Old spawn was much better, But this spawn... Your trying to make it a More Moderen server with the meep menu and the soon to come pets and hide players. Yet you want it to be a eco server... Ive seen servers like that. They have all died... Please dont make it so moderen and tiny spawn. And then the Donors Lounge... My dirt house on the first day i joined meep was Biger and Well... Better. Fuzzlr. It is nice eco commuinty server OR Big Moderen server... If it gets any more moderen besides the skyblock and boomo ive heard about A lot of the players are going to leave. If you try going moderen like how meepnetworks was with [But dont have a 2ed owner AKA crulety] Then you will be Fine. Many players will join
And you lost alot of ctf players. Bring back meepcolines. And also... I beg you. Have Hunger games. Not Boring games Like you have now. Or have SG. Then that will attract more people
-Chris_is_crazy, Over And Out.