Complete Custom Enchantment Guide list
A simple list containing all the custom enchants that you can get from enchanting your weapons on the new towny world.What are custom enchantments?
The custom enchants provide powerful abilities/buffs to your weapons and tools. Upon enchanting an item with a full bookshelf at 1 - max exp levels (30+) You have a small chance to recieve one of the enchantments that will be listed below. The higher your exp level, the better the enchant. (1-3)
Doing certain activities ingame can also reward you with custom enchant books, scrolls, and other rewards for example, killing the ender dragon, mining meteorites, treasure hunting, etc. (ALSO /EM OR DUNGEONS)
The books are very simple to use:
Apply enchantment: By dragging and dropping the book on the item you would like to enchant the book will apply the enchantment to the item. However take note of the 'success percentage' as unsuccessful attempts will cause both the book and the tool/weapon/armor to vanish.
Tinker: If you do not want the enchantment, you can go to /warp enchants and talk to the tinker to trade in your books for secret dust. Secret dust can be revealed to be either Success dust or gunpowder. The success dust can be used on custom enchantments that you would like to keep. Every book has its own 'success percentage'. You can increase it with success dust by dragging and dropping the success dust on book to apply it.
Alchemist: Alchemists can increase the level of the enchantments by combining books. Two books of the same level will combine to form a book of one level higher.
Commands in-game:
/ae list (For a list of all enchants on the server currently and their rarity
/ae info (Usage: /ae Info "Name of Enchant")
Control+F for ease of access
Some enchants may not be on the server, but May be in the future, so I added them anyways. Please let me know via discord if I missed something :)
Sword Only Enchants:
Your attack pulls mobs towards you.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
A chance of giving the blindness effect to the enemy when attacking.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
A chance to negate an attack and deal up to 4 damage back.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
A chance of giving the nausea effect to the enemy when attacking.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Increases the damage done upon a critical hit.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Strike Lightning at nearby players.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to multiply mob drops. Costs 5 souls per activation.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 5
Gives a chance to disarm your opponent.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to unequip a random armor piece from your opponent when fighting.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 8
Gives a chance to deal extra durability damage to all enemy armor with every attack.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Double Strike:
Gives a chance to strike twice when attacking.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Doubles your damage to all mobs in the End.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Display particles when attacking.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to remove all bad potion effects.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Gives a chance to push your opponent away from you.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 5
Unorganizes your opponents hotbar.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Multiplies the damage done towards players who are holding bows at the time of being hit.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 5
Ice Aspect:
Gives a chance of causing the slowness effect on your enemy.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Sets all mobs in your radius on fire.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to increase EXP drops from mobs.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 4
Gives a chance to afflict the enemy with mining fatigue.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 2
Kill Aura:
Gives a chance to kill multiple monsters in a radius.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 5
Launch yourself into the air by right clicking.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to steal hp when attacking.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 5
Your sword pulls other players towards you.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Deals double damage to all mobs in the nether.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Night Owl:
Deal more damage to all mobs at night.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 1
Freezes mobs at night.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to slow and bleed opponents.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 5
Gives a chance to get souls by killing mobs.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to get more souls from players.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Chance to give no knockback to mobs.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to heal you for up to 3 hp a few seconds after you hit.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Axe Only Enchants:
Arrow Break:Gives a chance for arrows to bounce off of you while holding an axe.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 6
Axe of Spirits:
Gives a chance to get more spuls from killing players.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to inflict more damage.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 4
Repair your weapon in exchange for dealing less damage.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 5
Makes your opponent bleed.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 6
Blunt Force:
Gives a chance to strike for great force.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 4
Damages players within a radius that increases with level of enchant.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 7
Gives a chance to give your enemy mining fatigue.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 1
Sets all players in a radius on fire.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to give your opponent the wither and blindness effect while dealing damage.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 4
Gives a chance to deal durability damage to all enemy armor with every attack.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Gives a chance to chop an entire tree in one hit.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Sword and Axe Only Enchants:
Ambit:Damages mobs in a radius that increases with the level of the enchant.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 7
Increases damage dealt to hostile mobs.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 4
Chance of gaining strength and mining fatigue.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 5
Bone Crusher:
Increases damage dealt to skeletons.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 3
Death Punch:
Increases damage dealt to zombies.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 5
Gives a chance to drop opponents heads on death.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 3
Chance to gain a burst of haste.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 3
