Note to the staff team: Acknowledgement of what you did wrong is the most forward and easiest way to start gaining back the trust of your player base. There's really no point in promising more and more content to players only to disappoint them in the end.
~ @Ace
This is literally what destroyed the community and what will keep it that way. The fact that it isn’t addressed is just plain sad.
“They” don’t want the trust back, they don’t want the community back, plain and simple. The lies reiterated in the replies to the open letter and my own posts just lend credence to this fact. The one person who actually spoke out about this topic publicly this got forced out. That person should be an admin and not a citizen. I suppose that’s the price you pay for actually sticking to your beliefs and standing up for what you believe in.
The options have been for months: either play in their sandbox and treat them as royalty or f*** off and die.
Enjoying the status, power, and nametag? You bet your ass. If this wasn’t true they would have walked instead of watching their “leader and accomplices” exile the community, silence internal dissent, and let playercount drop down to the 1-5 range.
It’s worth pointing out that half of them don’t even play the game...Not to mention the fact that the admins sit invis on discord to avoid doing the job they volunteered for.
(I call bullshit on any excuse to this, forum activity is quite revealing)
If you don’t want to interact with the community in an honest and public fashion and you don’t enjoy playing the game, why the f*** are you staff?
I have been waiting for the “leader” to acknowledge the damage he and his team have done, fact is, he believes he is right and that’s that. He feels it is more prudent to change the color of text on the forums.
85 days Clue.