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Highlanders3ruth Helper Application.

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Highlanders3Ruth, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Highlanders3Ruth

    Highlanders3Ruth Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    IGN: Highlanders3Ruth
    Skype: Highlanders3Ruth
    TeamSpeak: Highlanders.Ruth
    Age: 11
    Mic: Yes
    Timezone: EST (Eastern Time, USA)
    Hours Online [Weekday]: 1-3
    Hours Online [Weekends] 2-6
    Position Changes: Ultimate to Helper

    Introduction: Hello Everyone! Im Highlanders3Ruth mainly known as High and I have been playing MeepCraft for 1.6 years, in 3 days I will be playing for 1.7 years on this wonderful server. I like baseball and soccer and our baseball season has just started! I enjoy helping this community on the fourms, in-game, on ts, and everywhere else I can. I was once a helper and enjoyed and loved being a helper seeing what fun it was working around the server in the wild, towns, spawn, games, etc. I support and want any comments you have for me so I can work on them, positive or negative I will take them unless they are not related to this application and talk about some random fish :). Well today I'm applying for staff so please enjoy this application if you read it all!

    Why should you be staff: As I stated before, I was once a staff on this server and was a Helper for about 2 months I would say. I have been Co-Owner, Admin, Mod, Trial-Mod, and had Op on many other servers and never abused those powers during the time I had those ranks. I know most of the HawkEye commands that you need to know because I have used them, I am helping in-game a lot but not so much with the fourms and I am working on that one. I know the basics, /kick, /tempban, etc so that's always good for starters. I enjoy helping this server a lot because its fun, exciting, and enjoyable. I am really good with following the rules and have only been temp-banned 2 times in 1.6 years of my time here. One for ladder camping, couple months ago...And one for spamming Deinen0 1.2 years ago while he was admin. I have helped this community in many ways in different worlds going from, Spawn, Wild, Towny, Mini-games, talking in shout, and lots more. I am very well dedicated to this server and feel loved and welcome to help anytime and to be on at anytime because, well, this server is just really great. I know the basics: HawkEye, fourms, in-game helping, donating, and some more but some of them I may have forgotten or still don't know so I am always ready to learn new things that come my way. I am responsible, all A's, trustworthy, rule following, and helpful so if you combine that...That's good and many of you do have those qualities and they are very very good to have. I do sometimes wander of with my maturity but sometimes it's right there with me. I know most if not all the towny commands unless there are some only staff can use. I also know most commands in games, what to do in them, commands in spawn, parkour, etc. Some commands may be in the back of my head when someone asks a question so if I answer it wrong, I am sorry for that but it's sometimes not with my brain and then I mess up on the command and people mess up typing it so some other people help and thats good because I know I have some support from you guys!

    Experience: As I stated before, I have been Co-Owner, Admin, Mod, Trial-Mod, and have had Op and was all trusted with those ranks and commands. I have been staff on this server and know how the system works with us, I was Helper for about 2 months. I did do some modreq's during that time and if your still staff from when I was, please note that I will try harder to get more modreq's done if I am accepted. I have done griefing cases, stealing cases, logging, camping, etc.

    Dedication: I have been on this server for 1.6 years, been tempbanned 2 times, kicked 4 times, and donated for Exclusive, Elite, Supreme, And Ultimate to support this server and have helped many people with giving them some money when they need it. I am very very well dedicated to this server seeing I follow as many rules as I can, donate, and help as much as I can. I am not planning on leaving anytime soon at all.

    • I can become immature at points but try hard to gain it under control whether its Pvp when someone is owning me and I think someone's hacking and starts calling me things like "A Nub" or "You suck at Pvp". I also can become a little immature in /shout sometimes if I am talking with my friends or just feel like having fun like everyone should once in a awhile.

    • I tend to get into some arguments if people are always raging at the new players and making them do work for a very very little amount of work. Or sometimes its again, if someone's just calling me a nub or anything. Also if someone wants a command I do tend to state my point and then the person gets into a argument so I state my point and why their's wouldn't work.

