Pluto258 Bug: /vshop not working properly IGN: Pluto258 Date of Bug: 1-15-21 Summary of Bug: /vshop is not working properly. it won't recognize simple names. i did /find oak and it replies "what is oak". Evidence of Bug: Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: . i did /find oak and it replies "what is oak". trying to do iteminfo on a stack of oak shows the name as "oak log". but /find oak log still returns "what is oak". also tried to sell some steak and it didn't recognize the names steak, cookedbeef, or cbeef. iteminfo says it is called steak.
Adrian Heya Pluto,Unfortunately in 1.13 block IDs changed. For oak planks you need to do "oak_planks". You should be able to tab autocomplete with this as shown here:[ATTACH=full]29664[/ATTACH]Please let me know if that does not work!
Pluto258 yes, working fine now. actually it was just my mistake, I was confused when all the old aliases didn't work. the auto fill is very helpful