Member Name Iate2
Additional In Game Names: Iatemyfriends
How old are you? 19
Location: Canada
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 24
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 24
Have you ever been architect or builder on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's adrian
Introduction: N/A
Why should you be Architect? Architect Application Guide
Before applying for an Architect position, please read through the following post:
When applying for the position of architect, obviously it is all based around your ability to design and create things. What makes you stand out as a builder? Building for the server is significantly different than building a town, due to the nature of each. As a server architect, you will need knowledge to be able to terraform terrain or develop large projects, and not just make small structures.
About Architect