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Patabum's Staff Application!

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Patabum, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. Patabum

    Patabum New Meeper

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    In Game Name: patabum
    Skype Username: zackery.riehl
    Teamspeak Username:
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 15
    Timezone: GMT or UTC -5 Eastern Time, Canada/United States
    Hours online per weekday: 6-8 hours hours a day
    Hours online per weekend: 8-13 hours a day
    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod, Mod to SuperMod)

    Introduction: My name is patabum, but I'd love to be called Zack, I am 15 years old male. As I am a "New Member" I tend to play a lot of minecraft and will be playing Meepcraft a lot. I love to help people out with whatever they need help with, also I'd like to have the experience playing with everyone and with the other staff members! I love to make new friends and I try my best not to make enemies. I always follow rules that are given to me, and I never break a rule! When ever I get the chance, I'd like to prove myself to you that I am fit enough to become a Helper for the community of Meepcraft! I am always active and I am there when I'm needed. I don't use Teamspeak a lot but I do have it, and I do have a mic to talk to the other members/staff members that need to talk to me!

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod ? I would love to become a helper of the server because I always feel the need to help people, and that some people always have questions that need to be answered, and since I will always be online, I am always there to help whoever is in need of anything. I will answer as many /modreq as I can and will answer with the BEST of my knowledge and I will not leave that person behind in the darkness without an answer to why something is not working. If I do not know the answer to a question, I will try to find someone that does know why something is not working, and I would pass them on to another Helper.

    Experience: I have been playing minecraft ever since Beta came out! I've been through every update, but I have to admit, that I have not played much on this server, but I know that I will be playing more often. Since one of my favorite server is Temperately closed for maintenance and will be for quite a while, I will be playing Meepcraft more often.

    Weaknesses: I got some Weaknesses, one is that I got OCD and I don't like to see something that is uneven of something is out of place. Sometimes I can stand it and walk away from it. My OCD kicks in mostly when I play minecraft, not so much around my household. Another one of my weaknesses is that I get a little shy when talking to people on teamspeak. Only reason why I am shy is because I do not sound like I am 15 years old, and that I get made fun of, bullied, etc.

    Conclusion: In conclusion of this Application, I am very thankful to whoever is reading this, and that I will take ANY suggestions thrown at me! I'm always on forums, and will be more active on the forums. Since I haven't played much I will try to make up for anything that I haven't done.

    Thanks again for reading my Application and I hope for the best for all other Applicants also and I will respect ANY decision that is made for this Application... again I know that I am a "New Member" on forums but have played a bit on the actual server.
  2. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    sorry, don't know who you are and you need to be known to become a mod/helper/supermod/etc.

    'new member'

  3. StopResetting

    StopResetting Popular Meeper

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    • Teamspeak? You mentioned you have it on your intro, but you forgot to include the username (ofc implying that you should not rush on your application).
    • You're not even registered in towny yet. This is a huge, huge problem. You need to be active in-game, become familiar with the community and the basics of Meepcraft (http://i.imgur.com/VjcyDRL.jpg).
    • Your application should not be your first post on forums. This is unacceptable for forums activity is required. be informed, involved, and stay active.
    • Introduction mentioned you always follow the rules given to you; why did you apply whilst not meeting all the requirements (aka activity in forums, in-game, ts)?
    • Reasons mentioned that you'd do your best, however your best can't be any good if you've just joined the server, and not even been registered in towny yet. I guarantee you 90% of the modreqs will be about towny stuff. This is a server mostly about towny, so there you have it.
    1. That kind of experience is irrelevant if you've little to no knowledge of this server.
    2. It also makes it seem like you'll only be staying with us until that server gets back up. We need dedicated staff here.
    • Irrelevant weaknesses; give us something that might interfere with the position, ie something like anger issues, etc, etc.
    BooBear1227 and Quaddy like this.
  4. Patabum

    Patabum New Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I understand, I know that I would probably get these kinds of responses and I was 100% knowing that I was going to get them because I'm new, Like I just set up my forums account today but I've been playing for a couple of weeks.. And I'm not looking for a server to play on, get helper/mod and then run away later on, I never abandon my post and never leave a server behind me, but like I said, I knew this was going to happen... I'll try again later on when I get a little bit known on the server, but I just though maybe I could just take a stab at it. I will get onto towny ASAP and I'll look around on it. Thanks for all the advice!
  5. Patabum

    Patabum New Meeper

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    I understand! Thanks for the advice! I'll try to get known as much as I can on the server!
  6. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    Please note the red underlined part.
  7. Patabum

    Patabum New Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I did! Thank for the advice again
  8. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    Hey Patabum. A few pointers for you:

    -This is your first forums post... That's bad...
    -Didn't include ts username (don't fix it or you'll get auto-denied)
    -I don't see you ig and I'm on EST time as well. (If you are online then you're not helping in /shout.)
    -Ts activity isn't fabulous.

    I'm a -1 for now. Good luck in the future :)
  9. Highlanders3Ruth

    Highlanders3Ruth Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    °Activity; I feel this might be a lie because your on a lot yet I have never heard or seen you. (Im in est)
    °Fourms activity; Your fourms activity is low, start posting more on threads that won't get you fourm banned but allows you to be active with the community.
    °Teamspeak...; You do have it but try and put it into your format next time please.
    °Try and make the weakness something that could affect you as a Helper and we can probably help you with it.
  10. OrangeNinja3

    OrangeNinja3 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hello Patabum, Glad to see you are applying today!
    -Activity, You need to become more active on the forums,In-game and on teamspeak. Also please don't make your staff application your first post
    -App was Ok, It has some room for improvement.

    Overall I am a -1

    Good luck! :D
  11. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I second lizzer. You not being registered in towny is not a good start.
    Change that 'will be playing meepcraft a lot' to 'have been playing meepcraft a lot'
  12. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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