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osymigosy's moderator application!

Discussion in 'Denied' started by osymigosy, Jan 9, 2014.

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  1. osymigosy

    osymigosy Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: osymigosy
    Skype Username: Isaac martin18
    Teamspeak Username: osymigosy
    Mic use: always available
    Age: I turned 15 today! 01/08/14
    Timezone: pacific, I live in California, 50 miles from the Oregon border!
    Hours online per weekday: roughly 4-6
    Hours online per weekend: sometimes 10-16 other times 5-10
    Position Changes: Helper- Moderator

    Hey guys its Osy again!! For those of you that don’t know me I am currently an active helper and loving what I do on this server. I spend a lot of my time on the server hanging out with others and doing my job. I have many friends in-game and I am very thankful for that. Not only do I have a great life on the server I have a jam packed life outside of Minecraft. I am a professional race car driver and a state level wrestler. I spend almost all of my free time on the server and on Iracing. Fun fact I am colorblind red and green!! Actually it’s not fun but thought I would share that bit of information about myself before I get to the important part.

    Well to start off I am glad to say I am very excited for this application! I think I am ready for the moderator position because I am very comfortable with my responsibilities as helper and all of the commands that came with the position. I feel like I am ready to take on more responsibilities and commands. I really want to be able do that extra bit the moderator has over the helper. The commands came to me rather naturally, almost as if I knew what I was doing from the very beginning. My modreq count is also not slacking. I do modreqs when I am not busy with an in-game task or busy with something else. I have really wanted to be able to do more and this is my chance. I have been contemplating applying ever since 2 weeks came by. I am a very active and willing to learn what ever necessary. I am very social with the players in /shout. Not to seem as if I am bragging or anything but I get lots of compliments saying how they like that I am social and that’s an advantage I have Is that I am not always in staff channels in TeamSpeak or I’m not only talking in staff chat in-game. I have been strongly encouraged to apply by other players so today is the day I decided I am ready.

    For those of you skimmers here is a brief summary of why I should be a moderator:

    · I am comfortable with the current tasks at hand as a helper.

    · I am ready for the position upgrade.

    · The commands came naturally to me as a helper.

    · I am very active.

    · I spend free time in-game talking with players and playing mini-games with the community.

    · I am willing to spend time and learn what I need to learn

    · I am very comfortable with helping the new helpers; I helped some of the new helpers from mc-halo!

    Alright, on to my problems. I have solved most of my previous problems but new ones have risen from the grounds of my brain power. I have run into the problem of not participating much in Skype chats, I fear this is a bad thing. There is just so much I miss on Skype. This may be partly because so much happens and I really don’t feel like reading 3000+ messages every day. Like Skype my forums activity is poor, I feel I need help with this but at the same time I don’t know how one can help with something like forum activity. I am not yet comfortable with enforcing rules on the forums. I think that most of the problem is I don’t say anything if I don’t have anything to say or what o would say is said and there is absolutely no reason for repetitive responses, at least how I see it. One thing that has stuck with me is my immaturity at times, the amount of this is drastically less. Who can’t have a little immaturity in their lives once in a while; otherwise you’re just not living! My problem is it comes out in times its very unwanted. I am working on it but it all comes with growing up.

    For the skimmers here is my “problems” summary:

    · I don’t participate in Skype chats much.

    · My forums activity is not great… This I need to work on fast!

    · Immaturity is still a vague issue, where is the fun if there is no immaturity when it’s ok?

