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Qwikin's Helper Application V2/V3

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Qwikin, Nov 19, 2013.

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  1. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    In Game Name: Qwikin
    Skype Username: qwikin99
    Teamspeak Username: Qwikin
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 14
    Timezone: EST
    Hours online per weekday: 3-5
    Hours online per weekend: 6-10
    Position Changes: Elite to Helper

    Introduction: Hey MeepCraft community, I'm sure most, if not all, of you know me as Qwikin, some closer friends know me as Cory, and even closer ones know me as Marcello Antwon. I am applying for I believe the second (possibly third) time for helper. I have played Meepcraft since March 13, 2013, left for MeepNetworks, and returned July 13th, 2013. I purchased VIP for myself, and obtained Premium, Exclusive, and Elite from gifts from friends and other rank sellers. I have previously been staff for roughly a month in August and some of September. In real life I am a semi-successful A/B student, take karate, and play basketball. I have one of the most successful forum accounts, 3rd in likes and 6th/7th in posts. I do want to point out that some staff members and community members may consider me to be slightly-less-than-kind. I'm blunt, that's just what I do. I don't ever mean to offend anyone in anything that I post, but sometimes people take offense and I can see why. But under no circumstances should you hold that in an extreme light against me, as I know how to conduct myself as staff and can and will be changing my attitude in the future.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod ?

    Experience- I have an extensive knowledge of the server, it's inner workings, and all towny commands. I have been staff previously as I have already stated, and I learned many things during that time. I also have made many friends along the path that have also aided in my knowledge. I bring a diverse blend of old techniques from when I played on meep in March, and new techniques from the server reset up to present day. I will be able to help newer staff members out in their commands with my knowledge of hawkeye.

    Community standing- Being one of the most active members of the forums (and beginning my rise in activity ingame) I have a high standing in the community. I can use this to bring ideas from community members directly to higher staff attention in order to aid in suggestion completion. I also can help staff members make decisions by informing them of past experiences with these players and how well they may be able to perform as a staff member.

    Activity- Now that I have more free-time (most of which is spent on Meep) I will be able to get on more, help in shout more, do more modreqs while maintaining the quality, and overall do more than what I would be able to do if I didn't have a flexible schedule. I have a laptop rather than a desktop, meaning that even on vacations I will most likely not drop in activity under any circumstances. I also have, as stated, a good forum activity, allowing me to get a lot of community interaction.

    Overall Intelligence- Along with all of my experience in the MineCraft world, I also have large amounts of situations that require staff-like decisions. Majority of these involve the fact that I have an above-average intelligence, reading on a college level and aceing all of my exams for the past 3 years.


    Bad computer- I know this seems like the type of weakness that would be a noobish application, but it can, does, and has affected me. My computer randomly crashes usually once-twice a week and has an assortment of other problems. This can cause problems while doing modreqs or other staff duties.

    Argumentative Nature- Although I am very shy about it, whenever I get comfortable with someone, I tend to be constantly challenging, arguing, and things of the sort. However I am not irrational, and will back off when legitimate information proving their side correct.

    Immaturity- I have a little bit of it in me, we all do, this includes my sarcasm as well, but I am able to mostly keep this under control.

    Conclusion: I'm glad that you have made it this far without making a biased comment for or against me. I hope you all enjoyed my application and will seriously consider all of the points I made an come to a valid decision. I look forward to being more active in the MeepCraft server regardless of whether or not this is accepted. Meep on everyone!
  2. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    btw +1 because you are awesome, you know what your doing, and i still need to buy that light saber >_>
    Qwikin likes this.
  3. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

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    +1 app was ok and you were an awesome staff before!
    Qwikin likes this.
  4. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Unquestionable +1
    You post often in the places I count, normally being fairly constructive. My only problem is the fact that not everyone can tell when you are being serious or not. I've learnt in all my arguments with you that you (like me) debate/argue for the sake of it/because you like your point, and if you sound mean, you don't mean it, but not everyone realizes it. That's why I can't honestly give you a full +1; so +0.75
    (Total: +1.75)