Increases the damage dealt to spiders.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Gives your weapons an explosive fire effect.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Gives a lightning effect and a chance for slowness and slow swinging.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 4
A chance of giving the poison effect.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Chance to regain hunger while fighting.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 4
Increases damage dealt to passive mobs.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 4
Bow/Crossbow/Trident Only Enchants:
Archer: (Bow only)Increases damage dealt with bows.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Multiplies damage against players who are wielding a sword when hit.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 5
Explosive: (Bow Only)
Gives a chance for arrows to explode on impact.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 5
Frenzy: (Crossbow only)
Gives a chance for arrows to explode on impact.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 5
Hellfire: (Bow Only)
When fired arrows are turned into fireballs.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 5
Increases damage dealt to Passive mobs.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 4
Longbow: (Bow Only)
Greatly increses the damage dealt to enemy players that are wielding a bow when hit.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Increases damage dealt with crossbows.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 4
Arrows fired turn into fireballs.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 5
Neutralize: (Bow and Crossbow Only)
Gives a chance to disarm your opponent.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 2
Gives a chance to give your enemy the withered effect.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 5
Piercing: (Bows Only)
Arrows inflict even more damage.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 5
Snare: (Bow Only)
Gives a chance to slow and fatigue the enemies with projectiles.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 4
Sniper: (Bow Only)
Headshots with bows deal double damage.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 5
Increases damage dealt to all hostile mobs.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 4
Strike: (Includes Swords)
Chance to strike lightning at the opponent.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 3
Striker: (Bows Only)
Arrows rain over the opponent.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to give your enemy the poison effect.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 3
Trident Only Enchants:
Deals weakness and wither effects.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 5
Headshots with tridents deal double damage.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 5
Gives your trident a chance to deal double damage.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 4
Increases the damage dealt with tridents.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 4
Lights the enemy on fire.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Increases tridents melee damage.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Makes your enemies bleed if hit using a melee attack.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 4
Global Weapon Enchants:
Abiding:Weapons with this enchant become unbreakable
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 1
Gives a chance to restore food while killing mobs.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to distance yourself from your enemies and gain regeneration.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Ender Slayer
Increases damage dealt to Enderman and Ender Dragons.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 5
A chance to give your opponent the hunger effect.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 4
Nether Slayer:
Increases damage dealt to nether mobs.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 5
Gain some health back after kills.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Protects weapons and tools durability, items will take longer to break.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 10
Chance to replace your opponents helmet into a pumpkin for a short time.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 5
A chance to keep items on death.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Strike monsters with lightning every 3 consective hits.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Global Tool Only Enchants:
Unbreakable:Tools with this enchant become unbreakable.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level 1
Chance to get more experience from mining ores.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 5
Allows you to swing your tools faster.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Gives a chance to gain haste after breaking blocks.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 3
Upon breaking, the item has a chance to lose this enchantment and repair half of its durability.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 4
Automatically places blocks broken by tools in your inventory.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 4
Pickaxe/Shovel/Tool Enchants:
Multiplication: (Pick Only)Chance to multiply ore drops/ Costs 5 souls per activation.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 5
Rebreather: (Pick Only)
Chance to regain air when mining under-water.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level:
Replinish: (Pick Only)
Chance to restore food while mining.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Smelting: (Pick Only)
Chance to smelt blocks.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 3
Soulminer: (Pick Only)
Gives a chance to get souls by mining.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Trench: (Excluding Axes)
Gives a chance to break a 3x3 area.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 9
Vein Miner: (Pick Only)
Gives a chance to mine the entire vein of ores.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Fishing Rod Enchants:
Bait:Gives a chance to recieve double fishing drops.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Get more exp from fishing.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Chance to increases luck while fishing.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Pull hit entity towards you.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Hoe Only Enchants:
Carrot Planter:Plant carrots in a 3x3 area by shift+right-clicking.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 3
Plant seeds in a 3x3 area by shift+right-clicking.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Potato Planter:
Plant potatoes in a 3x3 area by shift+right-clicking.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 3
Replants crops when harvested.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 1
Armor Only Enchants:
Aegis: (Boots Only)Chance to gain speed when taking fall damage.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Heals health when damaged.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 5
Aqua: (Boots Only)
Deal double damage while in water.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 4
Aquatic: (Helmets Only)
Gives permanant water breathing.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 1
Decreases damage taken from enemy swords by 2% per level.
