Hey, I understand I'm not staff but I do have experience elsewhere. Again, these are just ideas and use them if you will.
This is just a "dump" for ideas that I've come up with. Feel free to use anything :D
•Community Officers
Right now, we're in a bit of a mess with regard to Staff-Player relations. I do have an idea on how to improve community relations through a "third class" of player on the server.
What Are Community Officers?
Community officers are the "middleground" between staff and players. This means that they can help advocate for certain things people in the community want. They won't have staff privileges like prism, staff chat etc
How will Community Officers Be Selected?
Community officers will be selected upon consensus between players and staff. This could be done through a democratic process like voting, or just between a common consensus.
What will they do?
Community Officers will deal with player suggestions or complaints, and work with staff to achieve them. In addition community officers can also help with the ban appeal process by working between staff and those banned, and can potentially negotiate a positive outcome. This is better than just going through staff, because both parties(the banned and staff members) may not be too comfortable.
In addition, the Community Officers will also form a council. The council can work with staff to determine future projects, recommendations or ideas to be included into the server in the future. In addition the council can also vote for suggestions or ideas they deem relevant to the community. The council could consist of 10 or so meepers(10 at max, prolly like 3 ppl with current player count), which would be the max amount of community officers. Council votes wouldn't be like enforceable but would like give the staff a good idea of community views. I.e. a new rule change, council votes in majority against - staff may not approve it. The community officers may also consult with staff, and work to draft new rules/a roadmap for the server.
Community officers can also offer free counselling services... by that I mean resolving conflicts between meepcrafters instead of staff having to deal with it. Staff can then focus on projects, making meep better and intervening when needed. For instance, if there's a dispute between two meepers community officers can handle it - if it gets to the point where disciplinary action is required, staff can be contacted. Also, CO's will help staff focus more on development rather than kids yelling at each other. CO's working on issues will also make the resolution process fairer, as the outcome will more likely meet community expectations and a mutual agreement.
Variants of Community Officers
[Representative]: Just an in game title with no real significance. May be able to visit a special "Community Officers" area of spawn with a meeting place lol. They are members of the community officer council. They will be able to respond to some /modreqs tho.
[Officer]: An officer is one member of the community council who also has some perms in game. These may include forced tpa's, the ability to kick etc. Kind of a semi-helper I guess.
•Modreq Reform
If we want Community Officers to deal with some issues between players, and mediate we need to seperate some responsibilities. This may require splitting /modreq.
/modreq: To be used for general questions, and help. Community Officers can respond to these requests, as well as staff. CO's here will reduce staff hassle.
/report: /report will only be covered by staff and will be used to respond to player incidents. /report will open up a book menu when entered, and one of the options may be like "argument with this person" which will instead go to a CO.
/report syntax would be something like: /report with a timestamp.
To make development more streamlined and effective, meep should have teams that focus on specific areas. In this example of development, these teams could be led by a staff member but with community involvement. For example;
"New Gamemode", someone like crueltygaming(example only) could be in charge of the "Skyways"(example) development. This team would most likely be temporary during development and would include that staff member, as well as community members who may volunteer to work on that project.
Example of a Permanent Team/committee
Towny: Led by some staff members, with community members who are continuously involved in decision making/feedback or development.
Ultimately, this would allow some meepers who aren't staff to contribute to a specific area of meepcraft where they may have perms, or an ability to just contribute in general. We could have a committee per area of meep.
Not sure what staff do on this server, but it would probably be good to have a timeline for each project.
We have a lot of staff, so maybe we could work on like specialised categories? Again I have no idea how staff runs internally here, so this may be somewhat used? For example, instead of:
[Helper], [Mod], [Supermod] etc. we could rework it like this...
For less involved staff who answer modreq's and help people, [Helper]
[Helper]: Normal Helper, same as now. Deals with modreqs.
[SuperHelper]: Helper but with a nicer title lol. Doesn't deal with disputes, but just helps out.
For staff that work on discipline:
[Moderator]: Deals with /reports. Kick/Ban
[SuperMod]: Makes major decisions, whatever they do now.
OR... we could just change the [x] to represent an area a staff works on... i.e.
[TownsDev] Could encompass all staff working on towny? Archs+techs? idk
^may be an issue because staff obv don't just work on one thing.
Again, this may seem needlessly complicated but can kind of help organise people. If someone else can expand on this idea that'd be g.
Discord Account - Game Chat Link
A bit off topic, but we could develop a way to link general chat to discord to make it simpler for people to dm on meepcraft general by using discord. Would require verification to avoid spam.
Community Votes
Staff could come out with an idea for a gamemode, but need to choose between like working on a gamemode or refining another one. Community could have input and vote for which one they want in game or on discord, for example. Kind of like those mojang minecon things.
Replace Tutorial with a Quest World Instead
Replacing the tutorial with a world, with a quest objective where you can talk to NPC's and answer questions about the commands would prolly be cooler than just hopping through warps.
As always, these ideas are just... ideas. Take inspiration/criticise/roast me, at your will.Again credit to Reika for the original "council of players" concept. Decided to incorporate that idea, into Community Officers who would make up this council - as well as having a process for their election etc. They would in addition serve a purpose in moderation, have votes on issues, be a "middleman" for dispute resolution etc.