The community is the only driving factor that can keep people on the server. But at this rate, people are merging to other servers or games and moving away from meepcraft’s platforms altogether (going to their own discord or talking to people privately outside of forums/meep’s discord/ etc.)
And eventually people move on. It’s unfortunate but inevitable.
~ @smk
Yes but most of our current playbase is not made up of old players. Sure its unfortunate that people move on but like 80% of the people are new from either Ratville or players that I have brought over for my town (of course others as well). It is a sad reality that people are moving away but the fact is that we don't rely on the old community to survive anymore. Pressing tab at the time making this post, there are 27 people online and I can only see 2 old faces (discounting the 2 staff members also online). Of course we would love for old players to return to check out the work we have been doing over the past few months, if they do or not is their decision.
What are they gonna advertise about the server l m a o. There's nothing to advertise. My opinion of "what's to change" is solely internal (I am not saying anything too specific or I feel like some ppl might deem it as 'toxic') but that's never gonna happen and the delusion of the "business is booming cuz of x amount of players is still on" mentality is what's driving them to keep staying the same. 1.16 update has been said for months, that survey we filled out months ago was NEVER talked about (despite staff saying they're still working on it) and is already outdated at this point and only have like a good amount of suggestions/opinions to be applied to the current meep, and nothing was ever addressed about past issues to old players and swept under the floor never aiming to construct an efficient way of discussion on it.
*watch me get forum banned for commenting :) you know who you are*
~ @Katronica
So lets taking about the update shall we? This update to 1.16 is taking a while because to update the server, it requires a load more work than just changing the server jar version and calling it a day. The entire back bone of the server has to be redone, this is due to use moving from the old Lilypad network to a new Bungee one. For this to happen, a LOT of the plugins either need to be reworked or have new ones either developed or found online. So this includes chat, item transfers, plugins such as /chest and vshop aren't compatible, sorting out the world so it is on a newer version which is a lot of effort for a team of a few people. Especially with the fact that everyone on the team has personal commitments such as full time jobs or university which are important as well, we aren’t all robots who can work on it 24/7 unfortunately.
But this also leads into the point of the issues that we "swept under the floor" and the form you all filled out. So the form has been taken into account for everything we looked at when updating to the new version. The main focus has been putting all these new features into the new version of the gamemode so in a month or so when we eventually release the version, we wouldn't have had to fix it twice. There has been a lot of time and effort put into fixing things and making sure everything works as it used to before everything broke. If not, we will have time available to individually look into all the issues to make the experience as good as it can be, because at the end of the day we don't want to deliver a poor quality product, like cyberpunk.
You'll see when it released but hopefully it wont disappoint, theres been hours upon hours poured into making this new update work and it'll be worth the wait. Its not just a version upgrade I can promise that. Hopefully that clears some stuff up, feel free to message me for more info if you wish but thats the short of it.