Suggestions Info & Guide
Thank you for taking the time to check out suggestions. The goal of this post is to answer any questions about making suggestions and explain how suggestions are processed. If you have any additional questions feel free to reach out to staff.
Before making a suggestion, please take the time to make sure of the following...- Make sure that the suggestion isn't already accepted, or completed.
- Make sure that the suggestion hasn't been recently denied.
- It's okay to make a suggestion that's already been denied--as long as it was denied quite a while ago. We will sometimes deny suggestions that are not plausible to develop in that point in time or do not fit the server. That doesn't mean that we won't be able to develop it in the future.
- As a general rule, if it hasn’t been denied in the last 2 months, feel free to suggest it. However of course there will be plenty of exceptions to this.
- Make sure that the suggestion isn't actually a bug report--and if it is, please post it in the appropriate forum.
Suggestions should exhibit both feasibility and creativity. Don't feel like you have to come up with a brand new idea--
you are more than welcome to suggest changes to existing things on the server. Please make sure that your suggestion is both specific and detailed in nature. In addition, if you have several suggestions, it is recommended that you take the time to make more than one post.
Here are some good questions to ask yourself when you are making suggestions:
- Does my suggestion benefit the majority of MeepCraft?
- How much effort would be required to implement my idea?
- Will this idea cause issues with the server? (i.e. security, lag, etc.)
How Suggestions are Processed
This section outlines how suggestions will be processed. To start, here’s a summary of each of the subcategories in the suggestions forum.
Completed - When development of an Accepted Suggestion is completed, it will be moved to this category.
Accepted - Suggestions that have been accepted will go here, they will remain here until development is completed. (For technical reasons, suggestions initially accepted may be moved to denied, you’ll be notified if this happens).
Denied - Denied suggestions will be moved here.
Here’s a look into how each suggestion is processed…
- Suggestion Posted
- Community Discussion Phase (1-3 Weeks) - When a suggestion is posted the community can discuss, this generally can last anywhere from 1-3 weeks.
- Internal Discussion (Starts 2 weeks after the suggestion is posted) - The staff team will discuss the suggestion with the community input in mind. During this discussion important points such as the feasibility of a suggestion and how exactly it would be implemented will be considered.
- Decision - Once both internal and community discussion has ended your suggestion will receive a decision. If it is denied it will get moved to denied, if it is accepted it will be moved to the accepted folder until development is completed.
Suggestion FAQs
- Why is my suggestion taking so long, can’t you just accept it? No, we are taking the time to make sure that a.) the community has enough time to discuss b.) The suggestion is feasible from a technical side and c.) The suggestion would benefit the server.
- How likely is my suggestion to be accepted if I mention some problem but I don't mention a solution? Not very likely, while you may be able to come up with a solution in the comments, it will greatly delay the time it takes to receive a decision.
- If I have an idea but I'm not sure whether or not to put it on the forums, who should I ask? Feel free to reach out to any staff or file a modreq ingame/on Discord. If you do decide to make a suggestion, however, it is recommended that you make a forums post rather than asking staff directly to implement something we remember suggestions better when we have a written record of them. Additionally we are able to get community input.
- If my suggestion is denied, will it be denied forever? Not necessarily. As mentioned above, sometimes we will deny something that is not feasible at that point in time. If a lot of time has passed since a good suggestion was denied, feel free to suggest it again (or DM a staff member).
- If I decide to post a megathread, is it likely that my entire suggestion thread will be denied? Yes. However sometimes we will go through and accept/deny specific suggestions. It will take longer so we recommend making multiple posts if needed.
Again, if you have any questions about the above, feel free to reach out to either myself or another staff member.
Shout-out to some of the past staff members who developed some of the older guidelines for suggestion formatting. This guide is largely based @LordInateur ’s guide.