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osymigosy's staff application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by osymigosy, Nov 16, 2013.

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  1. osymigosy

    osymigosy Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: osymigosy
    Skype Username: Isaac martin18
    Teamspeak Username: osymigosy
    Mic use: always available
    Age: 14 will be 15 in January
    Timezone: pacific, I live in California.
    Hours online per weekday: roughly 4-6
    Hours online per weekend: sometimes 10-16 other times 5-10
    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod, Mod to SuperMod)
    citizen to helper would be my rank change.

    Hello, my name is Isaac martin (osymigosy) I am a quite active player on Meepcraft, I play as much as I possibly can. I am a very get it done now type of person; except when it comes to homework over Meepcraft. I really like getting things done before I start another project. I am also a Professional racecar driver, absolutely love it. Racing is my life; apart from computers. I really want to go to college to get a degree in computer science. I am very interested in computer infrastructure, programing, and development both of websites and games. I am only a freshman in high school and I am really looking forward to college.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod?

    I know that I am ready for the promotion from citizen to helper because I am willing to spend lots of time on the server helping out and doing what is needed of me at any given time. Not only am I dedicated but I am also very responsible, organized, and involved in the community. My work ethic is also in my opinion outstanding, when it comes to all work except homework.

    Dedication, I am very dedicated to the server and the community, when I get home from school at about 4 o’clock I do my chores then off to Minecraft. I will be starting wrestling this coming Monday; I will be getting home around 6:30 o’clock. This will take about an hour out of my game time during the afternoon. I do however play on my laptop after 9 o’clock pm. This game time usually lasts until about 11-12 o’clock.

    Responsibility, I have a few creditable things in my real life that have helped me become extremely responsible. Namely my racing program has provided me with this amazing trait that I am very proud to honor and use at all times. Racing isn’t something that can be done by a lazy, irresponsible person; at least well that is. I spend lots of time talking with company owners, people with money, and potential sponsors. I am not rich and I must find sponsors in order to race. If I weren’t responsible I wouldn’t be racing due to lack of funds/ sponsorships.

    Organized, I am very organized. I have recently started an imgur for organizing my pictures/screenshots. Not only do I use imgur but I also have many screenshot folders in which I organize further from there. I am one of the only organized male students in my freshman class; I suppose that is also due to the fact that when taking AP and honors classes’ organization is a must; just as it is for being part of the staff!

    Involved, I wasn’t super involved in the community other than TeamSpeak, when I decided I wanted to become staff and help out I started becoming more involved. I never really found the need to shout until the idea of becoming part of the staff and helping out really came to mind. I found new ways to be involved on the forums, such as reports, suggestions, and overall involvement. I also didn't enjoy shouting for absolutely no reason; I realized reasons to shout and have become increasingly more active in /shout.


    I have many weaknesses that I am more than willing to share. Hopefully we can work on fixing the problems as best as possible together. I know I will try my very hardest and put 110% effort on the table. My weaknesses include the occasional argument, grammar/spelling, “bad humor”, and of course there is always the loss of maturity.

    Arguments, I tend to get in arguments with players that think they know exactly what they are talking about when in reality they are completely backwards. I am working on fixing this flaw with the simple yet difficult concept of self-control and that there are other ways to help a seemingly helpless person.

    Grammar/ Spelling, My spelling and grammar is not very great sometimes. I think that most of this is just typos rather than lack of knowledge of words of grammar. My spelling and vocabulary however are much more superior of that of my grammar.

    “Bad Humor”, my sense of humor is not always very funny; in fact sometimes it’s rather rude. I think this mostly happens in TeamSpeak when I don’t think before I say. I usually can conquer this problem with simply thinking before I speak. Sometimes I just have so much energy that I don’t think to think about what I am about to blurt out. This ties me into my final weakness.

    Immaturity, I may lose control of my maturity, for the most part this happens when I am very excited or have way too much energy. Although This is not nearly as common in game as it is in the school environment.