    • Activity, I have said that my baseball season has started so that might affect my online time a little but not a lot, also we are closing in on the end of the school year so I don't know if we will have lots of projects to do or anything that might pop up and take a while and affect in-game/fourms/Teamspeak time.

    Conclusion: Well, all I have to say is that I hope you enjoyed my application if you read it all and have some fun and enjoy the rest of your day, week, vacation, etc! Have fun and see ya'll around in-game.

  2. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    +/-0 Since your last app I haven't seen any improvement in helping. You're active and nice however so that's a +.
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  3. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    • Experience
    • Active
    • Great app
    Ehy not?
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  4. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

    Likes Received:
    +Active IG
    +Active on forums
    +Pretty active on teamspeak when I'm online
    +App was good
    +Active IG
    +1 for me! Good luck!!
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  5. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    As I have become more active in the last couple of days I still haven't seen you in game, which is a very predominant theme in your behavior.
    Jinkeloid likes this.
  6. Akiratohiama

    Akiratohiama Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Please be more active and help more.
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  7. Nman830

    Nman830 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  8. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

    Likes Received:
    +/- Today I saw you and I thought,"oh how nice highlanders just got back from a vacation or something cool," and if you're just coming back from a break I think you should have waited a little bit longer until you apply. It is good that you have past experience. Work on keeping up your current activity so we know you're here to stay without too many inactive times. Good luck!
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  9. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I honestly do not see you very often but when I do, you are mature and pleasant to be around. +/- for me.
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  10. Highlanders3Ruth

    Highlanders3Ruth Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thank you guys and yes, I did just get back from a little 3 day vacation. I will work on my activity and my spring break has just started!
    Muunkee-Alexia likes this.
  11. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hi high, your activity is very good on the forums and IG; try and be more helpful IG though. +.5
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  12. Ninja_of_Tempest

    Ninja_of_Tempest Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Nice, helpful, active (I have seen you a lot)

    Immature at times

    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  13. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    • Very immature
    • Don't help very much
    • Active
    • Forum activity is great
    SSSoul and Highlanders3Ruth like this.
  14. scoowby

    scoowby Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Highlanders, you are a great person, don't take me wrong.
    I don't see you that much
    App was ok
    Didn't you like just apply? I'd say wait a bit longer.
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  15. Highlanders3Ruth

    Highlanders3Ruth Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Okay, thanks for every single comment you guys posted. I'm picking up on my activity but it might drop a little seeing I'm going on vacation for spring break but I will still be on as much as possible.

    Also, I don't mean to be rude but I don't really think I have been very very immature but at some points I have and I do think sometimes people that are staff and members should have a little fun sometimes.

    I will take in all these posts and try and improve with their problems. From Activity to helping I'm working on as much as possible! Thanks guys!
    scoowby likes this.
  16. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  17. ManUtdFTW11

    ManUtdFTW11 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    No. just no.

    Not to active-
    I dont mean to be mean, But... Just No.
  18. Nman830

    Nman830 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    He's not Rude or immature anymore and he has been working on activity. So you can't just say that when your banned. Since you haven't seen him. So shut up
  19. Highlanders3Ruth

    Highlanders3Ruth Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    On the weekends I'm on from 2-7 hours
    On the weekdays I'm on from 1-3 hoursu

    I do not think I'm very immature, I have fun sometimes and from that you might think its immature buts that's fine.

    And if you think I'm rude please tell me, you scammed me of over 50k one time but I had no screenshots because I, nerf told me youd pay the rest and you guys agreed but I never took any screenshots. I do have some arguments with you and every one of them starts with you messaging me stuff that never happend and then you threatening to report me.

    But I will work on my immaturity and try not to be 'rude' to anyone.
    Nman830 likes this.
  20. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hey high!
    •Don't see you ingame, on the forums, or on ts a lot, mostly in the mornings I see you
    •I don't believe you are as immature as they say you are, but I know you have been trying
    •When you were staff, you didn't perform your job to the best of your ablilities
    •If you are ready for staff, you shouldn't have to justify yourself
    •I see you helping
    •Okay app
    Good luck dude!!! ;)
    Highlanders3Ruth and SirCallow like this.

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