    I am working on these problems and hope to abolish them from my list! Thank you for taking the time to consider me! I look forward to your comments. All input is greatly appreciated. I hope to see you in-game soon! Have a nice day!
    Empoleon_master and mrli1 like this.
  2. Juanphis

    Juanphis Popular Meeper

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    -1 I dont feel that youre ready to change to a mod, I suggest you to improve on being a helper, in general.
  3. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    I am a bit conflicted here. You are a really nice and cooperative person. I checked your bans, and was impressed by the amount of bans, until I took a look at the reasons . You have handled a lot of griefing/theft cases. However, nothing outside of that besides chat monitoring. I know that scamming modreqs are plentiful, so I am confused as to why you have never handled a scamming case or anything really outside of the boundaries of griefing/theft and chat monitoring. This is essential for a helper to know in order to advance onto the rank of Moderator. It would be unfortunate if someone with not much experience with all the different ban scenarios is expected to teach other inexperienced staff members. Also, your modreq count is only a bit under what it should be at the moment, however it is still fairly good. Another thing I would like to add is that it really is essential to skim through Skype. As of late, there is an average of 250 messages a day in all staff chats, which only takes about 5 minutes to skim through. These chats provide a lot of vital information.

    For this moment in time based on all that I have stated above, I am a +/- 0. You are really cooperative, on TeamSpeak a lot, and always willing to help, which are great qualities to have. I have never had any problems with you either. When you broaden your horizons when it comes to claiming difficult modreqs and/or getting familiarized with more ban scenarios, my vote will be positive.

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
  4. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    You are an outstanding, social helper, and you will make an outstanding, social moderator.
    osymigosy likes this.
  5. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    And you are 15... ;)

    Rare to see someone actually write this part of the application correctly. You've summed up what we need to hear in this short excerpt here.

    It's nice to see a conclusion, but whatever. The application was decent, better than most Mod applicants though. Not sure how I see you as a Moderator and I know you have that silly demerit on your record.

    +0 from me until I see you standing out and acting more culpable.
    LR_Davius and osymigosy like this.
  6. Hillbilly19970

    Hillbilly19970 Celebrity Meeper

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    Yes yes yes huge +1
    You help a lot
    Your always on meep and ts
    Your ready for mod
    GL :)
  7. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    -+0 I'm sure you're active ig but I don't see you often so I cannot really judge this... Good luck though!
  8. nbe412

    nbe412 Well-Known Meeper

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    Hi ozy! I loved that you put a summary for the skimmers. Here are the pros and cons that I found in this application.

    -You seem old enough to handle the responsibility.
    -You seem like a pretty cool guy XD
    -I have seen you help, and you're not even in my time zone.

    -Your weaknesses were BIG ones. Forum activity is essential if you want to be accepted, Skype is Very Important, and maturity in a moderator is an important quality.

    I guess that I give this app a =0.5! Good Luck! coollogo_com-73701159.png
  9. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I constantly see you leaving modreqs open or claiming 2 at the same time and I never really see you online (especially recently) even though we're in the same timezones. So yeah. -1 for now.
  10. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

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    I rarely see you and the few run-ins I've had with you have been negative. -1
    Flamedemond and DancingCactus like this.
  11. Woodchip123456

    Woodchip123456 Celebrity Meeper

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    Not ready yet -1
  12. LMR_FUDD

    LMR_FUDD Popular Meeper

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    Hey Osy!

    I think you are a good helper overall, but I have not seen you in a while! Not really active in /shout.

    Sorry but I'm a -1
  13. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't believe your even close to being ready. Also you're also very immature -1
  14. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hm osy, I really like you, you try to push yourself quite a lot however, i think you should give it a couple more weeks.
  15. UMADBRO?

    UMADBRO? Well-Known Meeper

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    -1 Eeeeeee... This was a hard one. You put a LOT of work into your application, everyone sees.

    The thing is:

    Mabye a little more as Helper would be nice.
  16. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    Yet you are a pro race car driver? I believe that is illegal. you're lying one way or another -1
  17. Telinus

    Telinus Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't really know you that much, since I'm a tad new, but you seem really nice and helpful all the times I see you on. I think the forums activity is eh, but you're a helper currently anyway. I always see you on TeamSpeak when I'm on.

    True, at 15 you're too young to have a competition license. Unless, of course, you have an exemption. But, he can kart, so maybe that's what he does.
  18. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    He's not lying.
  19. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    How so?
  20. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    He is 15 and races cars/karts/whatever.
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