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Oroperion's Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Oroperion, Dec 18, 2013.

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  1. ImNotBlonde

    ImNotBlonde Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 b/c you jump to conclusions, overreact, and piss people off. <3
  2. TheIronSquirel

    TheIronSquirel Celebrity Meeper

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    You are always active and move quick to handle issues.
    Good luck to you!
    Oroperion likes this.
  3. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    -100000000000 bbycakes
  4. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    ease post a reason along with your vote.

    Oro, I don't have much to say about you.

    The application was good, you do your job well, and you are regularly a nice person.

    However, you tend to overreact, especially when it comes to someone close to you being insulted/threatened. I'm much the same, so I totally understand, and I've actually seen only one incident where you overreact past the point of sense. In this case, you didn't actually use any of your powers to do anything about it, which shows that what you feel /=/ what you do.

    I'm at a +1; I feel you've been doing well, and although you have some cases of overreacting, it did not end up too badly.
    BooBear1227 and Oroperion like this.
  5. Netrarc

    Netrarc Popular Meeper

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    I agree with many of the comments above: you are well-known to the community, you seem to have a long-term commitment to the server, and you are active in /shout both as a player and a moderator. You've done many good things for the server, and I commend you for that.

    However, your angry responses are still very much a part of your daily life as staff, and I think that hinders you from performing the job as well as you should. When you are happy, you are a great staff member; when you are angry, you become an entirely different person. You seem to become intensely focused on the object of your anger and forget about everything else. I would prefer to see you continue to work on that issue before you become a moderator.

    -1 for now.
  6. 2klassy

    2klassy Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 ^^^^
    You called me a Meep-Reject.
    Only weeks before you got Helper. You were thrashing the server in the shout. You would constantly talk smack and got on everyones nerves.

    P.S. Not being biased. I truthfully don't think you'd be a good mod
    kdocherty7, Msoper(y0b) and stephen like this.
  7. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    Thank you for the feedback, everyone. I will take each comment into serious consideration and work off of them. I truly appreciate it.
    Dart_Knight likes this.
  8. Saiakaley

    Saiakaley Well-Known Meeper

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    Although I am perm banned,
    I would like to say
    -Gets angry eZ
    Oroperion likes this.
  9. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    +200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, I haven't seen you rage etc, and you've from what I've seen bee a pretty good helper, that's taken care of a bunch of spammers. And have been a very good helper for the server.
    Oroperion likes this.
  10. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Erp. +/- 0
    Recently I was trying to give you constructive criticism on how to deal with savvvy and you just told me and I think Puck or Basket? That you knew what you were doing. You just..you don't take criticism very well and its not enough of a flaw to give you a -1 but, I think you really need to work on the temper. Most of us have short tempers, there is just a way of expressing it and I think you really really need to work on that.
    Lady_Hestia and Oroperion like this.
  11. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    The only issue I have ever had with you is your slight temper, other than that, you do a great job overall, +1 as long as the attitude is chill ;)
    Oroperion likes this.
  12. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    I dont see why not but I also don't see why. :) Wait a while longer and be more active on forums.
    App: tl;dr too early in the morning ;P so I may have missed something that makes me say yes you do deserve this.
  13. RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal

    RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal Meeper

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    After you banned that guy for giving you critisism, I don't think you should be staff. This action might show you have anger isseus and stuff
  14. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you're talking about. Mind explaining?
  15. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    Even though you have your faults, you are a much more professional and prominent Helper than about a third of our Moderators.
    StopResetting, Oroperion and mrli1 like this.
  16. Msoper(y0b)

    Msoper(y0b) Celebrity Meeper

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    Control your anger and this could change
    Oroperion likes this.
  17. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    I had manydoubs when you first became helper, and we had our differences. I now see you as one of the best staff members, and think you would make a great mod.
    +1 good luck!
    Oroperion likes this.
  18. OrangeNinja3

    OrangeNinja3 Celebrity Meeper

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    Pros: Very well known with the commands and is an outstanding helper
    More Pros: Very active on both in-game and on forums and
    kind of active on TS but not as much

    Cons: None :)
    Oroperion likes this.
  19. feewill

    feewill Meeper

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    In Game Name:
    Skype Username: OroperionTeamspeak Username: OroperionMic use: Yes.
    Age: 19Timezone: United States Eastern Time Zone
    Hours online per weekday: 3-9, depending on my work scheduleHours online per weekend: 6-18, depending on my work schedule (both days combined)
    Position Changes: Helper to Moderator
    Introduction: Hello everyone, for those of you who do not know me yet, my name is Oroperion, and I began playing Meepcraft in February of 2013. I have been staff three times now. The first on the original Meepcraft server, second on the old MeepNetworks server, and most recently, my current stint as helper. (A very strong introduction. It explains your dedication to the server and starts your application off with a great background.)
    Why you should be Moderator?: Over the past month, I have come back to the staff and become a very active member of the community once again. I believe I am qualified to be a moderator for a few main reasons: my previous experience as staff, performance as a staff member, my dedication to this server, my knowledge of the server and its commands, and the improvements I’ve made upon my weaknesses.

