? 16? Yeah no jealous.

    Onis- I really do appreciate the work you put into the server. Although I do sometimes disagree with your opinions and bans, I honestly appreciate the things that you do to this server and some of your comments do put a smile to my face. Thanks for helping make the server what it is today.

    DianaB72- I thought I could never talk to you because I once went AFK on a modreq for you. I felt so terrible, like I saw Diana come on chat? Nope, can’t shout now too much shame. I saw you progress up to Admin and you really deserve it your work to the server is really great and you’re so nice!!!! Like sometimes you seem nicer than my mom.

    Sirrr_Pig- wow what can I say really??? You’re a really cool dude, and you can get the entire shout to spam, that’s a really cool thing to be able to do you could lead an army into battle with a word. You really are firm in your decisions and its really funny hearing that you’ve been talking to yourself on teamspeak because of your mic. Also, your snapchats are pretty funny even though you don’t send a lot of them.

    Cooleysworld- I can’t really imagine the server without you, although you haven’t been part of the staff team in Meepcraft I just can’t really make a staff list without including you. Your work and your donation to the server really keeps it running and I really have to thank you for all your work and your donations. Like seriously, thanks for the donations because this is a great server and the amount you donated is pretty amazing. Thanks for coming back to the staff team.

    Sjoeppappentrap- I can’t say a lot because we are on very polar time zones but your little spots in chat about “you guys are doing great, keep doing what you’re doing” really put a smile on my face when I see it. Your encouragement makes me really happy and even though you are busy, you still stay dedicated and active.

    DevilSpawn112- I really didn’t know you when I first joined, and I still don’t know you that well now but that’s okay. I think you’re a great person and I actually use you as an example of my behavior. You never seem to be mean to anyone so when I’m thinking mean thoughts I have quite literally just said to myself, devil wouldn’t do this and she’s the nicest person you know so you should stop that thought right now. I really hope to get to know you more in the future, and maybe plant 2,000 roses in the wild for giggles?

    MrsMegan- You’ve been supermod for like ever?? On every form of the server now? Probably. You’re always a voice of reason and you’re pretty funny on teamspeak. You didn’t even get that mad when I left halfway through a league battle. You’re funny, smart and stern and unwavering in your job. Keep it up!

    Slicks- I feel like you could look at one aspect of the server and list what code makes up that itsy-bitsy aspect. You’re really good at balancing behind the scenes work on the server and then moderating the server. I think you’re doing a really good job and I hope you can keep at it because its really cool going into a chat and hearing you talking about all these things, it makes me feel like I’ve learned something. Also, you run the anime channel and that’s pretty much the best thing ever. Anime +1

    bluecarneal- You constantly talk in code and you make my wimpy knowledge of basic HTML look like baby’s work. You’re really smart and I really envy the fact that you can do statistics because I cannot do statistics. (Heck I can barely say that word!) I look at the reported bans and there’s almost always a ban from you. You’re good at your job and you’re good at math, pretty good combination if you ask me!

    LexKristen- I came on this server and you were probably a mod/supermod already. You’ve probably done more modreqs than this entire staff team combined in all your time on this server. You can balance real life activities and server activities really well and you are really dedicated and good at what you do. You are super nice and always remind me like “Oh you have a ban appeal up” or “Hey you have a modreq open!” You’re really fun to talk to, especially on teamspeak.

    PuckMiner- Grapefruit. I think I randomly said in chat that you had taken my grapefruit or you said “im going to take your grapefruit” ANYWAYS something had to do with grapefruit. And now I have a cookie named grapefruit? Yes. It may sound lame but that was my best experience with you, because that takes a lot of levels and you just did that and I thought it was really great that you did that because it really means a lot to just get all those levels for a person and then boom grapefruit cookie.
    I still have that cookie and I love it. You are also really dedicated to the server, and you’re just generally fun. Plus, grapefruit cookie.

    BooBear1227- Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo. What can I say really? I mean you have this really hard class schedule, really hard extra curricular life and then you just can throw moderating the server in on top of that? You are always eager to help and even though you can’t be on the server all the time and what not, you still are helpful and nice and sweet. Its always fun talking to you and you just generally make me smile. (You make the entire server smile)

    Jwarian- I really didn’t know you nor did I know your work ethic when I came into the staff team and I was like “Who is this guy?” well you just took off in my eyes. I see you working a lot on the forums and in game, I think you have a huge work ethic and its really amazing to see you do your job. You really connect with a lot of the player base and I’m super envious of that.

    AndrewDemonX- I don’t have much experience with you but, I’m going to try and do my best to give you some feedback. You’re also one of the many busy, busy, busy people on this staff team and I do appreciate it when you come on and then manage to do all this work. You just constantly seem to be saying like “I’m here to stay so deal with it”.

    bass_flow- Well, we’re on different sides of the pond so obviously, I’m not seeing you as often as I do a lot of these American based mods. You do seem, so, so dedicated though. I mean we have these meetings at normal times for Americans and you just decide, “Well I’m going to this too!” and stay up. I can barely stay up past 10 and you stay up so late just to hear what’s going on, that is such dedication I applaud you.

    flamedemond2- FLAMONDEMONDEMONDEMONDEMON. I seriously thought that you were just this pvper and nothing else, but boy was I wrong. You are so nice and funny! And dear god, you got like so many modreqs!!! You and I once compared numbers and you had almost double my count. Really, you’re so good at just connecting with people and you’re just so funny and nice. Just teach me how to say your name and we’re good.