    In Game
    I quite a bit in game, and we are two hours apart, so that's pretty good. +1
    I see you help sometimes, although not the time. You contribute to conversations and aren't as argumentative as you are here on the forums. +0.75
    (Total: +1.75)

    Your application was a fair length, plus you distributed the information evenly. +1
    I'll break down what disliked about each section of your application. If I don't mention it, it means I liked it.
    • Why - The only thing I wish you expanded upon was the situations in real-life that involve staff-like decisions. I love that you mentioned it; I dislike that you didn't expand upon it.
    +1 all the way, I could only find one thing wrong with it xD
    (Total: +2)

    The only problem I see is you arguing and people not knowing that you aren't serious. Try to work on stressing the fact that you don't hate them; you tend to give that impression when you argue. +0.5
    In Game
    You are a little less argumentative in game, so +0.75
    I don't need to repeat myself again xD +0.5
    (Total: +1.75)

    TL;DR, I think you made a good Helper and you will again. A short review from me is good, so you did very well. Just work on the thing I mentioned like four times and I have no complaints against you.

    Final Vote: +7.75/+9
  5. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    I like dis, dis is a good format.

    Anyways, I try to stress as MUCH as possible that I don't hate people, but I'll work on it, thanks ;)
    chaos546 likes this.
  6. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 for sure! Qwikin has always been a good guy and he knows what he's doing. He would be a great addition to the Meepcraft staff! :)
    Qwikin likes this.
  7. joe_schmoe_1216

    joe_schmoe_1216 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 it's me and I know your trustworthy
    Qwikin likes this.
  8. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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  9. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    I don't hate you, I hated you before, I luv you now
  10. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    It's mainly the fact that she gets on my nerves, and I can't help that, if you wanna call me a sheep go ahead, that's what I call all stereotypical staff members, not an insult. If you wanna leak skype convos do that to. But honestly, it's not an insult, so I don't see a problem with it, if she had a problem with it, rather than ragequitting the chat, she could've come to me and asked me to stop

    which she STILL hasn't

    EDIT: I also would've figured you'd be above this after how she played both of us, unless you've forgotten about that .-.
    DancingCactus likes this.
  11. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    That makes what I did to her a little better.
    DancingCactus and Qwikin like this.
  12. DeathBunny55

    DeathBunny55 Popular Meeper

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    You're one of my greatest friends, and while I will (of course), +1 you, the great sense of humor (including qwikin-like "suggestions and comments") that you have hopefully won't be seen as a "troll" as it was with Dancing and possibly get you demoted. As for what Fluff said above, that just adds on to your qwikin-like "suggestions and comments" and really doesn't affect what I think of you.
    Qwikin likes this.
  13. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    y u no on skype right now? anyway I need to stop commenting on everything
    DeathBunny55 likes this.
  14. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    Oh wow seeing that is kind of unsettling coming from someone I called a friend for almost a year :/ As VKL said, I have been called a lot worse so I'm not going to let it affect anything.

    Well anyways Qwikin, despite our differences and occasional disagreements I think you are qualified and ready for this position.
    Good luck Marcello Antwon ;)
  15. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    erm, I'd just like to point out you were there for 2/3 comments and the third isn't much different, shouldn't really surprise you

    ty though
    OrganicTurtles likes this.
  16. MrHollywoot

    MrHollywoot Popular Meeper

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    i was ganna vote then i saw your signature...id feel bias :x
    the_sexy_ninja and FluffbearRCT like this.
  17. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    No, if anything I'd be biased towards you, just post your full criticisms, I won't be offended ;)
  18. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    'twas your 1500th post ^^
    Qwikin likes this.
  19. PuckMiner

    PuckMiner Celebrity Meeper

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    I am a +0 because I feel you haven't been back long enough yet. I want to see you active in game just a tad bit longer before you become staff. However, with that being said, you were outstanding in previous staff actions. Your forum activity is excellent and I think you would be great to have as staff again.
    StopResetting and Qwikin like this.
  20. ZapChance

    ZapChance Popular Meeper

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    Qwikin is fully qualified for the position, I see no reason to not accept this application. +1
    Qwikin likes this.
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