After the poll, the Administration Team has decided to reset the current Towny world. A world download + world in the museum will be available. The reset will occur just before the launch of Towny Next Generation. This was not an easy decision to make, we understand that many memories have been made in this world. However, a reset is necessary to open opportunities for future server growth.
[B]Towny Next Generation Gameplay Changes[/B]
[SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][B]Referral System -[/B][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=4] If you "refer" 3 players to join Meep, you will win a free town. Credit to
@7acespade for this idea![/SIZE][/SIZE]
Admin Shop - The Admin shop is being removed and will be replaced with a Daily Random Shop. This change aims to increase player interaction and limit inflation.
Bazaar - The Bazaar is similar to a trading menu/stock market for items. This is a replacement for VShop.
Hourly Events - Every hour the following events will occur: Supply Drop, BloodMoon, Airship, Meteors, Dragon Spawning where players can win special items
Pets - Pets will not be launched on opening night, we want to take the time to make this update the best it can be and unfortunately, that means delaying Pets.
Personal Bank- Players can store items in a bank. This bank can be upgraded unlocking a higher deposit limit and higher interest rates.
Minister Elections - Players can choose to run for the position of Minister. They will choose various gameplay buffs/nerfs + Projects and players will vote. The winning player will get a custom tag during their term.
Perks - Ranks will have buffed perks giving them more value
How Can You Help?
[SIZE=4]We currently have a closed Beta that you may participate in, if this interests you, please fill out the application
Additionally, we are looking for staff in the following positions:
- Developer
- Media
- Architect
- Moderation
If you are interested please consider applying!
After the launch of town next-generation, MeepCraft will be launching an advertising campaign to bring new players to the community. We additionally will be updating vote sites and using Social Media accounts. This will bring a new wave of players to the community and allow for the server to continue to expand after the initial launch.
We hope to have more updates and Town Hall meetings coming in the future, and we would love to hear your feedback.!