    Experience: In March of 2013, approximately a month and two weeks after joining the server, I applied to become a Trial Moderator on Meepcraft. Having had a clean record, and having become an active and contributing member of a well-established community, (When reading staff applications, I look for details that show me what makes you specifically different from other staff. The sentence before this comment doesn't show me that.) I was quickly accepted, ("I was quickly accepted" doesn't prove much since Meepcraft wasn't a very developed server then. According to many other users including myself, many unqualified players were accepted as staff members. This does not apply to you in your current stage as staff.) with very few people who gave legitimate reasons for me not being a staff member. I spent about a month as a staff member before the revolution and creation of MeepNetworks, during that time I became the second fastest person to be promoted from Trial Moderator to Moderator, as my trial period lasted only two days. Following the Meep Revolution of April 2013, I was banned, and this was my only permanent ban, (According to the information down below, this is not your only permanent ban) with about 90% of my fellow staff members for a few days, before being unbanned. About a week later, I reapplied for staff and was quickly promoted back to my Moderator position, where I would remain until I was banned in May for owning my own server that was not even public at the time. (I am very confused here. Please explain more about what you mean.) Around October of this year, I began becoming more active again, and I applied for Helper in early November. In that time I have had several experiences that have helped me to become a better staff member, and I believe I am ready to take the next step forward. Over my total time as staff, I gathered a large amount of experience that I believe I can put towards being a Moderator on Meepcraft. (These last few sentences really brought the paragraph back up to a +1.)
    Performance as a Helper: While I was unable to out-do my couple hundred modreqs in a couple day marks as I did my first time as staff due to my work schedule, I have been maintaining a steady rate of successfully completed mod requests. I have had my mistakes, as any new helper does, (New? What about your previously mentioned experience?) but I have performed my job to the best of my ability. I have successfully assisted players in over 200 different modreqs, I have monitored chat and make sure that players are following all chat rules, I have also shown an ability to investigate and take the proper and necessary actions in a few different towny theft cases. (This is no different to any other staff member) I have shown my knowledge of the server and its commands on numerous occasions, and I have also obviously helped many people along the way. I believe that with my performance as a helper and my knowledge, I can successfully work as, and excel, as a moderator.

    Dedication to the Server: From the very moment I joined Meepcraft, I was certain that I would enjoy my time here, and enjoy my time in the community. While there have been some rough patches and some arguments, (Admitting to your previous flaws is the first step.) I must say that my overall experience has been enjoyable. Very little shows as much about a person’s dedication to something as much as the time they put into it, considering time is the most valuable resource in the world. As I stated before, I spend a large portion of my time outside of work playing on Meepcraft and talking to the community. I intend to be here for a long time, and I am willing to put the effort and time it takes into being a moderator.

    Knowledge of the Server: Having gained ten months of experience, I have accumulated a large amount of knowledge regarding the server’s commands and how the server works. I have a vast amount of knowledge of Towny commands and how they work, (A clear understanding of Towny permissions is very important for mod requests.) as well as a solid understanding of the commands of Meepcraft’s minigames, including Skyblock, Boomo, and TnT Run. As well as my knowledge of the server and its commands, I also have a deep understanding of the rulebook. (This and an understanding of how the server works are two very important aspects of being a moderator.) I believe that with the knowledge I have acquired over the past several months, I can make the server a more enjoyable place to be.

    Improvements Upon my Weaknesses: Nobody is perfect, and as many of you are very quick to agree, I am far from the exception. Though I do have my weaknesses, I have put in a true and legitimate effort to fix them. I have corrected the bonds that were broken between me and a few of the staff members before I became staff, and have also fixed ties between staff members when we’ve had disagreements while I have been staff. I’ve taught myself to control my temper, though it still flares up at times. (I have never seen any temper coming from you. This might be because it isn't a true weakness, or because you have been controlling it.) I also have vastly improved my forum activity over the past month, though I generally hover around the ban requests, appeals, and staff recruitment areas. (You should have a well-rounded amount of forum subjects when being moderator. However, only one subjects needs to be included which is your activity in community improvement discussions.)
    Weaknesses: For my weaknesses, I will first state them, and then explain what I plan to do to overcome those weaknesses as a moderator.

    Weaknesses- I still have the occasional temper issue, though I have worked to control myself. My modreq count is relatively low for a helper, and it should be higher, regardless of the time of day I’m online. I have been a bit quick to close cases without gathering all the evidence, or hearing both sides of the story. (This last weakness is very bad to have and needs immediate improvement.)

    How I plan to address these weaknesses- I will continue to do what I have done to control my temper, and hopefully that will solve the problem by itself. If not, I will seek other measures in order to improve upon this. (This implies that you are very persistent and dedicated.) I have set myself a goal of completing a minimum number of modreqs per day, and for the past three days now, I have not only achieved it, but excelled past it. As for gathering evidence, I will make sure to review each case thoroughly and collect all evidence required.

    Conclusion: In conclusion, I believe that I can be a helpful and contributing moderator, despite my weaknesses. I am an experienced, dedicated, and knowledgeable member of the community, whose ideas and thoughts can help to make Meepcraft a more enjoyable place to play Minecraft. What happened in the past is done, and I believe I can better the future of this server.

    Flamedemond, Coelho, Mylucky7 and 4 others like this.
  20. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    Thank you for the replies everyone, and thank you for that feewill, I really like the way you review apps.
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