Rarity: Lengedary
Max Level: 4
Arrow Deflect:
Chance to prevent enemy arrows from dealing damage.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Chunky: (Chestplates Only)
You have a chance to recieve less damage.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 6
Convulse: (Boots Only)
You have a chance of throwing your attackers into the air.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 6
Creeper Armor:
Chance to be immune to explosive damage, and a chance to heal from the damage at higher levels.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
You have a chance to give your enemy mining fatigue.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 2
Chance to become invisible when low on health.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
You have a chance of poisioning your opponent and gaining regeneration.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 5
Chance to dodge your enemy, chance increases when sneaking.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 5
Explosive Demise: (Leggings Only)
Summon creepers as your gaurds near your death.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 8
Extinguish: (Leggings Only)
Chance to extinguish yourself when on fire.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Can cause slowness to attacker when defending with a shield.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Fumble: (Chestplates Only)
Chance to explode your enemy when hit by their arrow.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Gears: (Boots Only)
Added speed when equipped.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Glowing: (Helmets Only)
Gives permanant Night vision.
Rarity: Simple
Max Level: 1
Gaurdians:You have a chance to spawn iron golems to assist you and watch over you.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 10
You have a chance to recover durability when damaged.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Decreases damage from enemy bows by 2% per level.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 5
You have a chance to prevent your armor from taking durability damage.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 4
Implants: (Helmets Only)
You have a chance to restore food every few seconds.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Jelly Legs: (Boots)
You have a chance to negate falling damage completly.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Judgement: (Elytra Only)
Chance of poisoning your enemy and gaining regeneration.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level 5
Lava Walker: (Boots Only)
You walk on lava like jesus.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 1
Chance to cure blindess and gain night vision when hit.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Chance of setting your attacker ablaze.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 4
Momentum: (Elytra Only)
Chance to gain a speed boost with fireworks.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Nulify: (Leggings Only)
Chance to relect attacks and multiply the damage. Costs 40 souls per activation.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Obsidian Shield
Gives permanant Fire Resistance.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 1
Unlocks additional hearts.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Chance to recover durability when damaged by mobs.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Phoenix: (Chestplates Only)
Chance to revive yourself when killed.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Plummet: (Boots Only)
Deal damage to nearby mobs when taking fall damage.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 3
Chance to poison your attacker.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 4
Chance to be pushed back when getting hit.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Absorb enemy damage and reflect it back.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 5
Reinforced: (Elytra Only)
Reduce damage dealt to you.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
Rocket Escape: (Boots Only)
Blast off into the air at low hp.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 3
Rush: (Elytra Only)
Chance of speed boost when taking off with elytra. Costs 10 souls per activation.
Rarity: Fabled/Heroic
Max Level: 3
Chance to gain damage resistance when defending with a shield.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 2
Shockwave: (Chesplates Only)
Chance to push back your attacker when your hp is low.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 5
Slingshot: (Elytra Only)
Boost yourself into flight by right clicking.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Smoke Bomb: (Helmet Only)
When you are near death, you will spawn a smoke bomb to distract your enemies.
Rarity: Elite
Max Levels: 8
Chance to spawn gaurd blazes.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 10
Chance to reduce incoming damage while weilding a sword by up to 22% at max level.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 5
Chance to decrease damage from enemy axes by 2% per level.
Rarity: Ultimate
Max Level: 4
When hit you have a chance to teleport behind your target.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 8
You have a chance to prevent opponents gaurd enchants from spawning.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 3
Undead Ruse: (Boots Only)
When hit you have a chance to spawn zombie hordes.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 10
Defend with weakness and wither effects.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 5
You have a chance to inflict weakness.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 6
You have a chance to absorb enemy damage.
Rarity: Unique
Max Level: 4
Water Walker: (Boots Only)
You walk on water, like jesus lol
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 1
Wings: (Boots Only)
Allows flying when worn.
Rarity: Legendary
Max Level: 1
A chance to give the wither effect.
Rarity: Elite
Max Level: 5