    Quaddy- I initially was like “ugh I don’t even know who he is why is he on the staff team” towards you and then I just started to get more and more and more impressed with you. Like seriously, you just do so much work I think everyone who is required/wanted to talk about you has said that you’re just so good at what you do. I really hope you can continue being part of the staff team and I hope you feel better, you were sick these past couple of days.

    chaos546- “Who’s talking, Abby or Chaos?” –everyone. But seriously, you really do work hard in what you do and you work hard in pokemon, I get on the chat with you and you and I just are like click pokemon time! Its so fun being on staff with you and I never thought I would like you and then suddenly I realized, that you’re me. How have we not been friends all this time? Also, you ship Destiel. That’s amazing. Yes. Destiel. ALL THE DESTIEL!!

    jackl01- I don’t even remember that you denied my app? And I am sorry that I was so mad at you for denying it because It really wasn’t a good thing to do, I was just kind of an angry person in general, still kinda am.. Anyways, you’re so fun!!! My first experience with you was in the music channel where you and Gusta were having karoke night and I suggested some new music to you and other than that you’re just really fun to talk to especially on teamspeak and oh my gosh your snaps. I HAVE THEM ALL!!!! ALL OF THEM!! I’ll send you some awkward selfies sometime soon, once my snapchat decides to /send/ things!

    shainthewolfman- You're pretty much one of the many people I have grown to love on the staff team, you're one of my friends now (or at least I hope we're friends?) and I couldn't imagine the staff team without you. You constantly make me laugh and we have really heartfelt conversations. I really can't put it into words how much our relationship has grown? Yeah, broseph.

    ShadowLiran- I was really waiting for your application to be put up and you really haven’t disappointed me. I think you’re doing a good job, although I haven’t seen you recently I’m sure you’re doing fine. You can always make me laugh even at stupid things and you are so loved by the community.

    uglyunicorn- Your interview was the first interview I got to sit in on and I really liked it. It was the most chaotic interview but you took every ball we threw at you and then tossed it right back. I think you’re doing really good, keep up the good work.

    Langston1209- You seem to bring up every thing and you see everything, I’m really jealous. You can really get on top of things and your analysis of the economy is very interesting, I personally don’t track the economy and its always really nice to hear that you are really into the economy and able to track all this.

    Monkeyhead1999- I initially didn’t like you and you really grew on me. I think that you’re really getting into the whole staff feel and really starting to grow in your knowledge. You are also on my skyblock island and I think we need to address the growing infestation of chickens….

    GingermanOWNS- You are a really fun guy, I never really knew you before you came onto the staff team and you’re always in the channels am I am and you really are nice. I hope to get to know you better as time goes on.

    Vaeyne- You're so funny!!! AHH! I was really hesitant when you came onto the staff team but you've impressed me with all the work you've done and you've really proven that you're here to stay. I do hope you stay longer this time so we can become closer :)

    fetch3000rules- You and I have had so many fun times especially when testing the beta servers. Every time we're in a teamspeak channel together you manage to make me smile. I'm sorry about that head debacle but I hope you don't hold that against me because I love you buddy!

    Videogames321- I was waiting for your helper app for a while. You are always on the chat and watching it, moderating it wonderfully and you grasped everything so quickly I was very impressed. I hope you grow into the staff team more. You should come into teamspeak channels with me more :)

    Reggles44- Your comeback was like Robert Downey Jr.'s you came back and brought a whole bunch of change with you. Your dedication to the server is really amazing and you've really proved that you no longer harbor any bad thoughts towards the server. Also *flex* is better than *flop*

    funkyrainbows- I was so happy to get you out of the interview folder. I think you're doing an excellent job integrating yourself into the staff and your interview was absolutely phenomenal! I hope we can become closer but I understand that its hard since we live on opposite sides of the world.

    bbycakes2012- You're new to the staff team and you came in while I was having a bit of family crisis so I didn't really get to see you integrate into the helper position but, you're so smart, funny, nice and positive I think you'll do great in the position.

    Oo0gumonster- I have high expectations for you, don't let me down.
    *I am so sorry for this novel but, everyone needs praise*
  18. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    I like some staff and some staff doesn't like me.
  19. Klitch


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    @bass_flow -- You're always the nicest person to be around. I've enjoyed being co-mayor with you and helping you out where I can.

    @LexKristen -- Easily one of the most hard working staff members. I appreciate your work that goes into suggestions, staff recruitment, and just generally making the server a better place.

    @Cooleysworld -- You put so much of your own time and money into this server. You have really made it thoroughly enjoyable.

    @monkeyhead1999 -- I watched you grow from a citizen to a helper. You have great potential to help the server and grow as a person.
  20. smeef

    smeef Popular Meeper

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    I like how there is a thread for this.

    @MrsMegan You put in your invaluable time to this server. Time is worth more than money, as time is not refundable nor able to be earned back.

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