    Thank you for your interest; I beg of you to leave some suggestions as to what I should change as I am always looking to better myself beyond limits. Thank you for your help and I look forward to seeing you in game!
    FluffbearRCT likes this.
  2. Tasmiki

    Tasmiki Celebrity Meeper

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    You have 40 forum posts, you should try to improve on that, but because I am inactive I don't know if you help or if you're even active. -0
  3. MeGustaYou

    MeGustaYou Popular Meeper

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    I'm a -.5. You don't talk in /shout much. You're known from the common people on teamspeak, but not necessarily the community, as a whole. I think you should branch out, too. You're very kind when you're on TeamSpeak, so I think the community will like you, don't be scared :(
    Good luck!
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2013
    LexKristen likes this.
  4. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

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    hmmm i don't know how i feel about this app…. i will put a +0.25
  5. Netrarc

    Netrarc Popular Meeper

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    Like some of the others, I haven't seen you in-game enough to judge your activities there. If I remember correctly, you are the mayor of a fairly new town, but I don't know much else about you. Unfortunately, your app doesn't seem to shed much light on your in-game persona. Your list of real-live activities and virtues are impressive; how have they affected your in-game play so far? How do you plan to apply those experiences to your work as a staff member?

    I have seen and heard you on Teamspeak quite a bit, so most of my response will be based on your activities there.

    I will agree with your assessment of your Teamspeak activity. When others are quiet, you often seem to have a need to fill the void with something, even if that "something" is not really appropriate. I would prefer to see you use the air time more wisely, perhaps helping other players or getting to know them (so that you can be a bigger part of the community) or even just listening while others talk about their own plans and projects.

    I'll give a -1 for now, but think you can improve by relaxing a bit on Teamspeak and improving your in-game and forum activity.
  6. Taha

    Taha Well-Known Meeper

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    I've known you for quite some time now and I have to say every conversation has been a great Experience. Your Optimistic personality is great. Your pretty active on Teamspeak but sometimes, like Netrarc said, Feel the need to fill in the void when it is quiet. I know that I am a very extrovert person in Teamspeak, but none of us are perfect. As for your In-Game Activity, it needs some improvement. I also don't see you in /shout often. Overall for me, I'll stay at +0. You need some improvement. But these improvements are not impossible. :)
  7. Sammyleong

    Sammyleong New Meeper

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    I don't see you in shout much, I don't know if you are inactive or active. I would say +.25

    Good though! :)
  8. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

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    I liek you a lot :3


    You help me a lot, you are very kind to me and others and you are a good person. :D
  9. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    I am starting to see you in /shout a lot more. You seem like a generally friendly person. You have pretty good TeamSpeak activity. The only thing that I am really worried about is the weakness section of your application. As a member of staff, you will need to be well-composed at all times. Its okay to have fun, but maturity and anger must be maintained to a calm and collective state. I think you have some potential and are worth the shot.
  10. osymigosy

    osymigosy Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Than you everyone for your input! I appreciate it allot, sorry I couldn't be online today! I was busy working on my race car. I will work on improving all of the above stated objects!
    Have a nice day/night See you tomorrow.
  11. Snuffles

    Snuffles Well-Known Meeper

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    - Active. There hasn't been a day I haven't seen him online since I joined the server
    - Work ethic. Getting things done is, to me, a huge plus. Rather than having people that say they're going to do something and it never happens.
    - Drives a race car

    ps. I want pics of the race car.
    Kazarkas, osymigosy and Flamedemond like this.
  12. osymigosy

    osymigosy Popular Meeper

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    If you don't Mind you can go to my facebook page at isaacmartinracing. lots of pictures there of my racing career.
    that is the web address.
  13. joseph kirkby

    joseph kirkby New Meeper

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    +1 you look very professional and seem to know what you are doing. Good luck :)
  14. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Hi osy,

    I haven't had any problems with you and I see you quite often. +1 for interview.
  15. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    Despite an incident in the past, this player truly wants meep to prosper.

    osymigosy likes this.
  16. TrisDa

    TrisDa Popular Meeper

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    +1 I've never not seen you be friendly and helpful. your also a very active player. Don't count him out because he is not well known in chat oftentimes its the quit listeners that end up being more helpful and insightful.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
    osymigosy likes this.
  17. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

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    You're activity needs to grow...don't go complaining on other's when your activity is lower than others that are applying...

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  18. joe_schmoe_1216

    joe_schmoe_1216 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 your a great person and I know you can do more.... also be more active in /shout and Forums... thats all I got:rolleyes:
    osymigosy likes this.
  19. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    Active, helpful, friendly, dedicated, these are all reasons why you would make a great helper.

  20. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    I see you on TS all the time. However, you need to work on forum activity and /shout activity. I think you are definitely capable of being helper, just work on socializing other ways.
    Good luck!
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