Member Name
Additional In Game Name(s):
Discord Name:
Kassidy (Candy_Master)#3710
When did you join MeepCraft?
How many hours per day do you spend on MeepCraft? (average)
Varies, usually 3+
References (IGNs):
Hey guys! I am Candy, Kassidy, Candy_Master (any of those work). I've been on Meepcraft a while, I've always been a hard core gamer if you know me (kidding). Alongside of minecraft, I do do stuff outside of it. I greatly enjoy reading, playing sports, clothes shopping, eating food especially sweets, and overall being outside especially since I grew up in Canada, there's just so many choices of outside activities to do. Overall I'm an extroverted/introverted mix which means I enjoy being around people and helping them in real life and on the server. It is why I have stuck around so long, the community is honestly what makes Meep special, and I've definitely made friends on here, it just sucks everyone is spread so across the world.
Have you ever held a staff position on MeepCraft or another server? If yes, please describe your experience. If no, please explain why you are interested in a position on MeepCraft.
Over my years of hardcore gaming I have had the opportunity to be staff not only on other servers but also on Meep. On other servers I've had the experience of moderating, but not personally on Meep, and on Meep I have been Architect a few times, but I believe I have also been around long enough to know majority of the rules on the server itself.
Which staff position(s) are you applying for / interested in? Please select all that apply.
Mod, Architect
Why should you be considered for the above staff position(s)?
I love building overall on Meep, and I do it for myself, but I'd also like to contribute builds to Meep especially with it starting to gain more players. It makes me want to be involved and try to help Meep get back into it's groove with all the updates, and changes coming to meep. I strongly think I have the ability to create some pretty builds for the server efficiently. Along side of being an Architect I'd like to try my hand in moderating for the server as well, as I already enjoy helping players around and to help plan and contribute ideas to benefit Meep. Being a moderator will allow me to help others more deeply and well versed rather then as a regular player.
What are your weaknesses?
Like everyone, I have personal weakness. In the past I have had issues of working with teams, but I believe I have grown out of the struggle and matured especially with the current staff team being great people and easy to work with. I also know in the past I have also struggled to be committed to staying on the team due to my life being of flurry of activities, and school. I plan to fully commit this time, especially with forcing myself this new years to make resolutions which I have never done (outside of being forced to in elementary), and one of those resolutions is to be more committed in anything I decide to set my mind to.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know:
I don't have any specify playing times. I am in PST but since the entirety of my sleep schedule is wonky you can see me on anywhere from 7am PST - 3am PST. Also I do have the ability to build in other styles, but I just love building in stone brick and terracotta!
(Also built: Old town spawn, clicker homes, edited projects, ctf maps, infected, laser)
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(edited spelling error)